We will try to make a summary of this document available in other languages, brail or large print on request.

Dear Governor

Welcome to the 2018Spring/Summer Term Governors Training and Development Programme.

As a governor, you play a key role in the success of our schools and the achievement of pupils throughout Middlesbrough and we value the contribution, energy and commitment you bring.

The Governor Training and Development Programme is designed to support you in acquiring the knowledge and skills needed to respond to the ever changing challenge of governance.

We hope you find this Training and Development Programme helpful, the content reflects the feedback we have received and will support governing boards who are the key strategic decision makers accountable for ensuring the best possible education for every child. Governing Boards also play an important role in maintaining a successful and stable workforce and for sound financial management and efficiency.

Safeguarding and wellbeing remains, rightly, at the forefront of governors’ accountabilities. Governors have a duty to support and protect vulnerable children whilst preparing young people for adult life by building character and resilience and enabling them to access high quality work or study options.

The government’s white paper Educational Excellence Everywhere highlights significantly changing expectations of governors making it more important than ever that new governors are properly inducted and that all governors receive the development they need to effectively fulfil their role.

Our training is facilitated by experienced and knowledgeable tutors with a wealth of experience and governing boards that buy into our service level agreement are able to access as many courses as they wish, others governors and staff are also very welcome to partake in any of the courses on a pay as you go basis.

Please note we require a minimum of 6 to make a workshop viable and will only cancel a course if this number cannot be reached.

To book your place please contact

To book a place on any of the courses please contact:

Jamie Fryett

Admin Support Officer

Tel: 01642 201986


We thank you for all you do for your school we look forward to working with you over the coming year and seeing you at one of our training/developmentevents soon.

Jackie White

Governor Development Service Manager








Tuesday20 February / 5.30 - 7.30pm / CANCELLED Induction M1 / 4
Tuesday 27February / 5.30 - 7.30pm / CANCELLED Induction M2 / 4
Tuesday6 March / 5.30 – 7.30pm / CANCELLED Induction M3 / 4
Monday 26 February / 4.00 – 5.30pm / How do I Monitor in a Special School AT BEVERLEY SCHOOL / 5
Wednesday 21 March / 4.00 – 6.00pm / CANCELLED How do I Monitor in a Primary School AT EASTERSIDE ACADEMY / 5
To be confirmed / 5.30 – 7.30pm / Getting to Grips with Data and School Assessment / 6
Monday 5 February / 5.30 – 7.30pm / Financial Monitoring for Maintained Schools and Academies / 7
Wednesday 28 February / 5.30 - 7.30pm / CANCELLED Understanding Prevent / 8
Thursday 15March / 5.30 – 7.30pm / Governance in a MAT / 8
Friday 23 March / 9.30am-3.00pm / CANCELLED Safer Recruitment Training / 8
Tuesday 24 April / 5.30 – 7.30pm / Preparing for HT Performance Management / 9
To Be Confirmed / Complaints/Appeals Training / 10
To Be Confirmed / 10
Wednesday 14 March / 5.00 – 7.30pm / CANCELLED Termly Governors’ Forum / 11
Date agreed with GB / Governor Development Sessions / 12
Date / Time / Session
Tuesday 24 April 2018 / 5.30-7.30pm / Induction M1 (Repeat) / 4
Tuesday 1 May 2018 / 5.30-7.30pm / Induction M2 (Repeat) / 4
Tuesday 8 May 2018 / 5.45-7.30pm / Induction M3 (Repeat) / 4
Wednesday 9 May 2018 / 1.30-3.00pm or
5.30-7.00pm / Special Educational Needs and Disabilities (SEND)
TBC / 5.30 – 7.30pm / Getting to Grips with Data/School Assessment (Repeat) / 5
Wednesday 4 July / 9.30 – 3.00pm / Safer Recruitment Training (Repeat) / 8
Thursday 24 May / 5.00 – 7.30pm / Termly Governors’ Forum / 11
Date agreed with GB / Governor Development Sessions / 12


  • Induction for New Governors
  • Key roles of Governors (KRG)
  • Essential Courses for All Governors
  • Next Steps on your Journey
  • Governors’ Termly Forums
  • Governor Development Sessions

New governors are expected to attend induction training as soon as possible after appointment since it covers the key information needed to be an effective governor. These informal and supportive sessions will enable governors to gain confidence and knowledge of their three core functions:

  • Ensuring clarity of vision, ethos and strategic direction
  • Holding the Headteacher to account for the educational performance of the school/academy and its pupils
  • Overseeing the financial performance of the school/academy and making sure its school budget is well spent.

