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4500 Steilacoom Blvd SW, Lakewood, WA 98499 253.589.5800 EDUCATION PLAN

---Pending Final Approval---CPTC Catalog Year 2017-2018

Culinary ArtsBasic Cooking Skills

Admissions Date: Fall, Winter, Spring, and Summer quarters.
Contact email:

Required General Education Courses

/ Credits / Quarter
ENGL& 101 English Composition,or CMST& 220 Public Speaking (pre-req ENG 094 or equivalent) / 5
PSYC& 100DIV, or SOC& 101DIV, or PSY 112DIV(pre-req ENG 094 or equivalent) / 5
MAT 105 Math for Ind. Prof., or MAT 103 Bus. Math, or higher(pre-req MAT 093 or MAT 094 or equivalent) / 5
COLL 102 College Success for All / 3
Required General Education Courses Total Credits / 18
*Indicates a course appropriate for a first-quarter student

Technical Program Courses

/ Credits / Quarter Taken
CUL 104 Sanitation in Food Service Operations* / 3
CUL 107 Professional Cooking I* / 7
CUL 109 Cooking Methods I* / 7
CUL 111 Food Preparation I* / 3
CUL 113 Introduction to Baking
4 / 3
CUL 117 Professional Cooking II
3 / 7
CUL 119 Food Preparation II
3 / 3
CUL 123 Cooking Methods II / 7
CUL 127 Professional Cooking III / 7
CUL 132 American Regional Cuisine / 3
CUL 135 Food Preparation III / 3
CUL 139 Cooking Methods III / 7
Culinary Arts Technical Program Courses Credits / 60
Total Credits for Completion / 75
Identify additional preparatory math or English courses you may need to take: If placement scores are below English 91 and/or Math 92, contact the Adult Basic Education (ABE) for classes, Building 10 (253) 589-5702
Developmental Math
MAT 092 Pre-Algebra / 5
 MAT 094 Introduction to Algebra(must complete prior to MAT 105, MAT 103, MAT 108) / 5
 MAT 99 Intermediate Algebra(must complete prior to MAT 110, MATH& 141, MATH& 146) / 5
Developmental English
ENG 091 Basic Reading & Writing / 5
ENG 094 Advanced Reading & Writing / 5
Quarterly Self Planning Grid
Quarter 1 / Quarter 2 / Quarter 3 / Quarter 4
Class: / Class: / Class: / Class:
Class: / Class: / Class: / Class:
Class: / Class: / Class: / Class:
Class: / Class: / Class: / Class:

*Please check in periodically with Advising and Counseling regarding any potential changes to program course requirements

CloverParkTechnicalCollege does not discriminate on the basis of race, color, national origin, sex, disability, sexual orientation, age or Veteran’s status in its program and activities.

CPTC Catalog Year 2017-2018 Revised 6/14/17 TM