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Ref: KNUC/SG-IN-U-3527-08/2008(F). 23 August 2008

Hon’ble The
Human Rights and Economic and Social Issues Unit
Research and Right to Development Division
United Nations Office of the High Commissioner for
Human Rights (OHCHR-UNOG)
Geneva, Switzerland


With reference of IW/MK/SW/is of dated 4th June 2008 for request inputs for a study being undertaken by OHCHR on legal measures for ratification and implementation of the Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities and its Optional Protocol.
I am attaching herewith the signed letter and some of our suggestions.



Sent by E-mail to the UN-OHCHR,GENEVE.


The Krityanand UNESCO Club is working for the United Nations Systems, member of CRIN-London, ODI-London, WWSF – Geneva, Switzerland, AWID – Canada, Partner organization – WHO , Geneva, UNEP, UN-HABITAT – Nairobi ,Kenya.

Registered No. : 59/2004-05, Government of Jharkhand, Ranchi, India.

A) Legal Measures for ratification of the convention and optional protocol;

Since most of the member state, local government and now in case of most private firm, Business organization are not very serious in the promotion and protection of the Rights of persons with Disabilities and its optional protocol.

Disabilities is an evolving concept and that disabilities form the interaction between persons with impairments and attitude and environment barriers that hinder their full and effective participation in Society on equal basis with other and to prevent and prohibit all forms of discrimination against persons with Disabilities.

And to ensure, for persons with disabilities, full and effective participation and inclusion, respect for their individual autonomy, including the freedom to make one’s own choice, independent, and equality of opportunity.

B) Legal measures for implementation of the Convention and optional protocol:

Strengthening and reforming state institutions, including Justice System, courts and penal system to better protect the Rights of persons with Disabilities.

Raising awareness about Human Rights protection and facilitating public dialogue on legal reforms aiming at better protection of the Rights of persons with Disabilities.

The National governments (States) to take appropriate measures to identify and eliminate obstacles and barriers to accessibility for persons with disabilities in particular to ensure that persons with disabilities have access, on an equal basis with others ,to the physical environment, transportation, information and communications and to other facilities open or provided to the public both in urban and rural area.

c) Legal measures on national monitoring, particularly in relation to article 33 of the convention;

States government as well as National Human Rights Institution, NGOs local government are the main source of monitoring authorities.

National government with support of local government and NGOs regular watch the organization, business organization, firm who are follower or not following the Rights of disable persons.

National o state monitoring work or, departments should be assigned to implement the Rights of disable persons and protect Rights of disable persons.

Hon’ble Maarit Kohonen
Human Rights and Economic and Social Issues Unit
Research and Right to Development Division
United Nations Office of the High Commissioner for
Human Rights (OHCHR-UNOG)
48, avenue Giuseppe Motta (Office 1-07)
CH-1211 Geneva 10
Geneva, Switzerland
Tel (41-22) 928 9633
Fax (41-22) 928 9010


Simon Walker
Advisor, Human Rights and Disability
Office of the High Commissioner for
Human Rights