Department of Pharmacology and Experimental Neuroscience

Center for Neurovirology and Neurodegenerative Disorders

University of Nebraska Medical Center

985880 Nebraska Medical Center

Omaha, Nebraska 68198-5880


Fax 402-559-3744


Date and Place of Birth: March 18, 1954, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania

Citizenship: United States

Marital Status: Married: Bonnie Rae Bloch, MD June 15, 1980.

Children: Lesley Beth, April 1, 1981; Sierra, April 28, 1984;

and Adam Noah, December 22, 1986


125 South 127th Plaza

Omaha, Nebraska 68154-2169


1971-1975 Muhlenberg College, Allentown, PA; Cum Laude

Major-Natural Sciences and Russian Studies

Activities-Varsity Cross Country and Captain 1971-74

Exchange Study-Soviet Union, 1974

Muhlenberg College Russian Club, 1971-1974

Columnist-Muhlenberg College Weekly Newspaper, 1974

Concert Level Classical Guitarist, Allentown Classical Guitar Society, 1972-1974

5/1/1975-5/1/1979 Pennsylvania State University College of Medicine;

Hershey, Pennsylvania, 17033


01/79-07/79 Research Associate-PA State University College of Medicine, Laboratory of Neurovirology, Department of Microbiology

233 Hockersville Road, Hershey, PA 17033

02/79-05/79 Instructor-Laboratory Neuroanatomy, PA State University College of Medicine

07/79-07/82 Resident in Internal Medicine-Montefiore Hospital Center, Albert Einstein College of Medicine (AECOM), Bronx, NY 10467

07/82-05/85 Clinical and Research Fellow- Departments of Neurology and Internal Medicine (Infectious Diseases), the Johns Hopkins University Hospital,

3400 N. Charles St., Baltimore, MD 21201

07/85-07/89 Assistant Professor of Medicine- Division of Infectious Diseases, the Johns Hopkins University School of Medicine, Baltimore, MD 21205

05/85-11/87 Special Expert-Laboratory of Molecular Microbiology, National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases, NIH,

9000 Rockville Pike, Bethesda, MD 20892

11/87-12/92 Laboratory Chief - HIV-Immunopathogenesis Program, Department of Cellular Immunology, Walter Reed Army Institute of Research, Washington DC

07/88-12/92 Principal Scientist-Henry M. Jackson Foundation for the Advancement of Military Medicine, Uniformed Services University Health Science Center (USUHSC), 4301 Jones Bridge Rd., Bethesda, MD 20814

01/90-03/93 Research Associate Professor - Department of Pathology, Uniformed Services University of the Health Sciences, Bethesda, MD

07/88-02/92 Staff Physician in Infectious Diseases- Infectious Diseases Clinical Service, Walter Reed Army Medical Center, 6900 Georgia Ave., Washington, DC 20001

01/85-12/92 Lecturer - Department of Infectious Diseases and Immunology, The Johns Hopkins University School of Public Health and Hygiene, Baltimore, MD

01/93- Professor of Medicine, Pathology and Microbiology, University of Nebraska Medical Center (UNMC), Omaha, NE

01/93-09/97 Chief, Laboratory of Viral Pathogenesis, Department of Pathology and Microbiology, UNMC, Omaha, NE

04/93- Graduate Faculty - UNMC, Omaha, NE

04/93- Graduate Fellow - UNMC, Omaha, NE

10/93- Professor, Eppley Institute for Research in Cancer and Allied Diseases, UNMC, Omaha, NE

05/94- Professor with tenure - Departments of Medicine, Pathology and Microbiology, UNMC, Omaha, NE

06/94- Clinical and Research Professor - Departments of Medicine and Medical Microbiology, Creighton University, 2500 California Plaza, Omaha, NE 68131

06/94- Graduate Faculty - Creighton University, Omaha, NE

08/95-10/97 Professor - Department of Surgery, UNMC, Omaha, NE

09/97- Founding Director - Center for Neurovirology and Neurodegenerative Disorders, University of Nebraska Neuroscience Program, UNMC, Omaha, NE

12/97- Professor - Department of Psychiatry, UNMC, Omaha, NE

03/98-08/04 David T. Purtilo Distinguished Chair of Pathology and Microbiology, UNMC

09/00-12/00 Adjunct Professor of Neurobiology and J. William Fulbright Research Scholar, the Weizmann Institute of Science, Rehovot, Israel

12/00- Co-Director, Nebraska Center for Virology, UNL/UNMC/Creighton University Consortium

05/03- Adjunct Professor of Microbiology and Zoology, University of Puerto Rico Medical Sciences Campus, San Juan, Puerto Rico

08/03- President and Founder, Brain First, Inc.

