Refereed publications year 2005
Allred, B.J., Fausey, N.R., Daniels, J.J., Chen, C., Peters, L., Youn, H. 2005. Important considerations for locating buried agricultural drainage pipe using ground penetrating radar. Applied Engineering in Agriculture. 21(1):71-87.
Allred, B.J., Redman, D., Mccoy, E.L. 2005. Golf course applications of nearsurface geophysical methods. Journal of Environmental & Engineering Geophysics. 10(1):1-19.
Bakhsh, A. and R.S. Kanwar. 2005. Mapping Clusters of NO3-N Leaching Losses with Subsurface Drainage Water. Journal of American Water Resources Association 41(2):333-341.
Bakhsh, A., R.S. Kanwar, and D. Karlen. 2005. Effects of liquid swine manure applications on NO3-N -N leaching losses to subsurface drainage water. Agriculture, Ecosystems and Environment 109(1-2):118-128.
Burchell, M.R. II, R.W. Skaggs, G.M. Chescheir, J.W. Gilliam and L.A. Arnold. 2005. Shallow subsurface drains to reduce nitrate losses from drained agricultural lands. Trans. ASAE 48(3):1079-1089.
Daniels, J.J., Allred, B.J., Binley, A., Labrecque, D., Alumbaugh, D. 2005. Hydrogeophysical case studies in the vadose zone. In: Rubin, Y., Hubbard, S., editors. Hydrogeophysics. New York, NY: Springer. p. 413-440.
Du, B., J.G. Arnold, A. Saleh, and D.B. Jaynes. 2005. Development and application of SWAT to landscapes with tiles and potholes. Trans ASAE 48:1121-1133.
Fernandez, G.P., G.M. Chescheir, R.W. Skaggs and D.M. Amatya. 2005. Development and testing of watershed scale models for poorly drained soils. Trans. ASAE 48(2):639-652.
Holland, J.F., Martin, J.F., Granata, T., Bouchard, V., Quigley, M., Brown, L. 2005. Analysis and modeling of suspended solids from high-frequency monitoring of a stormwater treatment wetland. Ecological Engineering 24 (3): 157-174.
Huynh, L., Vantoai, T.T., Streeter, J., Banowetz, G.M. 2005. Regulation of flooding tolerance of sag12:ipt arabidopsis plants by cytokinin. Journal of Experimental Botany. Vol. 56, No. 415, pp. 1297-1407.
Kanwar, R.S., R. Cruse, M. Ghaffarzadeh, A. Bakhsh, D. Karlen, and T. Bailey. 2005. Corn-soybean and alternate farming systems effects on water quality. Applied Engineering in Agriculture 21(2):181-188.
King, K.W., Harmel, R.D. 2004. Comparison of time-based sampling strategies to determine nitrogen loading in plot scale runoff. Transactions of the ASAE. 47(5). P. 1457-1463.
Kladivko, E.J., G.L Willoughby, and J.B. Santini. 2005. Corn growth and yield response to subsurface drain spacing on Clermont silt loam soil. Agron. J. 97:1419-1428.
Kung, K.-J.S., M. Hanke, C.S. Helling, E.J. Kladivko, T.J. Gish, T.S. Steenhuis, and D.B. Jaynes. 2005. Quantifying pore-size spectrum of macropore-type preferential pathways. Soil Sci. Soc. Am. J. 69:1196-1208.
Malone, R.W., Weatherington-Ric, J., Shipitalo, M.J., Fausey, N.R., Ma, L., Ahuja, L.R., Wauchope, R.D., Ma, Q. 2004. Herbicide leaching as affected by macropore flow and within-storm rainfall intensity variation: a RZWQM simulation. Pest Management Science. 60:277-285.
Skaggs, R.W., G.M. Chescheir and B.D. Phillips. 2005. Methods to determine lateral effect of a drainage ditch on wetland hydrology. Trans. ASAE, 48(2):577-584.
Strock, J.S., D. Bruening, J.D. Apland, D.J. Mulla. 2005. Farm management practices in two geographically diverse watersheds in the Cottonwood River Watershed of Minnesota. Water, Air, and Soil Pollution. 165:211-231
Strock, J.S., G.R. Sands, D. Deutsch, and C. C. Surprenant. 2005. Design and testing of a paired drainage channel research facility. Appl. Eng. Agric. 21:63-69.
Strock, J.S., M.A. Schmitt. 2005. Manure nitrogen management for corn on loess soil in a sensitive groundwater area. [Online]. Crop Management.
Thoma, D.P., S.C. Gupta, J.S. Strock, and J.F. Moncrief. 2005. Tillage and nutrient source impacts on water quality from a flat landscape. J. Environ. Qual. 34:1102-1111.
Torbert III, H.A., King, K.W., Harmel, R.D. 2005. Impact of soil amendments on reducing p losses from runoff in sod. Journal of Environmental Quality. 34:1415-1421.
Youssef, M.A., R.W. Skaggs, G.M. Chescheir, and J.W. Gilliam. 2005. The nitrogen simulation mode, DRAINMOD-NII. Trans ASAE, 48(2): 611-626.
