Date of Auction:8.3.2012

Time:10:30 a.m.

Date of Collection:By not later than 4:00 p.m. on30.3.2012
by successful bidderor otherwise specified.

Remark :In case a black rainstormwarning or typhoon signal No. 8 or above is still valid between 8:00 a.m. and 10:30 a.m., the Auction will be deferred to 10:30 a.m. on the following working day.

Notes for Bidders / :

Terms & Conditions of the Auction Sale :

Bidders should comply with the Terms & Conditions of the Auction Sale as stipulated in the Notice of Auction.

Inspection & Viewing of Goods :

Interested bidders are requested to approach the departments concerned for inspection arrangements in the first place. The names of contacting officers and/or the telephone numbers are provided against the lot numbers.

Collection & Removal of Goods :

The successful bidders should at their sole cost, provide transportation, labour and necessary equipment required for the collection and removal of the goods (including vehicles, vessels and sampans, etc) from the specified locations against individual lots at the status as they were when the bidders carried out the inspection of goods.

For Purchase of Electrical Products :

The electrical products are sold as is for scrap purposes only and without any warranties as to their fitness for purpose. Successful bidders are reminded that they are required to comply with the terms of the Electrical Products (Safety) Regulations if they attempt to recondition, re-use and/or sell any of these goods in the local market in Hong Kong.

Enquiry :

In case of further enquiry, the bidders may contact Government Logistics Department
on telephone no. 28969878 , by fax (no. 25159447) or e-mail ().

Help Desk Service

The auctions are normally conducted in Cantonese. Upon request, the auctioneer can supplement in English and/or Putonghua when conducting the auction for individual items. If a bidder has such a requirement, he should approach the help desk in the waiting area before the auction by indicating the lot numbers that he is interested to bid and whether he wishes the auctioneer to supplement in English or Putonghua. Arrangements would be made as far as possible for the auctioneer to supplement in the preferred language when conducting the auction for the specified lots. During the auction, if a bidder requires any other assistance, he should raise his hand (but not the bidding paddle) or approach the staff at the auction venue for assistance immediately.