10/04- Founder and Editor-in-Chief, the Journal of Neuroimmune Pharmacology

09/04- Professor and Chairman, Department of Pharmacology and Experimental Neuroscience, UNMC, Omaha, NE

09/04- Larson Professor of Medicine and Infectious Diseases, UNMC, Omaha, NE

10-08- Vice President and Co-Founder, Neuropel Pharma, Inc., Omaha, NE

ORGANIZATIONS (past and present):

The American College of Physicians

The American Medical Association

The American Society for Neurological Investigation

The Johns Hopkins Immunology Council

The Johns Hopkins Medical and Surgical Association

The Maryland Society of Internal Medicine

The American Society for Microbiology

Reticuloendothelial Society

Clinical Immunology Society

International Society for Interferon Research

The American Association of Immunologists

The American College of Physicians

Infectious Diseases Society of America

American Association for the Advancement of Science

International Society for Interferon and Cytokine Research

Society for Neuroscience

Society on NeuroImmune Pharmacology

International Society of Neuroimmunology

International Society for NeuroVirology

Neurotoxicity Society

College on Problems of Drug Dependence, Inc.

American Society for Pharmacology and Experimental Therapeutics (ASPET)


Neuroanatomy Student Fellow, Milton S. Hershey Medical Center, January 1979.

Convener - AIDS Research Workshop, American Society of Virology, June 1987.

Ray Kroc Lectureship - University of California, Los Angeles. "Molecular Pathogenesis of Human Immunodeficiency Virus Infection", February 1987.

Tenure review committees - University of Pittsburgh, School of Public Health, the University of Texas Health Science Center at San Antonio, the University Pittsburgh School of Medicine and Georgetown University Medical Center.

Graduate Student Advisory Committee, School of Arts and Sciences, The Georgetown University Medical Ctr., Washington, D.C.

Scientific Advisory Committee-Policy Advisory Committee-National Neurological Research Bank 1987-

Scientific Advisory Committee, Senior Member-American Foundation for AIDS Research 1989-

Scientific Advisory Committee, Pediatric AIDS Foundation, 1997-2002.

Scientific Review and Advisor - National Institutes of Health for AIDS policy, funding and grant review, NIAID HLB, NINDS and NIMH.

AARR5 (combined NINDS, NIMH and NIDA) NIH study section, 2000-2003.

Advisor, medical students UNMC, 1993-

Group Leader, Bioethics Medical Core Curriculum, UNMC, 1994-1999.

Member, UNMC/UNO Biosafety Committee, University of Nebraska, 1993-

Consultant, UNMC Board of Counselors, UNMC, 1994.

Group Leader, Problem based learning, medical student 2nd yr, UNMC, 1993-2000.

Member, Cancer Center External Advisory Committee, UNMC, 1994-

Member, Research and Development Committee, UNMC, 1996-1999.

Fellow, Infectious Diseases Society of America, IDSA, 1996-

Member and Chairman, NINDS, Neurologic AIDS Research Consortium (NARC) Oversight Committee, 1999-2007

Scientific Review, Michael J. Fox Foundation, Parkinson’s Disease Research, 2003.

Scientific Review, Alzheimer’s Disease Foundation, 2001-

Regional Director, Neurotoxicity Society, 2003-

Professional Conduct Committee, UNMC Faculty Senate, 2003-

Mentor, undergraduate BRIN scholars program, UNMC, 2004-

Promotion and Tenure Committee, UNMC Department of Pathology/Microbiology, 2002-2004.

Laboratory Advisory Council (LAC), UNMC, 2004-

Council of Postdoctoral Education (CPE), UNMC, 2002-2004.