The training is over three weekly sessions. Course objectives are:

Getting Started: The legal framework, partnership with school and others, the Governing board/Trust Board structure and responsibilities

Being Effective: How governors work in practice.

The way forward: Understanding your role in School Improvement Planning, how to monitor and evaluate school performance, ask the right questions and how to ensure accountability.

Session Leader: Jackie White, Governor Development Service Manager (GDSM) with input from School Professional/Headteacher

Spring Term 2018 –
Code / Module / Day / Date / Time
M12002 / 1 / Tuesday / 20 February 2018 - CANCELLED / 5.30 – 7.30pm
M22802 / 2 / Tuesday / 27 February 2018 - CANCELLED / 5.30 – 7.30pm
M32811 / 3 / Tuesday / 6 March 2018 – CANCELLED / 5.30 – 7.30pm
Summer Term 2018
Code / Module / Day / Date / Time
M12504 / 1 / Tuesday / 24 April 2018 / 5.30 – 7.30pm
M20205 / 2 / Tuesday / 1 May 2018 / 5.30 – 7.30pm
M30905 / 3 / Tuesday / 8May 2018 / 5.30 – 7.30pm

This training will be held at the Acklam Green Centre, Stainsby Road, Middlesbrough, TS5 4JS

These interactive courses will offer plenty of opportunity for you to ask questions and network with other governors in an informal setting. Completing these sessions will give you a really good overview of the roles and responsibilities of governors, increasing your confidence and helping you to add value to the work of your governing board.

KRG 1: Help! How do I monitor in a Special School? (Understanding the governors role) – THIS COURSE WILL TAKE PLACE IN BEVERLEY SCHOOLSaltersgill Avenue, Middlesbrough, TS4 3JS.

This interactive session will include a walk around the school to highlight how the learning environment impacts on progress.

Learning Outcomes:

  • Understanding how the School Development Plan links to monitoring.
  • Looking at the different ways governors can monitor by walking around the school
  • Understand the key questions AND ANSWERS that governors need to ask
  • Explore how governors visits can be linked to the governing board’s role in the strategic management of the school
  • Examine practical considerations in planning a visit and methods of reporting.

This course will be facilitated by Margaret Colley, External Consultant MSTA and Mrs Joanne Smith, Headteacher, Beverley School and offer the opportunity of sharing good practice across local schools.

Code / Day / Date / Time
MSS2602 / Monday / 26 February 2018 / 4.00 – 5.30 pm

KRG 2: Help! How do I monitor in a PRIMARY SCHOOL? (Understanding the governors role) – THIS COURSE WILL TAKE PLACE IN EASTERSIDE ACADEMY Erith Grove, Middlesbrough, TS4 3RG

This interactive session will include a walk around the school to highlight how the learning environment impacts on progress.

Learning Outcomes:

  • Understanding how the School Development Plan links to monitoring.
  • Looking at the different ways governors can monitor by walking around the school
  • Understand the key questions AND ANSWERS that governors need to ask
  • Explore how governors visits can be linked to the governing board’s role in the strategic management of the school
  • Examine practical considerations in planning a visit and methods of reporting.

This course will be facilitated by Margaret Colley, External Consultant MSTA and Mrs Delyth Linacre Headteacher Easterside Academy and offer the opportunity of sharing good practice across local schools.

Code / Day / Date / Time
MPS2103 / Wednesday / 21 March 2018 - CANCELLED / 4.00 – 6.00 pm

KRG 3: Getting to Grips with Data and School AssessmentSESSION RUN IN PARK END PRIMARY SCHOOL, DATA CENTRE OF EXCELLENCEOverdale Road, Middlesbrough, TS3 0AA

REPEAT SESSION - To Be Confirmed

Learning Outcomes:

  • Familiarisation with the new Analyse School Performance (ASP) Data
  • Explore the range of data available to governors in school and academies
  • Understand how school data can be used to support school improvement
  • Develop skills in the interpretation of key data and asking the right questions to challenge the school.

Session Leader: Julia Rodwell, Headteacher Park End Primary School, Data Centre of Excellence,

Code / Day / Date / Time
TBC / TBC / TBC / 5.30 – 7.30pm

Most governors will become a member of a committee or take on specific responsibility on behalf of their governing board. These are important roles and it is essential that you keep your knowledge and skills up to date.