- 1 -

Lot No. / Item No. / Description / Quantity
批號 / 項目 / 物品詳情 / 數量
(GLD File Ref. : GR/4/241/2012)
Department / : / Housing (Ref. : (72) in HD(FIB)/S/DISP/05 Pt.63)
Location / : / HM/S&M2 - Lek Yuen Estate – (Flat 417, Luk Chuen House, Lek Yuen Estate)
Ref. / : / (25) in HD(H)LY 2/8/9 V d.d 18.11.2011
Contact Person / : / Ms. TSE or Mr. YEUNG Ka-cheung at 2691 7128
部門 / : / 房屋署
地點 / : / 瀝源邨辦事處 – 貨物存放於瀝源邨
聯絡人 / : / 謝小姐或楊先生 / 電話: / 2691 7128
(May not function properly – 功能或許有損)
UP-301 / Washing Machine / 洗衣機 / 1 / No. / (部)
Induction Cooker / 電磁爐 / 1 / No. / (部)
Computer CPU / 電腦主機 / 1 / No. / (部)
VCD Player / VCD機 / 1 / No. / (部)
Table Electric Fan / 座枱電風扇 / 1 / No. / (把)
Special Conditions :
Prior to collection, the successful bidder is required to contact the representative of Housing Department for arrangement.
特別條款 :
取貨前, 承購人必須先聯絡有關房屋署代表安排提貨事宜。
(GLD File Ref. : GR/4/241/2012)
Department / : / Housing (Ref. : (73) in HD(FIB)/S/DISP/05 Pt.63)
Location / : / HM/S&M3 – (Sha Kok Estate)
Ref. / : / HD3-4/SK9-11 d.d 13.1.2012
Contact Person / : / Ms. Doris KO or Mr. YAU at 2647 1311
部門 / : / 房屋署
地點 / : / 沙角邨辦事處 – 貨物存放於沙角邨
聯絡人 / : / 高小姐或邱先生 / 電話: / 2647 1311
(Unserviceable – 不可使用)
UP-302 / Bicycle / 單車 / 70 / Nos. / (輛)
Fan / 風扇 / 70 / Nos. / (把)
Special Conditions :
Prior to collection, the successful bidder is required to contact the representative of Housing Department for arrangement.
特別條款 :
取貨前, 承購人必須先聯絡有關房屋署代表安排提貨事宜。
(GLD File Ref. : GR/4/241/2012)
Department / : / Housing (Ref. : (67) in HD(FIB)/S/DISP/05 Pt.63)
Location / : / HM/KC7 – (Flat 709, Yam Hing House, Shek Yam East Estate)
Ref. / : / E/SYE/YI/1709 d.d 16.1.2012
Contact Person / : / Ms. HO or Ms. LAM at 2424 2942
部門 / : / 房屋署
地點 / : / 石蔭東邨辦事處 – 貨物存放於石蔭東邨
聯絡人 / : / 何小姐或林小姐 / 電話: / 2424 2942
(May not function properly – 功能或許有損)
UP-303 / Exhaust Fan / 抽氣扇 / 1 / No. / (把)
Rice Cooker / 電飯煲 / 1 / No. / (個)
Range Hood / 抽油煙機 / 1 / No. / (部)
Cooker / 煮食爐 / 1 / No. / (部)
Stove / 煮食爐 / 1 / No. / (個)
(Unserviceable – 不可使用)
Pottery / 陶瓷 / 2 / Nos. / (個)
Vase / 花瓶 / 2 / Nos. / (個)
Special Conditions :
Prior to collection, the successful bidder is required to contact the representative of Housing Department for arrangement.
特別條款 :
取貨前, 承購人必須先聯絡有關房屋署代表安排提貨事宜。
(GLD File Ref. : GR/4/241/2012)
Department / : / Housing (Ref. : (65) in HD(FIB)/S/DISP/05 Pt.63)
Location / : / HM/KW3 – (Flat 444, Hoi Tai House, Hoi Fu Court)
Ref. / : / E/HF/HT/444 d.d 17.1.2012
Contact Person / : / Mr. YIP Yui-ming or Mrs. WONG TSE Yuen-man at 2625 4370
部門 / : / 房屋署
地點 / : / 海富苑辦事處 – 貨物存放於海富苑
聯絡人 / : / 葉先生或黃太 / 電話: / 2625 4370
(May not function properly – 功能或許有損)
UP-304 / Hair Dryer / 風筒 / 1 / No. / (個)
Pocket Watch (No Brand) / 懷錶 / 1 / No. / (隻)
Small Radio / 小型收音機 / 1 / No. / (部)
Rice Cooker / 電飯煲 / 2 / Nos. / (個)
Electric Water Kettle / 電熱水壺 / 2 / Nos. / (個)
Fan / 電風扇 / 1 / No. / (把)
Special Conditions :
Prior to collection, the successful bidder is required to contact the representative of Housing Department for arrangement.
特別條款 :
取貨前, 承購人必須先聯絡有關房屋署代表安排提貨事宜。
(GLD File Ref. : GR/4/241/2012)