Governing Board, Society for NeuroImmune Pharmacology, 2004-

Beth Israel Synagogue Board of Commissioners, 1995-2004; 2008-.

National Conference for Community and Justice, 2004-


The Leo M. Davidoff Society Award-for Distinction in Medical Student Teaching-Albert Einstein College of Medicine, July 1981

Degenshein Memorial Award-for research on breast tumors and diseases, June 1981, awarded by the American Cancer Society, New York Metropolitan Breast Cancer Society

Postdoctoral Investigation Award-"Certificate of Merit", the Johns Hopkins University School of Medicine, 1984 and 1985

Distinguished Faculty of the American Association of Pathologists, The US and Canadian Academy of Pathology, 1986

Henry L. Moses Award in Basic Science - Montefiore Hospital Ctr. and the Albert Einstein College of Medicine, 1989

National Registry of Who’s Who tm , 1992-

Carter-Wallace Fellow Distinction in AIDS Research, 1987-1994

American Men and Women of Science, 1994

David T. Purtilo Distinguished Chair of Pathology and Microbiology-UNMC, 1998-

UNMC Outstanding Achievement Award, 1999 and 2000

UNMC Special Achievement Award, 1999 and 2000

Pennsylvania State University”Distinguished Alumnus” Alumni Fellow Pennsylvania State University-Milton S. Hershey Medical Center, 1999

J. William Fulbright Research Scholar, Weizmann Institute of Science, Rehovot, Israel, 2000

Jacob Javits Neuroscience Research Award, National Institute of Neurological Disorders and Stroke Council, NIH, NINDS, 2001

ISI Highly Cited Top < 1% of publication citations in the field of Microbiology

Top Physicians, Consumer’s Research Council of America, 2003

Internal Medicine Research Career Excellence Award, UNMC, Department of Internal Medicine, 2003

UNMC Distinguished Scientist, 2008

NINDS Board of Scientific Counselors, ad hoc 2008

UNMC Scientist Laureate, 2008


Graduate Students (MS or PhD) Supervised

Training Period Student (degree) Current Status

1990-93 Lisa Baca-Regen MS Pharmacist

1995-97 Paul Boch, MS, MD Physician-Scientist

1995-97 Ebony Carter, MD Physician-Scientist

1994-98 Adeline Nukuna PhD Physician-Scientist

1995-97 Michael Thylin, BS Surgeon-Scientist

1997-01 Walter Zink, PhD Fellow, Cornell Med. Ctr.

1997-02 Robin Cotter, PhD Assist. Prof. AZ State Univ. (with J. Zheng)

1998-02 Lisa Ryan, PhD Pediatric Resident, UW St. Louis (with J. Zheng)

1999-01 Shrinivas Bishu, MD NIH/NIMH, Clinical Fellow, Bethesda, MD

1999-04 Eric Anderson, PhD MD student, UNMC (with H. Xiong)

1999-05 Eric Benner, PhD Neonatology Fellow, Duke Univ, Durham, NC

2002-2006 Mariano Uberti, MS Current Ph.D. Student-Michael Boska

2003-2008 Irena Kadiu, PhD Research Associate, UNMC

2003-present Chad Laurie, MS College of Pharmacy, Kansas State University

2004-2009 Dawn Eggert, MS Current Graduate Student

2004-2008 Ashley Reynolds, PhDPost-Doc Research Associate, UNMC

2007-present Ari Nowacek, BS Current Graduate Student

2007-present Anna Brynskikh Current Graduate Student (with A. Kabanov)

2007-present Stephanie Kraft-Terry Current Graduate Student

2007-present Sugato Banerjee, BS Current Graduate Student (with A. Ghorpade)

2008-present Jessica Hutter, BS Current Graduate Student

2008-present David Stone, BS Current Graduate Student

Postdoctoral Fellows Supervised

Training Period Postdoctoral Fellow Current Status

1992-93 Peter Genis Resrch. Coord. (ABI, Gaithersburg, MD)

1993-96 S. Haggerty Major, USAF (Active Duty, USAF)

1993-96 Hans Nottet Assoc. Prof. (Uthrect, the Netherlands)

1995-96 Jialin Zheng Professor (Pharmacology, UNMC)

1994-96 Yuri Persidsky Prof. & Chair (Pathology, Temple Univ.)

