Choosing Your Prosthetist

Tips and Questions

New Beginning:

Amputation is not the end but a new beginning. You will have lots of questions, anxieties, and decisions. Your functional outcome will be profoundly affected by the information you receive and the attitude you have.

Choosing your prosthetist will be one of the most important decisions you make. Unlike your surgeon or physical therapist, your prosthetist is someone you will continue to see throughout your lifetime. It is important that you interview several prosthetists and decide, on your own, who will work best to get you back to living life to the fullest.

Remember you have a choice of providers.

After your surgery you will have a few weeks of recovery and healing. This is the ideal time to schedule appointments with prospective prosthetists for interviews and assessments.

Important Questions:

The answers you receive will assist in deciding the right prosthetist for you

·  What are your credentials?

·  How long have you practiced in this area?

·  Why did you get into this line of work? ( this will help you determine their interest and personality)

·  What types of continuing education are you required to complete? And why?

·  What has been your experience working with amputees of my level? Can I meet one of your successful patients that has an amputation similar to mine?

·  What type of prosthesis would you recommend for me?

·  Why do you think this prosthesis would work best for me?

·  With all of the prosthetic developments out there will I be getting the most advanced technology available?

·  Can you show me an example of the type of prosthesis you would provide for me?

·  How many patients have you fit with this type of device?

·  How long will it take, from start to finish, for me to receive my prosthesis?

·  How long will my appointments take?

Important Questions Continued:

·  Can members of my family attend appointments with me?

·  Can you explain in detail the process you will use to fit me?

·  How will the prosthesis attach to my body?

·  What types of activities will I be able to do with the type of device you are proposing?

·  Will you accept my insurance and secure any necessary prior approvals for my care?

·  What type of warranty will you provide for my new prosthesis?

·  How long will this device last before I need to have it replaced?

·  Will follow up visits cost me anything?

·  Can you put me in touch with a patient that you have fitted with the same type of device so that I may ask some questions?

·  Do you have anyone that I can talk to should I need emotional support?

·  If I were to have a sudden issue with my prosthesis, how long would it take for me to be seen?

·  What do I do if I am out of town and need adjustments to my prosthesis?