Department / : / Housing (Ref. : (74) in HD(FIB)/S/DISP/05 Pt.63)
Location / : / HM/T(NTT) (Kin Ming Estate) – (Flat 2210, Kin Wa House, Kin Ming Estate)
Ref. / : / E/KNM/KW/2210 d.d 1.2.2012
Contact Person / : / Ms. WONG at 2706 8201 or
Mr. Jason CHENG at 3427 3000
部門 / : / 房屋署
地點 / : / 北區、大埔及將軍澳區租約事務管理處(健明分處) –
聯絡人 / : / 黃小姐或鄭先生 / 電話: / 2706 8201 / 3427 3000
(May not function properly – 功能或許有損)
UP-305 / Television Set / 電視機 / 1 / No. / (部)
Video Recorder / 錄影機 / 1 / No. / (部)
DVD Player / DVD機 / 1 / No. / (部)
Electric Fan / 電風扇 / 1 / No. / (把)
Window-Type Air-Conditioner (Dismantled) / 窗口式冷氣機
(已拆下) / 1 / No. / (部)
Refrigerator / 雪櫃 / 1 / No. / (部)
Gas Cooking Stove / 氣體煮食爐 / 1 / No. / (部)
Gas Water Heater / 氣體熱水爐 / 1 / No. / (部)
Electric Kettle / 電水壺 / 1 / No. / (個)
Special Conditions :
Prior to collection, the successful bidder is required to contact the representative of Housing Department for arrangement.
特別條款 :
取貨前, 承購人必須先聯絡有關房屋署代表安排提貨事宜。
(GLD File Ref. : GR/4/241/2012)
Department / : / Housing (Ref. : (75) in HD(FIB)/S/DISP/05 Pt.63)
Location / : / HM/T(NTT) (Kin Ming Estate) – (Flat 2531, Kin Wa House, Kin Ming Estate)
Ref. / : / E/KNM/KW/2531 d.d 1.2.2012
Contact Person / : / Ms. WONG at 2706 8201 or
Mr. Jason CHENG at 3427 3000
部門 / : / 房屋署
地點 / : / 北區、大埔及將軍澳區租約事務管理處(健明分處) –
聯絡人 / : / 黃小姐或鄭先生 / 電話: / 2706 8201 / 3427 3000
(May not function properly – 功能或許有損)
UP-306 / Gas Water Heater / 氣體熱水爐 / 1 / No. / (部)
Washing Machine / 洗衣機 / 1 / No. / (部)
Refrigerator / 雪櫃 / 1 / No. / (部)
Gas Cooking Stove (Double-headed) / 氣體煮食爐
(雙頭) / 1 / No. / (部)
Window-Type Air-Conditioner (Dismantled) / 窗口式冷氣機
(已拆下) / 1 / No. / (部)
DVD Player / DVD機 / 1 / No. / (部)
Special Conditions :
Prior to collection, the successful bidder is required to contact the representative of Housing Department for arrangement.
特別條款 :
取貨前, 承購人必須先聯絡有關房屋署代表安排提貨事宜。
(GLD File Ref. : GR/4/241/2012)
Department / : / Housing (Ref. : (76) in HD(FIB)/S/DISP/05 Pt.63)
Location / : / HM/KW6(Chak On) - (Flat 1349, Wah Chak House, Chak On Estate)
Ref. / : / E/CO/WAC/1349 d.d 3.2.2012
Contact Person / : / Mr. LAU or Mr. POK at 2778 2628
部門 / : / 房屋署
地點 / : / 澤安邨辦事處– 貨物存放於澤安邨
聯絡人 / : / 劉先生或濮先生 / 電話: / 2778 2628
(Unserviceable – 不可使用)
UP-307 / Refrigerator / 雪櫃 / 1 / No. / (部)
DVD Player / DVD機 / 1 / No. / (部)
LCD Television / LCD電視機 / 1 / No. / (部)
Special Conditions :
Prior to collection, the successful bidder is required to contact the representative of Housing Department for arrangement.
特別條款 :
取貨前, 承購人必須先聯絡有關房屋署代表安排提貨事宜。
(GLD File Ref. : GR/4/241/2012)
Department / : / Housing (Ref. : (77) in HD(FIB)/S/DISP/05 Pt.63)
Location / : / HM/YLG2 - (Flat 3710, Tsz Fai House, Tin Tsz Estate)
Ref. / E/TTZ/TF/3710 d.d 3.2.2012
Contact Person / : / Ms. NGAN at 3152 2672 or Mr. POON at 2476 8449
部門 / : / 房屋署
地點 / : / 元朗區租約事務管理處(二) – 貨物存放於天慈邨
聯絡人 / : / 顏小姐或潘先生 / 電話: / 3152 2672 / 2476 8449
(May not function properly – 功能或許有損)
UP-308 / Rice Cooker / 電飯煲 / 1 / No. / (個)
Electric Fan / 電風扇 / 5 / Nos / (把)
Electric Water Pot / 電熱水瓶 / 1 / No. / (個)
Telephone / 電話 / 1 / No. / (部)
Electric Clock / 電子鐘 / 3 / Nos. / (個)