Zhu, H., Krause, C.R., Derksen, R.C., Brazee, R.D., Zondag, R., Fausey, N.R. 2004. Real-time measurement of drainage from pot-in-pot container nurseries. Transactions of the ASAE. 47(6): 1973-1979.
Zhu, H., Krause, C.R., Zondag, R.H., Brazee, R.D., Derksen, R.C., Reding, M.E., Fausey, N.R. 2005. A new system to monitor water and nutrient use efficiency in pot-in-pot nursery production system. Journal of Environmental Horticulture. 23(1):47-53.
Extension or non-refereed technical publications in 2005
Baker, B., B. Allred, N. Fausey, B. Clevenger, G. Prill, G. LaBarge and L. Brown. 2005. WRSIS: An Innovative Approach to Agricultural Water Treatment and Recycling. Presented at the American Ecological Engineering Society Annual Meeting, Columbus, OH, May 18-20.
Brouder, S., B. Hofmann, E. Kladivko, R. Turco, A. Bongen, and J. Frankenberger. 2005. Interpreting nitrate concentration in tile drainage water. Purdue Extension Publ. AY-318-
Frankenberger, J., E. Kladivko, B. Gutwein, R. Adeuya, L. Bowling, B. Carter, S. Brouder, J. Lowenberg-DeBoer, and J. Brown, 2005. On-farm monitoring to assess the impacts of drainage water management. ASAE Paper No. 052027. St. Joseph, Mich.: ASAE.
Du, .B., Saleh, A., Jaynes, D.B., Arnold, J.G. 2005. Evaluation of SWAT in simulating atrazine losses in stream discharge for Walnut Creek watershed (Iowa) [CD-ROM]. Watershed Management Conference Proceedings. Atlanta, Georgia.
Helmers, M. J., P. A. Lawlor, J. L. Baker, S. W. Melvin, and D. W. Lemke. 2005. Temporal subsurface flow patterns from fifteen years in north-central Iowa. ASAE Meeting Paper No. 05-2234. St. Joseph, MI: ASAE.
Hoorman, J.J. J. N. Rausch, T.M. Harrigan, W.G. Bickert, M.J. Shipitalo,
M.J. Monnin, S. R. Reemer, F.E. Gibbs, M.I. Gangwar and L. C. Brown. 2005. Liquid Animal Manure Application on Drained Cropland: Preferential Flow Issues and Concerns. Paper presented at Symposium on the State of the Science of Animal Manure and Waste Management, January 5-7, 2005, San Antonio, TX.
Hoorman, J.J. L.C. Brown, J.N. Rausch, T.M. Harrigan, W.G. Bickert, M.J. Shipitalo, M.J. Monnin, S. R. Reamer, F.E. Gibbs and M.I. Gangwar. 2005. Summary of Education and Research Priorities for Liquid Animal Manure Application to Drained Cropland: Preferential Flow Issues and Concerns. ASAE Paper No. 05-2062. St. Joseph, Mich.: ASAE.
Jaynes, D.B., Dinnes, D.L., Hatfield, J.L., Saleh, A., Arnold, J.G. 2004. The Effects of N-Fertilizer Practices on the Water Quality of Walnut Creek, Iowa [CD-ROM]. ASA-CSSA-SSSA Annual Meeting Abstracts. Madison, Wisconsin.
Keener, H.M., T.F. Wilkinson, F.C. Michel and L.C. Brown. 2005. Evaluation of Leaching from Composting Windrows Using a Rainfall Simulator. 2005 Animal Waste Management Symposium. 10/5-7. Research Triangle Park, North Carolina.
Lawlor, P. A., M. J. Helmers, J. L. Baker, S. W. Melvin, and D. W. Lemke. 2005. Nitrogen application rate effects on corn yield and nitrate-nitrogen concentration and loss in subsurface drainage. ASAE Meeting Paper No. 05-2025. St. Joseph, MI: ASAE.
Miller, N.C. 2005. Grade control capability of cantilever dainage plows under experimental conditions. OhioStateUniversity Thesis.
Miller, N.C., M.R. Ehsani, L.C. Brown and N.R. Fausey. 2005. Cantilever Drainage Plows Under Experimental Conditions. ASAE Paper No. 05-2229. St. Joseph, Mich.: ASAE.
Nelson, K., R. Smoot, and M. Jones. 2005. MU Drainage and Subirrigation (MUDS) Research Update.
Rausch, J.N., J.J. Hoorman, T.M. Harrigan, W.G. Bickert, M.J. Shipitalo, M.J. Monnin, S. R. Reamer, F.E. Gibbs, M.I. Gangwar, H. Keener and L.C. Brown. 2005. Overview of Guidelines for Liquid Manure Application on Drained Cropland in the Midwest. ASAE Paper No. 05-2061. St. Joseph, Mich.: ASAE.
Singh, A K, L Blankers, J K Oswald, T P Trooien, and H D Werner. 2005. Accuracy, precision, and sensitivity of ultrasonic sensors to measure the water level in piezometers. ASAE Paper SD05-400. ASAE: St Joseph, MI.