For the roles below, it is important that at least one governor on your governing board has recently attended this training.

Financial Monitoring for Maintained Schools and Academies

The Governing boardor Trust Board has a key strategic role for the financial management of schools/academies and for in ensuring financial systems and procedures are correctly managed. This session will support Governors, Trustees,School Bursars and School Business Managers in understanding their financial responsibilities.

The INTERACTIVE session will cover:

  • Strategic responsibility in setting and monitoring the budget
  • Forward Planning and financial forecasting
  • Benchmarking
  • Managing Risk
  • Types of questions to ascertain how well your budget is linked to the School Development Plan and achieving value for money.

Session leaders:Wendy Pattison, Specialist Leader in Education (SLE) through Harton Teaching School Alliance, South Shields

Code / Day / Date / Time
FIN0502 / Monday / 5 February 2018 / 5.30 – 7.30pm

Next Steps on Your Journey

PREVENT and Governors Role

Learning Outcomes:

  • Understand how school fulfils their Prevent duty and support the wellbeing of pupils
  • Consider how governors can monitor the impact of their school’s actions
  • Be aware of national policies that contribute to pupil wellbeing.

Session Facilitated by: Andrew Shippey, LA Community Safety Officer

Code / Day / Date / Time
PD2802 / Wednesday / 28 February 2018 - CANCELLED / 5.30 – 7.30pm

Governance in a Multi Academy Trust (MAT)

An opportunity for governors to discuss the skills and characteristics of MAT and understand

  • the governance structure and lines of accountability
  • Who are the members and Trustees
  • Scheme of Delegation to local governing committees

This course will be facilitated by Jackie White, GDSM

Code / Day / Date / Time
MATG2703 / Thursday / 15 March 2018 / 5.30 – 7.30 pm

Safer Recruitment

Target Audience: Governors or members of the Senior Leadership Team who are involved in recruiting staff

One person on an interview panel must have completed the Safer Recruitment Training. These sessions are open to all governors, Headteachers and school staff. Other school staff are very welcome to undertake this training along with governors however there would be an additional charge of £70 per head which includes lunch.

The Safer Recruitment Workshop consists of the following aspects:

  • Safer Recruitment and the wider context of safeguarding
  • Planning the recruitment exercise/making the right decisions
  • Ongoing vigilance and safer organisational culture
Session Leader: Jackie White, GDSM
Code / Day / Date / Time
SR2303 / Friday / 23 March 2018 CANCELLED / 9.30 – 3.00pm
SR1306 / Wednesday / 4 July 2018 / 9.30 – 3.00pm

Preparing for the Performance Management of the Head Teacher

Setting objectives for the Headteacher and assessing their performance and professional development needs supported by an external adviser, are not only statutory duties for governing bodies/trust boards but an essential part of driving up school improvement.

At the end of the session governors will:

  • Understand governor’s role in the appraisal process including setting objectives.
  • Understand the role of the external adviser in the process
  • Be equipped to fulfil their role as a reviewer of the Headteachers performance
  • Identify the next steps to put the necessary arrangements in place.
Session Leader: Karen Clarke, HR Adviser and Jackie White, GDSM
Code / Day / Date / Time
PM0424 / Tuesday / 24 April 2018 / 5.30 – 7.00pm

The following sessions operate on a waiting list basis due to previous low demand. Please contact GDS to register your interest. As soon as we have sufficient numbers to run the session you will be contacted.

Special Educational Needs and Disabilities (SEND) (To be confirmed)

Target Audience: Governors with responsibility for monitoring SEND

Governing bodies have important statutory duties towards pupils with special educational needs/disabilities (SEND).

Learning Outcomes: at the end of the session governors will

  • Develop an understanding of SEND how the school’s vision helps to shape SEN provision
  • Understand the role of governors in helping school fulfil their responsibilities
  • Raise awareness of the LA role in SEND
  • Explore ways governors can monitor SEND in school and understand the SEND Policy
  • Explore findings of local area inspection of SEND

Session leader: Mr D Ball, Principal Officer SEND

Code / Day / Date / Time
TBC / TBC / ?? / 5.30 – 7.00pm

Complaints and Appeals Training

Target Audience: As the number of complaints schools are receiving increases this is an essential course for all governors.