Table Lamp / 枱燈 / 2 / Nos. / (盞)
Refrigerator / 雪櫃 / 1 / No. / (部)
Camera / 相機 / 2 / Nos / (部)
Induction Stove / 電磁爐 / 1 / No. / (部)
Special Conditions :
Prior to collection, the successful bidder is required to contact the representative of Housing Department for arrangement.
特別條款 :
取貨前, 承購人必須先聯絡有關房屋署代表安排提貨事宜。
(GLD File Ref. : GR/4/241/2012)
Department / : / Housing (Ref. : (78) in HD(FIB)/S/DISP/05 Pt.63)
Location / : / HM/YLG1 - (Flat G05, Block 14, Long Bin Interim Housing)
Ref. / : / (46) in E/9LB/14/G05 d.d 6.2.2012
Contact Person / : / Ms. CHENG Lai-ching at 2442 2461 or Mr. OR Wai-tak at 2474 0488
部門 / : / 房屋署
地點 / : / 朗邊中轉房屋辦事處 – 貨物存放於朗邊中轉房屋
聯絡人 / : / 鄭小姐或柯先生 / 電話: / 2442 2461 / 2474 0488
(May not function properly – 功能或許有損)
UP-309 / Toaster / 多士爐 / 1 / No. / (個)
Portable Gas Stove / 手提煮食爐 / 1 / No. / (部)
Car Tyre ( Approx. 21.5” x 6”) / 汽車輪胎 / 1 / No. / (個)
Kettle / 水煲 / 2 / Nos / (個)
Bed / 床 / 1 / No. / (張)
Computer Table / 電腦枱 / 1 / No. / (張)
Pot / 壺 / 1 / No. / (個)
Glass Boiler (Corning) / 玻璃煲 / 1 / No. / (個)
Special Conditions :
Prior to collection, the successful bidder is required to contact the representative of Housing Department for arrangement.
特別條款 :
取貨前, 承購人必須先聯絡有關房屋署代表安排提貨事宜。
(GLD File Ref. : GR/4/241/2012)
Department / : / Housing (Ref. : (79) in HD(FIB)/S/DISP/05 Pt.63)
Location / : / HM/WTS5 – (Flat 217/A, Lung Chi House, Lower Wong Tai Sin (II) Estate)
Ref. / : / (56) in E/WTS2/LCH/217/A d.d 7.2.2012
Contact Person / : / Ms. WONG at 2326 8962 or
Ms. LAU Ka-wai at 2726 5675
部門 / : / 房屋署
地點 / : / 黃大仙區租約事務管理處 – 貨物存放於黃大仙下邨(二區)
聯絡人 / : / 黃小姐或劉小姐 / 電話: / 2326 8962 / 2726 5675
(May not function properly – 功能或許有損)
UP-310 / Refrigerator / 雪櫃 / 1 / No. / (部)
Television Set / 電視機 / 1 / No. / (部)
Refrigerator / 雪櫃 / 1 / No. / (部)
Television Set / 電視機 / 1 / No. / (部)
Rice Cooker / 電飯煲 / 1 / No. / (個)
Electric Fan / 電風扇 / 1 / No. / (把)
Electric Fan / 電風扇 / 1 / No. / (把)
Window-Type Air-Conditioner (Dismantled) / 窗口式冷氣機
(已拆下) / 1 / No. / (部)
Stone / 雜色石頭 / 12 / Nos. / (塊)
Special Conditions :
Prior to collection, the successful bidder is required to contact the representative of Housing Department for arrangement.
特別條款 :
取貨前, 承購人必須先聯絡有關房屋署代表安排提貨事宜。
(GLD File Ref. : GR/4/241/2012)
Department / : / Housing (Ref. : (80) in HD(FIB)/S/DISP/05 Pt.63)
Location / : / HM/WTS5 – (Flat 312, Kwai Tung House, Tung Tau (2) Estate)
Ref. / : / E/TT2/KT/312 d.d 7.2.2012
Contact Person / : / Mr. LI at 2326 8962 or
Mr. CHAN Ho-tak at 2716 7962
部門 / : / 房屋署
地點 / : / 黃大仙區租約事務管理處 – 貨物存放於東頭(二)邨
聯絡人 / : / 李先生或陳先生 / 電話: / 23268962 / 2716 7962
(May not function properly – 功能或許有損)
UP-311 / Electric Water Kettle / 電熱水瓶 / 1 / No. / (個)
Gas Stove (Single Head) / 單頭氣體煮食爐 / 1 / No. / (部)
Gas Water Heater / 氣體熱水爐 / 1 / No. / (部)
Special Conditions :
Prior to collection, the successful bidder must first go to Lower Wong Tai Sin (II) Estate and contact Mr. LI (Contact tel. no. 2326 8962) for processing of necessary documents.
取貨前, 承購人必須首先前往 黃大仙下邨(二)區 聯絡 李先生(電話:2326 8962) 辦理所需文件。
(GLD File Ref. : GR/4/241/2012)
Department / : / Housing (Ref. : (81) in HD(FIB)/S/DISP/05 Pt.63)
