Mr. Baker





Readings in America’s History, 6 ed.

Chapter 27: The Age of Affluence, 1945-1960

Chapter 28: The Liberal Consensus, 1960-1968

Chapter 29: Towards a More Conservative America, 1968-1980


Mr. Baker


Unit Assessments

1.  Document Based Questions (DBQs)

2.  Blogs and Comments

3.  Weekly Reading Quizzes

4.  Unit FRQ Test

5.  Unit MC Test

In this unit, you will practice researching and pre-writing about the topics by using blogs. You may already have a blog. If so, please create a new page for posts related to Unit 8 of APUSH. If you do not, please go to and create a new account. Also visit my AP blog at There I will provide guidelines for using blogs to prepare for class and a sample of how a blog could be written using primary and secondary sources.

Syllabus with Focus Questions

UNIT QUESTION: TWE is the United States in this time period is meeting the promise that “…all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness.”

Mr. Baker


April 11 Wednesday

Mock Exam Revision

Introduce Unit 8

April 13 Friday

U7 MC and FRQ Test

April 15 Monday

Day 1 Blogs due

April 17 Tuesday

U7 MC and FRQ Test Revisions

Day 1 April 18 Wednesday

Ø  The 1970s hit TV show, Happy Days, portrayed the 1950s as an idyllic age of political stability, economic prosperity, and social conformity. Was this true?

The Economic Powerhouse

The Affluent Society

Day 1 Comments due

Day 2 Blogs due

Day 2 April 20 Friday

Ø  Did the Civil Rights movement’s gains (1955-1975) come more from the bottom upward (groups like Southern Christian Leadership Conference, SNCC, Nation of Islam, NOW) or from the top downward (Supreme Court, Congress, President)?

The Other America

Day 2 Comments due

Day 3 Blogs due

Day 3 April 24 Tuesday

Into the Quagmire: the Vietnam War (1954-1973)

Ø  From 1955 to 1973, four different US Presidents (Eisenhower, Kennedy, Johnson, and Nixon) chose to continue fighting the Vietnam War (in Vietnam, Cambodia, and Laos). Did the US win the Vietnam War?

How did the Vietnam War fit into the foreign policy plans/goals of each President?

Day 3 Comments due

Day 4 Blogs due

Day 4 April 25 Wednesday

Ø  Novelist Ralph Ellison called Lyndon Johnson (LBJ) "The greatest American president ever for the poor and the Negroes". This was how Johnson wanted to be remembered with regards to Civil Rights and his Great Society program. Was Johnson as successful as Ellison claimed?

John F. Kennedy and the Politics of Expectation (1961-1963)

Lyndon B. Johnson and the Great Society (1963-1969)

Day 4 Comments due

Day 5 Blogs due

Day 5 April 27 Friday

Ø  What was “women’s liberation” or “feminism” of the 1960s and 1970s”?

Day 5 Comments due

Day 6 Blogs due

Day 6 May 1 Tuesday

Ø  Why did protest movements like Anti-Vietnam War, women’s rights, and the Civil Rights Movement become more militant or radicalized by 1968?

Coming Apart

1968: The Year of Shocks

Day 6 Comments due

Day 7 Blogs due

Day 8 May 2 Wednesday

Ø  What was Watergate?

Ø  Why was Nixon forced to resign (Watergate) while Jackson was celebrated (Indian Removal)?

The Nixon Years (1969-1974)

Battling for Civil Rights: The Second Stage

Day 8 Comments due

Day 9 May 3 Thursday (Friday schedule)

Unit 8 MC and FRQ Test

Day 10 May 8 Tuesday


Day 11 May 9 Wednesday


Friday May 11

8:00 A.M. APUSH Exam

Please arrive by 7:45.