Psychology Department Request for Dedicated Research Space

Name: Date of submission: 10/11/2018

Area(s) requested for dedicated use/scheduling priority (e.g., SSB B19):

Who will use the space? (Please check all that apply)

You (faculty) Research Assistant(s) Research Seminar students

Honors Thesis students Field study students Paid/Scholarship RA(s)


Type of activities that will take place in the space (Please check all that apply):

Individual paper data collection Group paper data collection

Individual computer-assisted data collection Group computer-assisted data collection

Individual interview data collection Group interview data collection

Data coding (paper) Data coding (observational/video)

Data analysis (computer) Data transcription

Lab/research team meetings

Observational data collection (using 1-way observational window)

Observational data collection (not using 1-way observational window)


Please indicate how your use of the space meets the criteria for allocating dedicated space in the items that follow:

  1. The physical layout of the space – in some instances specific spaces may have the physical features necessary to enable the research that faculty conduct. For example, only certain rooms have one-way mirrors. If this feature is needed, then a faculty member may need scheduling priority for a room.

In the area below, please describe how the physical layout of the space applies to your application for dedicated space. Feel free to expand the space to accommodate your response.

  1. The equipment in the space – in some instances the space may contain special equipment necessary to enable the research that faculty conduct. In several cases, this equipment may be a relatively permanent fixture in the physical space. This situation might qualify a researcher to have priority in scheduling and use of this space. For example, a faculty member may need priority over the ERP lab if one’s research involves recording ERP activity

In the area below, please describe how the equipment in the space applies to your application for dedicated space. Feel free to expand the space to accommodate your response.

  1. Identification to the Community Outside of TCNJ –in some cases, researchers need specific space to maintain a cohesive presence for contact with members of the community. For example, research participants may be recruited from the outside community (e.g., infants or elderly participants). In these cases, researchers should be given priority in scheduling and usage of a space to maintain these contacts.

In the area below, please describe how identification to the community applies to your application for dedicated space. Feel free to expand the space to accommodate your response.

  1. Consistent Intensive Usage – in some cases, faculty use spaces each and every semester to support their research. Consistent access to research materials and/or equipment is required. Space to accommodate the size of the research team will also be considered.

In the area below, please describe how consistent intensive usage applies to your application for dedicated space. Feel free to expand the space to accommodate your response.

  1. Scheduling Factors – in some cases, researchers have fixed data collection days and times. This factor will be considered when determining who has priority in scheduling and usage of a research space.

In the area below, please describe how scheduling factors apply to your application for dedicated space. Feel free to expand the space to accommodate your response.

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