Location / : / HM/KC3 - (Room 1804, Fu Wah House, Tai Wo Hau Estate)
Ref. / : / (67) in E/TWH/FH/1804 d.d 9.2.2012
Contact Person / : / Mr. SUNG or Ms. LAI Yuk-sim at 2429 9446
部門 / : / 房屋署
地點 / : / 大窩口邨辦事處– 貨物存放於大窩口邨
聯絡人 / : / 宋先生或黎小姐 / 電話: / 2429 9446
(May not function properly – 功能或許有損)
UP-312 / Exhaust Hood / 抽油煙機 / 1 / No. / (部)
Washing Machine / 洗衣機 / 1 / No. / (部)
Television Set / 電視機 / 1 / No. / (部)
Microwave Oven / 微波爐 / 1 / No. / (個)
Window-Type Air-Conditioner (Dismantled) / 窗口式冷氣機
(已拆下) / 1 / No. / (部)
Special Conditions :
Prior to collection, the successful bidder is required to contact the representative of Housing Department for arrangement.
特別條款 :
取貨前, 承購人必須先聯絡有關房屋署代表安排提貨事宜。
(GLD File Ref. : GR/4/241/2012)
Department / : / Housing (Ref. : (82) in HD(FIB)/S/DISP/05 Pt.63)
Location / : / HM/YLG2 – (Flat 1004, Yan Ying House, Tin Yan Estate)
Ref. / : / E/TIA/YY/1004 d.d 9.2.2012
Contact Person / : / Miss LEE or Mr. CHEUNG Kin-fai
at 3152 2672
部門 / : / 房屋署
地點 / : / 天恩邨辦事處 – 貨物存放於天恩邨
聯絡人 / : / 李小姐或張先生 / 電話: / 3152 2672
(May not function properly – 功能或許有損)
UP-313 / Television Set / 電視機 / 1 / No. / (部)
Refrigerator / 雪櫃 / 1 / No. / (部)
Wheelchair / 輪椅 / 1 / No. / (輛)
Window-Type Air-Conditioner (Dismantled) / 窗口式冷氣機
(已拆下) / 1 / No. / (部)
Electric Water Heater / 電熱水爐 / 1 / No. / (部)
Special Conditions :
Prior to collection, the successful bidder is required to contact the representative of Housing Department for arrangement.
特別條款 :
取貨前, 承購人必須先聯絡有關房屋署代表安排提貨事宜。
(GLD File Ref. : GR/4/241/2012)
Department / : / Housing (Ref. : (83) in HD(FIB)/S/DISP/05 Pt.63)
Location / : / HM/S&M1 – (Storeroom No. F111, Yiu Wo House, Yiu On Estate)
Ref. / : / E/YO/YWO/SR/F111 d.d 7.2.2012
Contact Person / : / Ms. YEUNG at 2694 4408 or
Ms. YIP at 2640 3113
部門 / : / 房屋署
地點 / : / 沙田北區租約事務管理處(秦石分處) – 貨物存放於耀安邨
聯絡人 / : / 楊小姐或葉小姐 / 電話: / 2694 4408 / 2640 3113
(May not function properly – 功能或許有損)
UP-314 / Ear loop Mask (50 piece/Box)
(Unused New) / 口罩 / 54 / Nos. / (箱)
Handcart / 手推車 / 1 / No. / (輛)
Special Conditions :
Prior to collection, the successful bidder must first go to Chun Shek Estate and contact Miss Cally CHEUNG (Contact tel. no. 2694 4408) for processing of necessary documents.
取貨前, 承購人必須首先前往 秦石邨 聯絡 張小姐(電話:2694 4408) 辦理所需文件。
(GLD File Ref. : GR/4/241/2012)
Department / : / Housing (Ref. : (84) in HD(FIB)/S/DISP/05 Pt.63)
Location / : / HM/S&M1 – (Storeroom No. F101, Yiu Wo House, Yiu On Estate)
Ref. / : / E/YO/YWO/SR/F101 d.d 7.2.2012
Contact Person / : / Ms. YEUNG at 2694 4408 or
Ms. YIP at 2640 3113
部門 / : / 房屋署
地點 / : / 沙田北區租約事務管理處(秦石分處) – 貨物存放於耀安邨
聯絡人 / : / 楊小姐或葉小姐 / 電話: / 2694 4408 / 2640 3113
(May not function properly – 功能或許有損)
UP-315 / Tissue (Virjoy)
(12 Bundles x 36 Packs/Box)
(Expiry date: 03-05-2014)
xx / 紙手巾 / 27 / Boxes / (箱)
Tissue (Vinda)
(10 Bundles x 36 Packs/Box)
(Expiry date 02-03-2014) xx x / 紙手巾 / 1 / Box / (箱)
Tissue (Tempo)
(10 Bundles x 36 Packs/Box)
(Expiry date 23-04-2014) xx x / 紙手巾 / 25 / Boxes / (箱)
Cleansing Liquid for Clothes (Walex) (2500 ml/Bottle, 6 Bottles/Box)
(Expiry date 10-06-2014) xx x / 洗衣液 / 1 / Box / (箱)
