In 2014 It’s Still All About Relationship

2014 CASRA Workshop Presenter Application

The Review Process

The goal of the Conference Committee is to develop a balanced program with a wide range of presentations on topics that will enrich the attendee’s application of psychosocial rehabilitation (PSR) principles. The Committee may request a modification in the content of the presentation to address the particular needs of conference participants.

Key criteria are:

  • Relevance to psychosocial rehabilitation and recovery-oriented practice
  • Organization, clarity, originality and creativity
  • Completeness of application
  • 2-3 clearly stated learning objectives


The information submitted below will be used as contact information regarding your application statusand will be used as the presenters’ information listed in the conference program if you are selected as a presenter. Correspondence will be sent to the primary contact, Please complete accurately.CASRA reserves the right to make changes to your title and/or description based on space availability in the conference program and marketing needs.


First Name: / Last Name:
Job Title:
Agency Address/Street:
City: / State: / Zip:
E-mail: / Day Phone:
Cell Phone: / Are you a CPRP? Yes ____ No ____


First Name: / Last Name:
Job Title:
Agency Address/Street:
City: / State: / Zip:
E-mail: / Day Phone:
Cell phone: / Are you a CPRP? Yes ____ No ____

Submit this same information for all additional presenters

1. Title of Presentation (no more than 12 words). The title should be short, simple and relevant to the content.

2. Abstract (No more than 40 words). The description should be brief and concise, provide an overview of the topic and engage attendee’s interest.

3. 2-3 clearly stated learning objectives that define the expected outcomes for the session’s participants. Consider what you are attempting to convey to participants in your session. These learner-oriented outcomes should be expressed in measurable terms, identifying observable actions. For example: participants will be able to cite 2 studies about recovery from mental illness.

4. Outline and/or presentation summary including type of format (lecture, interactive, experiential) and description of how the presentation relates to the principles and practice of psychosocial rehabilitation.

5. Submit 3-5 objective post- test questions (true/false or multiple choice) relating to the content of your workshop.

6. Provide a paragraph about your professional experience including experience presenting.

7. Submit a resume as a separate document. Submit one resume for each presenter.

Include experience in the area you are presenting (Maximum length: 2 pages per presenter).

8. I’ve completed all required items and have read the information on the Call For Presentions web page. If this workshop proposal is selected, I agree to become a registered conference attendee.

I understand that checking “yes” constitutes my electronic signature. __ Yes

Deadline for submission is July 31, 2014

E-mail completed proposals with attachments to:

or fax to:

(925) 229-9088