Learning Outcomes:

  • Understand the principles of a good complaints procedure (maintained schools and academies)
  • Have a greater awareness of why parents and others complain about school
  • Difference between discipline/grievance committees,
  • Importance of investigating and recording complaints,
  • How to conduct a complaints hearing committee meeting

Session Leaders To be confirmed

Code / Day / Date / Time
TBC / TBC / 5.30 – 7.30pm

Please contact Jamie Fryett if you would like to register your interest in any of the above courses.

Termly Forums

Our conference and termly forums offer governors an ideal opportunity to keep up to date with initiatives in governance as well as it being an excellent means of meeting other governors, share both local and national best practice and keep up to date with the partnership working taking place through Middlesbrough Schools Teaching Alliance (MSTA) and Middlesbrough Achievement Partnership (MAP). A light tea is provided.

Governors’ Termly Forum

Information about the content of our termly governors’ forum which reflects the most current topics will be circulated closer to the dates which are as follows:

Code / Day / Date / Time
TF0703 / Wednesday / 14 March 2018- CANCELLED / 5.00 – 7.30pm
TF1605 / Thursday / 24 May 2018 / 5.00 – 7.30pm

If governors would like anything particular discussed at a termly forum please contact Jackie White GDSM on

Governing Board Development Sessions

Charges for in-house sessions will be negotiated individually and are not part of the service level agreement

Research has shown that training for individual governing bodies, involving all governors has a significant impact on the effectiveness of the Governing Board as a whole. Any of the sessions in the programme can be delivered as an in-house session for a whole governing board or two or more governing boards in a cluster, subject to availability of the tutor. Alternatively, tailor-made sessions can be provided on specific subjects requested by the governing board or on any of the following:

How to Become Outstanding – and Stay There

Based on national research, this session will explore the key characteristics of Outstanding schools and examine the comparative criteria for Good and Outstanding judgements in the Ofsted evaluation schedule. It will also provide the opportunity to reflect on your own school’s/Academies position and governors’ role in driving school improvement.

Preparing for Ofsted

Governors need to understand the process of an Ofsted inspection in order for them to support their school effectively. They also need to make sure they are meeting their statutory obligations and fulfilling their duties, this is an ideal opportunity to ask questions and to reflect on your own preparation for inspection.

Succession Planning – Getting a Head Start

Successful governing boards are clear about how they see the school moving forward. Where do you see your school in five years’ time and what type of Headteacher will be right to help you achieve this. At the end of the session you will have a clear vision for your school, the type of Headteacher you want to work with, an understanding of the different styles of leadership and an overview of the recruitment process.

Understanding Progress

Governors, working with school leaders, are responsible for the achievement of all pupils, with a firm focus on disadvantaged children. This session ensures governors can interpret their own school’s performance data, understand how this informs the steps that can be taken to improve, and explores with the senior leadership team how pupil progress can be monitored.

Governing Board Self-Review: How well does you Governing Board Know Itself?

A facilitated session which will give governing boards an opportunity to assess their strengths and weaknesses: resulting in an action plan for their own development. This course offers you a valuable opportunity to take a step back from busy meetings and evaluate the effectiveness of your governing board.

All in house sessions will be subject to the availability of a tutor, please contact Jackie White on 01642 201988 to discuss further.

Terms and Conditions

Booking Arrangements

  • Governing Boards that have bought our full package can attend as much training as they wish. This is allocated on a first come first served basis so please ensure you book yourown place early to avoid disappointment.
  • On receipt of your booking we will email you a booking confirmation.
  • Staff and governors (not part of our buy back) are also welcome to attend any of the training on a pay as you go basis. All day sessions will be charged at £80 per person per day and £80 for sessions up to 3 hours.

To book a place on any of the courses please contact:

Name:Jamie Fryett, GDS Admin Assistant

Telephone: 01642 201986


  • Book on training sessions at least three weeks before the date of the session. We will endeavour to ensure all courses as advertised are delivered but can only do so if we have a minimum number of 6. A decision to cancel a course will be made 14 days before the course date. Applications may still be accepted up until the course date, if the course is proceeding.
  • PLEASE DO NOTturn up to courses without prior booking, as you may find that a course has been cancelled.
  • Governors who book a place on a course but subsequently find that they are unable to attend are asked to contact the Governor Development Service to submit apologies as soon as possible but as a minimum FIVE working days’ notice is required. Failure to do so may result in an administration charge of £30 per governorwhere five days’ notice has not been given. Non-attendance is also charged at £30. (Schools will be invoiced at the end of the term)

Access to courses