Cleansing Floor Liquid (Swipe)
(2.2 liter/Bottle, 6 Bottles/Box)
(Expiry date 05-03-2014) xx x / 洗地板液 / 2 / Boxes / (箱)
Cleansing Floor Liquid (Kiwi)
(3 liter/Bottle, 6 Bottles/Box)
(Expiry date 04-11-2013) xx x / 洗地板液 / 2 / Boxes / (箱)
Multiple Purpose Detergent (Swipe) (1000 ml/Bottle, 10 Bottles/Box)
(Expiry date 09-05-2014) xx x / 多用途淸潔劑 / 3 / Boxes / (箱)
(Cont’d) / Washing Dishes Detergent (Swipe) (1000 ml/Bottle, 10 Bottles/Box)
(Expiry date 21-05-2014) xx x / 洗碗液 / 2 / Boxes / (箱)
Sanitizer (Walch)
(1800 ml/Bottle, 6 Bottles/Box)
(Expiry date 24-01-2015) xx x / 消毒水 / 5 / Boxes / (箱)
Cleaner (Magiclean Glass)
(500 ml/Bottle, 12 Bottles/Box)
(Expiry date 30-11-2013) xx x / 淸潔劑 / 2 / Boxes / (箱)
Cleaner (Magiclean Bathroom)
(500 ml/Bottle, 12 Bottles/Box)
(Expiry date 21-01-2014) xx x / 淸潔劑 / 2 / Boxes / (箱)
Cleaner (Magiclean Kitchen)
(500 ml/Bottle, 12 Bottles/Box)
(Expiry date 29-11-2013) xx x / 淸潔劑 / 2 / Boxes / (箱)
Laundry Powder (金威)
(1.68 kg/Pouch, 6 Pouches/Box)
(Expiry date 07-06-2013) xx x / 洗衣粉 / 2 / Boxes / (箱)
Laundry Powder (Lion)
(2.25 kg/Pouch, 6 Pouches/Box)
(Expiry date 07-05-2013) xx x / 洗衣粉 / 8 / Boxes / (箱)
Chinese Herb Cuter / 中葯切割機 / 1 / No. / (部)
Special Conditions :
Prior to collection, the successful bidder must first go to Chun Shek Estate and contact Miss Cally CHEUNG (Contact tel. no. 2694 4408) for processing of necessary documents.
取貨前, 承購人必須首先前往 秦石邨 聯絡 張小姐(電話:2694 4408) 辦理所需文件。
(GLD File Ref. : GR/4/151/2012)
Department / : / Hongkong Post - Supplies Section
Location / : / 10/F, Tuen Mun Distribution Centre Two,
3A Hung Cheung Road, Tuen Mun, N.T.
(Inspection can only be made from 9:30 a.m. to 12:00
noon on Tuesday of the week of public auction)
Ref. / : / (1)-(2) SP/BOC/RLO/11/12
Contact Person / : / Miss LEUNG at 2920 3115
Miss CHAN at 2920 3113
部門 / : / 香港郵政- 物料供應組
地點 / : / 新界屯門洪祥路3號A
聯絡人 / : / 梁小姐
陳小姐 / 電話: / 2920 3115
2920 3113
(May not function properly – 功能或許有損)
UP-316 / Assorted mobile phone / 手提電話 / 47 / Nos. / (部)
Battery charger / 充電器 / 1 / No. / (個)
Binoculars / 望遠鏡 / 4 / Nos. / (部)
Bluetooth multipoint speakerphone / 藍芽手機揚聲器 / 1 / No. / (個)
Digital video camera / 數碼攝錄機 / 3 / Nos. / (部)
Film camera / 菲林相機 / 3 / Nos. / (部)
Game player / 手提電子遊戲機 / 1 / No. / (部)
Cable for xbox 360 / 端子線 / 1 / No. / (條)
Headphone / 頭戴耳筒 / 92 / Nos. / (個)
Microphone / 麥克風 / 7 / Nos. / (支)
Mini digital TV stick / 迷你數碼電視電線 / 1 / No. / (條)
MP3 & MP4 / 音樂播放器
視頻播放器 / 105 / Nos. / (部)
MP3 speaker / 音樂播放器喇叭 / 1 / No. / (個)
HDD docking station / HDD讀卡器 / 1 / No. / (個)
Pocket Scale / 迷你型電子磅 / 1 / No. / (部)
Torch / 電筒 / 14 / Nos. / (個)
Web cam / 網絡攝影器 / 30 / Nos. / (部)
Digital Camera / 數碼相機 / 2 / Nos. / (部)
Attention: (Lot No: UP-316)
  1. Please contact Miss LEUNG / Miss CHAN (Tel. 2920 3115 / 2920 3113) before inspection.
  2. If the above telecommunications apparatus is not for export business purpose, no licence from the Telecommunications Authority is required in accordance with Section 5(1)(a)(iv) of the Telecommunications (Telecommunications Apparatus)(Exemption from Licensing) Order 2003.

