Chief Officer

Susan Manion

Self Directed Support Strategy 2018 – 2021

Consultation Questions

  1. The Social Care (Self Directed Support) (Scotland) Act 2013 was enacted on 1st April 2014. During that time East Dunbartonshire HSCP’s Self Directed Support Strategies (2012 – 2015; 2013 – 2016; 2014 – 2017) have focused on implementation activities of embedding self directed support options for our customers and carers.

In 2016, the Scottish Government delivered their Self Directed Support Implementation Plan (2016 – 2018) which focused on consolidating the national learning from innovative practice, application of the Self Direct Support guidance and progress towards embedding Self-directed Support as Scotland’s mainstream approach to social care. In order to ensure consistency and continuity, our local Self Directed Support Strategy (2018 – 2021) has followed the same format as the National Implementation Plan.

Do you agree that the local Strategy should mirror the National Implementation Plan in order to measure local activities and success against national achievements?


  1. East Dunbartonshire HSCP’s Self Directed Support Strategy focuses on the same four outcomes identified in the National Implementation Strategy but with a local focus. The outcomes are:

Outcome 1 – Supported people have more choice and control / Citizens are engaged, informed, included and empowered to make choices about their support. They are treated with dignity and respect and their contribution is valued.
Outcome 2 – Workers are confident and valued / Workers are confident and valued; people who work in health and social care have increased skills, knowledge and confidence to deliver Self Directed Support and understand its implications for their practice, culture and ways of working.
Outcome 3 – Commissioning is more flexible and responsive / Social care services and support are planned, commissioned and procured in a way that involves people and offers them real choice and flexibility in how they meet their personal outcomes.
Outcome 4 – Systems are more widely understood, flexible and less complex / Local authorities, health and social care partnerships and social care providers have proportionate, person-centred systems and participatory processes that help people who receive care and support live their lives and achieve the outcomes that matter to them.
  1. Do you agree that the four national outcomes are the rights ones to use in the local Strategy?


  1. Do you feel that the number of outcomes included in the Strategy is:

A:The correct amount of outcomes on which to focus our activities.

B:Too many outcomes that could result in a loss of focus.

C:There are important outcomes that have been missed.


  1. If you have answered ‘C’ please detail outcomes that are missing.
  1. Do you feel that the number of activities included in the Strategy’s Action Plan is:

A:The correct amount of activities on which to focus our progress.

B:Too many activities that could result in a loss of focus.

C:There are important activities that have been missed.


  1. If you have answered ‘C’ please detail activities that are missing.
  1. Do you have any further comments you wish to make concerning East Dunbartonshire’s HSCP’s Self Directed Support Strategy (2018 – 2021)?

Please return your completed questionnaire to: Kelly Gainty, Adults and Community Care Support Worker, Kirkintilloch Health and Care Centre, 10 Saramago Street, Kirkintilloch, G66 1BJ. Alternatively you can email a scanned copy to

Please return by: Friday 15th December 2017.