1995-97 Anuja Ghorpade Prof. & Vice Chair (Cell Biology, UNTHSC)

1996-98 Jenae Limoges ID Specialist (Internal Medicine, Maine)

1997-99 Gary Leisman Res. Technologist (Univ. Wisconsin)

1997-99 Huangui Xiong Assoc. Prof. (Pharmacology, UNMC)

1998-99 Winai Ratanasuwan Phys.-Scientist (Bangkok, Thailand)

1998-00 Jinan Al-Omashi Deceased (Neurology, UNMC)

1998-00 Yong Chen Zeng Fellow (Physiology, UNMC)

1998-01 Kimberly Carlson Asst. Prof. (Biochemistry, UNK)

1998-01 Larisa Poluektova Assoc. Prof. (Pharmacology, UNMC)

1999-02 Annemarie Shibata Assist. Prof. (Creighton Univ.)

2002-03 Xiaoguang Luo Assoc. Prof. (S. Univ., Neurology, China)

2002-03 Marina Zelivyanskaya Fellow (Northwestern Univ.)

2002-05 Yoshimi Enose Fellow (NINDS, NIH)

2004-05 Alok Dhar Fellow (Eppley Res. Inst., UNMC)

2002-05 Huanyu Dou Asst. Prof. (Pharmacology, UNMC)

2002-2005 Santhi Gorantla Asst. Prof. (Pharmacology, UNMC)

2004-2006 Jeff Kingsley Fellow (Pediatrics, UCSF)

2004-2006 Jason Glanzer Fellow (COD, UNMC)

2005-2007 Mary Ricardo-Dukelow Assist. Prof. (Internal Medicine, U/Hawaii)

2005-2006 Danette Kibuule Fellow (Radiology, UNMC)

2006-2008 Rebecca Banerjee Resrch. Assoc. (Neuroscience/Cornell Univ)

2006-2007 Anathbandhu Chaudhuri Resrch. Assoc. (Ophthalmology, UNMC)

2006-2008 Tong Wang Fellow (Lab. Medicine, U/Washington)

2006-2007 Shengyuan Ding Fellow (U/Tennessee)

2006-2007 Adelina Holguin Fellow (UNL-Nebraska)

2007-2008 Arnaud Beduneau Assist. Prof (INSERM, Paris, France)

2008-present Zhiya Ma Fellow (Pharmacology-UNMC)

2008-present Prasanta Dash Fellow (Pharmacology-UNMC)


Board of Medical Examiners (New York, Maryland and Nebraska). 1981

Diplomat, American Board of Internal Medicine-September. 1982


The Journal of Histochemistry and Cytochemistry

Journal of Virology

American Journal of Pathology

Journal of Clinical Investigation

Journal of Neuroimmunology


Journal of Immunology


Laboratory Investigation

AIDS Research and Human Retroviruses

Journal of AIDS

Journal of Infectious Disease

Reviews of Infectious Disease


Journal of Neuroscience


Editor: Journal of Leukocyte Biology (1987-1998)

Editorial Board: Journal of Neurovirology (1996-2006)

Associate Editor: Journal of Neurovirology (1997-2006)

Editorial Board: Journal of Neurotoxicology (1999- )

Editorial Board: International WEB, J. Am. Med. Assoc. (1996-1997)

Editorial Board: Journal of Neuroimmunology (2001- )

Editorial Board: Current HIV Research (2001- )

Editor-in-Chief: Journal of Neuroimmune Pharmacology (2005- )

Academic Editor: Public Library of Science, PLoS ONE (2008- )


Captain, US Army Reserve, 1984-1987

Major, 1987-1993

Lieutenant Colonel 1993-1997

Honorable Discharge as Lieutenant Colonel, October 1997

Consultant, in Molecular Biology and Immunology, Walter Reed Army Medical Center, and the Armed Forces Institute of Pathology, Washington DC, 1984