  1. 查看貨品前請先聯絡梁小姐/ 陳小姐- 電話2920 3115 / 2920 3113 。
  2. 上述電訊器具,如不是作出口營商用途,可根據《電訊(電訊器具)(豁免領牌)令》第5條(1)(a)(iv)的規定,獲得豁免領牌。

Special Conditions :(批號: UP-316)
Please contact Miss LEUNG / Miss CHAN (Tel. 2920 3115 / 2920 3113) before inspection.
查看貨品前請先聯絡梁小姐/ 陳小姐- 電話2920 3115 / 2920 3113 。
(GLD File Ref. : GR/4/152/2012)
Department / : / Hongkong Post - Supplies Section
Location / : / 10/F, Tuen Mun Distribution Centre Two,
3A Hung Cheung Road, Tuen Mun, N.T.
(Inspection can only be made from 9:30 a.m. to 12:00noon
on Tuesday of the week of public auction)
Ref. / : / (1) SP/BOC/RLS/11/12
Contact Person / : / Miss LEUNG / Miss CHAN at 2920 3115 / 2920 3113
部門 / : / 香港郵政 - 物料供應組
地點 / : / 新界屯門洪祥路3號A
聯絡人 / : / 梁小姐 / 陳小姐 / 電話: / 2920 3115 / 2920 3113
(May not function properly – 功能或許有損)
UP-317 / Bluetooth Headset / 藍芽免提耳機 / 4 / Nos. / (個)
Bluetooth GPS Receiver / 藍芽衛星導航系統接收器 / 1 / No. / (部)
LED Messager / LED顯示屏 / 4 / Nos. / (部)
Wireless Cam & Receiver / 無線攝錄器及接收器 / 2 / Nos. / (部)
Radio Control Car / 搖控玩具車 / 1 / No. / (部)
Bicycle Pedal / 單車腳踏 / 1 / No. / (部)
Instant Camera / 即影即有相機 / 1 / No. / (部)
UP-317 / R/C Controller/Transmitter / 搖控器 / 1 / No. / (部)
(Cont’d) / Mobile LCD Monitor / 手提液晶顯示器 / 1 / No. / (部)
Portable DVD Player / 手提DVD播放機 / 2 / Nos. / (部)
Portable Multimedia Player / 手提多功能播放機 / 1 / No. / (部)
Mp4 Player / 視頻播放器 / 215 / Nos. / (部)
Altimeter-barometer / 高度/氣壓計 / 1 / No. / (個)
Model Car / 模型車 / 1 / No. / (部)
Laptop Cooler Fan / 微型電腦風扇 / 1 / No. / (部)
R/C Toy Helicopter / 玩具直升機 / 1 / No. / (部)
PC USB Speaker / 電腦USB喇叭 / 1 / No. / (個)
FM Stereo Radio / 收音機 / 1 / No. / (部)
Game Boy Advance Player / 遊戲機 / 1 / No. / (部)
Ball Pen / 原子筆 / 3 / Nos. / (支)
Video Camera / 攝錄機 / 1 / No. / (部)
Car Alarm System / 汽車警報系統 / 1 / No. / (部)
PC Camera / 網絡攝錄器 / 1 / No. / (部)
Airbrush / 氣壓清潔噴槍 / 1 / No. / (支)
GPS Receiver / 衛星導航系統接收器 / 1 / No. / (部)
Projector Clock / 電子時鐘 / 1 / No. / (個)
Binoculars / 望遠鏡 / 1 / No. / (部)
Mobile Phone Headset / 手提電話耳筒 / 4 / Nos. / (個)
Lighter / 打火機 / 2 / Nos. / (個)
Glass Product / 玻璃擺設品 / 2 / Nos. / (件)
Hair Shaver / 剃毛器 / 1 / No. / (部)
Web Cam / 網絡攝像鏡頭 / 1 / No. / (部)
Golf Pole Head / 高爾夫球棍配件 / 1 / No. / (件)
Special Conditions :
Please contact Miss LEUNG / Miss CHAN (Tel. 2920 3115 / 2920 3113) before inspection.
查看貨品前請先聯絡梁小姐/ 陳小姐- 電話2920 3115 / 2920 3113 。
(GLD File Ref. : GR/4/17/2012)
Department / : / Housing (Ref. : (34) in HD(FIB)/S/DISP/05 Pt.63)
Location / : / HM/YLG3 - Tin Shui(I) Estate
Ref. / : / (96) in HD(H)TS 2/8/5 V d.d 15.12.2011
Contact Person / : / Mr. FUNG or Miss Mandy AU at 2445 1645
部門 / : / 房屋署
地點 / : / 天瑞邨辦事處 – 貨物存放於天瑞一邨
聯絡人 / 馮先生或歐小姐 / 電話: / 2445 1645
(May not function properly – 功能或許有損)
UP-318 / Bicycle / 單車 / 60 / Nos. / (輛)
Special Conditions :
  1. Prior to collection, the successful bidder must first go to Tin Shui (II) Estate and contact Miss AU (Contact tel. no. 2445 1645) for processing of necessary documents.
  1. 取貨前, 承購人必須首先前往 天瑞(二)邨 聯絡 歐小姐 (電話:2445 1645) 辦理所需文件。

