In accordance with notably Art 1.6, 1.7 and I.12 of the grant agreement, and the Annex III.
Inception phase:
Please double check the dates of the reporting period with your project officer.
- The Inception report has two parts (to be provided as separate documents)
- The part I is the update of the Annex I (called Annex I-bis) to be sent electronically. This is the Annex I modified with track change. Upon approval by the PO, the agency sends two hard copies of the final version for formal approval.
- The part II is the technical description of the first 6 months of activities. The report is sent in two paper copies.
- Update of the publishable summary slides and project factsheet providing a short presentation of the energymanagement agency and its main activities;
- Unless asked by the Project Officer, no deliverables to be sent at this stage.
Interim phase (covering Month 1 to 17):
Please double check the dates of the reporting period with your project officer.
- Two hard copies originally signed of the financial statements
- Two hard copies of the technical interim report
- 2 CD-ROMs of all the reports deliverables in electronic version
- 1 hard copy of the relevant/main deliverables so far (PO may ask for more)
- Update of the publishable summary slides and project factsheet providing a short presentation of the energymanagement agency and its main activities;
- 1 (one) case study prepared by the energy management agency
Progress report phase (Covering Month 18 to 27)
Please double check the dates of the reporting period with your project officer.
- Two hard copies of the technical progress report and one electronic version sent by email
- Unless asked by the PO, no deliverables to be sent at this stage.
- Update of the publishable summary slides and project factsheet providing a short presentation of the energymanagement agency and its main activities;
- Evidence of commitments from the establishing authority(ies) and other supporting stakeholders
Final report phase (Covering Month 1 to 36)
Please double check the dates of the reporting period with your project officer.
- Two hard copies signed of the financial statements
- Two hard copies of the technical final report
- 2 CD-ROMs of all the reports and deliverables in electronic version
- 1 hard copy of the relevant/main deliverables for the whole period (PO may ask for more)
- Evidence of commitments from the establishing authority(ies) and other supporting stakeholders
- Update of the publishable summary slides and project factsheet providing a short presentation of the energymanagement agency and its main activities;
- Publishable extended summary of the action
- at least 2 (two) casestudies prepared by the energy management agency, other than those submitted with the interim technicalimplementation report.