Army Service Ribbon, July 1986

Letter(s) of Appreciation, USAR, July 1985, May 1986, and July 1986

Staff Physician, Walter Reed Army Medical Center 1986-1992


Bethesda Research Laboratories, Inc. Gaithersburg, Maryland, 1984

Oncor, Inc., Rockville, Maryland, 1987

Glaxo Research, Inc. Chapel Hill, NC, 1988

Applied Biotechnologies, Beltsville, MD, 1990

Schering Corporation, 1990-1992

Viragen, 1990, 1995

Advanced Biotherapy Concepts, 1992-1994

New Horizons Diagnostics, 1992-1994

Scientific Advisory Board, Viragen, 1995-1997

Alzheimer’s Research Foundation 2001-present

Michael J. Fox Parkinson’s Research Foundation, 2003-present

External Advisory Committee, Department of Neurology, Johns Hopkins University Medical,

Center Program Project Grant, Immunity and Peripheral Neuropathy, 2003-present

External Advisory Committee, Department of Neuropharmacology, the Scripps Research Institute, La Jolla, CA, 2001-present

Teva Pharmaceuticals, 2003-present

Baxter Health Care, 2003-present

Amgen, 2004-present

BioLine, 2008-present


Past awards

Co-Investigator, Baclofen Surveillance Study: Periodic Ultrasonic and Manual Examination of Ovarian Size and Cyst Formation in Multiple Sclerosis Patients on Baclofen and Controls, Ciba-Geigy Corporation, Summit, NJ. 1982-1983.

Neurovirology and Neuroimmunology Training Grant, National Institute of Neurologic and Communication Disorders and Stroke, National Institutes of Health, Bethesda, Maryland. 5-T32-NS07000009. 1982-1985.

Principal Investigator, Immunologic Responses to Central Nervous System Transplants, United States Army, 1984-1985.

Co-Investigator, Program Project Grant. Sexually Transmitted Diseases, National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Disease. Dr. K. Shah, Principal Investigator. Johns Hopkins School of Public Health and Hygiene. 1985-1990.

Carter Wallace Fellowship, Distinction in AIDS research, principal investigator, 1988-1994 $100,000 per annum (7 year award).

Henry M. Jackson Foundation for the Advancement of Military Medicine, Project title: Clinical, biochemical and molecular studies of human immunodeficiency virus-macrophage interactions, 1988-1992.

NIHLB, CoPI H.E. Gendelman, PI David J. Volsky 04/28/93-05/01/97 Alveolar Macrophage-HIV-1 interactions. $128,000.

NINDS, Section PI: Howard E. Gendelman (program project grant, PI DJ Volsky) Molecular mechanisms for HIV-associated encephalopathy 10% effort 01/01/93-12/30/98 $112,000 (5 year award).

AMFAR, PI: Howard E. Gendelman HIV-1-interferon interactions. 10% effort 12/01/92-12/01/94 $100,00 (2 year award).

Nicholaus Badami Research Award for the acquired immune deficiency syndrome, PI: Howard E. Gendelman $20,000 per annum 12/07/92-12/07/02 (10 year award).

Schering-Plough Pharmaceuticals, IL-10-HIV interactions 1-1-93, $13,000.

Dana Foundation "Therapeutics into AIDS Dementia", 1/1/94-12/30/96, $60,000 ($20,000/year 3 year award).

Immunobiology Research Institute, Title: Effects of TP-5 on HIV-1 Replication in Primary Human Monocytes, PI: H.E. Gendelman, 09/1/94-08/30/95, $89,000.

Department of Veterans Affairs, "Inflammatory Mediators of Matrix Metabolism in Abdominal Aortic Aneurysm", PI: B. T. Baxter, 10/30/95-9/30/96, $491,787.

Viragen, Inc., "Induction and Characterization of Natural Human Interferon", PI: H.E. Gendelman, 3/1/95-2/96, $85,000.

Translational/Collaborative Seed Grant, UNMC, "Mechanisms of HIV-1 Induced Neurotoxicity" PI: Richard Morrisett, 07/01/95- 06/30/96, $9,937.

British Biotechnology, “Developmental Therapeutics for AIDS Dementia”, PI: Howard E. Gendelman, 9/01/96-8/31/97, $20,000.

NIH, Title: AIDS-related neurotoxicity: gp120 and NMDA antagonists. PI: Lipton, Co-PI: Gendelman 2/1/95-1/31/00 (2%) $1,232,604.