(GLD File Ref. : GR/4/2029/2011)
Department / : / HKPF
Ref. / : / (57) in CP/SM/PS 229/1 Pt.59
Location / : / Disposal Store of Police Stores,4/F, FireServicesBuilding,
323 Java Road, North Point, Hong Kong
Contact Person / : / Mr.YU at 2856 0210 or 2856 0180
部門 / : / 香港警務處
地點 / : / 北角渣華道323號, 消防大廈4樓警察貨倉
聯絡人 / : / 余先生 / 電話: / 2856 0210 / 2856 0180
(Used/May not function properly – 舊/功能或許有損)
UP-319 / Wrist watch 'Tudor', Tudor Princess Oysterdate
Model Ref.: 92414-7834-0
Serial No.: 953787 / 手錶 / 1 / No. / (隻)
(GLD File Ref. : GR/4/2029/2011)
Department / : / HKPF
Ref. / : / (57) in CP/SM/PS 229/1 Pt.59
Location / : / Disposal Store of Police Stores,4/F, FireServicesBuilding,
323 Java Road, North Point, Hong Kong
Contact Person / : / Mr.YU at 2856 0210 or 2856 0180
部門 / : / 香港警務處
地點 / : / 北角渣華道323號, 消防大廈4樓警察貨倉
聯絡人 / : / 余先生 / 電話: / 2856 0210 / 2856 0180
(Used/May not function properly – 舊/功能或許有損)
UP-320 / Wrist watch 'Tudor', Tudor Prince Oysterdate
Model Ref.: 74033-L
Serial No.: B325439 / 手錶 / 1 / No. / (隻)
(GLD File Ref. : GR/4/2029/2011)
Department / : / HKPF
Ref. / : / (57) in CP/SM/PS 229/1 Pt.59
Location / : / Disposal Store of Police Stores,4/F, FireServicesBuilding,
323 Java Road, North Point, Hong Kong
Contact Person / : / Mr.YU at 2856 0210 or 2856 0180
部門 / : / 香港警務處
地點 / : / 北角渣華道323號, 消防大廈4樓警察貨倉
聯絡人 / : / 余先生 / 電話: / 2856 0210 / 2856 0180
(Used/May not function properly – 舊/功能或許有損)
UP-321 / Wrist watch 'Tudor', Tudor Princess Date
Model Ref.: 92400-62430
Serial No.: H191481 / 手錶 / 1 / No. / (隻)
(GLD File Ref. : GR/4/2029/2011)
Department / : / HKPF
Ref. / : / (57) in CP/SM/PS 229/1 Pt.59
Location / : / Disposal Store of Police Stores,4/F, FireServicesBuilding,
323 Java Road, North Point, Hong Kong
Contact Person / : / Mr.YU at 2856 0210 or 2856 0180
部門 / : / 香港警務處
地點 / : / 北角渣華道323號, 消防大廈4樓警察貨倉
聯絡人 / : / 余先生 / 電話: / 2856 0210 / 2856 0180
(Used/May not function properly – 舊/功能或許有損)
UP-322 / Wrist watch 'Tudor', Tudor Prince Oysterdate
Model Ref.: 72033-6248-01
Serial No.:B416392 / 手錶 / 1 / No. / (隻)
(GLD File Ref. : GR/4/2029/2011)
Department / : / HKPF
Ref. / : / (57) in CP/SM/PS 229/1 Pt.59
Location / : / Disposal Store of Police Stores,4/F, FireServicesBuilding,
323 Java Road, North Point, Hong Kong
Contact Person / : / Mr.YU at 2856 0210 or 2856 0180
部門 / : / 香港警務處
地點 / : / 北角渣華道323號, 消防大廈4樓警察貨倉
聯絡人 / : / 余先生 / 電話: / 2856 0210 / 2856 0180
(Used/May not function properly – 舊/功能或許有損)
UP-323 / Wrist watch 'Tudor', Tudor Prince Oysterdate
Model Ref.: 75203-6248-01
Serial No.: 197309 / 手錶 / 1 / No. / (隻)
(GLD File Ref. : GR/4/2029/2011)
Department / : / HKPF
Ref. / : / (57) in CP/SM/PS 229/1 Pt.59
Location / : / Disposal Store of Police Stores,4/F, FireServicesBuilding,
323 Java Road, North Point, Hong Kong
Contact Person / : / Mr.YU at 2856 0210 or 2856 0180
部門 / : / 香港警務處
地點 / : / 北角渣華道323號, 消防大廈4樓警察貨倉
聯絡人 / : / 余先生 / 電話: / 2856 0210 / 2856 0180
(Used/May not function properly – 舊/功能或許有損)
UP-324 / Wrist watch 'Tudor', Tudor Prince Oysterdate
Model Ref.: 94400-6249
Serial No.: 977034 / 手錶 / 1 / No. / (隻)
(GLD File Ref. : GR/4/2029/2011)
Department / : / HKPF
Ref. / : / (57) in CP/SM/PS 229/1 Pt.59
Location / : / Disposal Store of Police Stores,4/F, FireServicesBuilding,
323 Java Road, North Point, Hong Kong
Contact Person / : / Mr.YU at 2856 0210 or 2856 0180
部門 / : / 香港警務處
地點 / : / 北角渣華道323號, 消防大廈4樓警察貨倉
聯絡人 / : / 余先生 / 電話: / 2856 0210 / 2856 0180
(Used/May not function properly – 舊/功能或許有損)
UP-325 / Wrist watch 'Tudor', Tudor Oyster Prince Day Date
Model Ref.: 94613-6248-01
Serial No.: 191721 / 手錶 / 1 / No. / (隻)
(GLD File Ref. : GR/4/2069/2011)
Department / : / Housing (Ref. : (5) in HD(FIB)/S/DISP/05 Pt.63)
Location / : / AHM/Wu King Estate – (Wu King Estate)
Ref. / : / HD(H)WK 2/8/6 IV d.d 4.11.2011
Contact Person / : / Mr. CHENG or Miss TSE at 2465 0621
部門 / : / 房屋署
地點 / : / 湖景邨辦事處– 貨物存放於湖景邨
聯絡人 / : / 鄭先生或謝小姐 / 電話: / 2465 0621
(Unserviceable – 不可使用)
UP-326 / Bicycle / 單車 / 115 / Nos. / (輛)
Special Conditions :
  1. Prior to collection, the successful bidder is required to contact the representative of Housing Department for arrangement.

  1. 取貨前, 承購人必須先聯絡有關房屋署代表安排提貨事宜。

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