State of California—Health and Human Services Agency

Department of Health Care Services



California Dual Eligibles Demonstration

Long-Term Services and Supports Workgroup

Meeting # 1: Thursday, May 3, 1:00 to 3:30 pm

Network Readiness

Location: California Department of Social Services

Office Building No. 8 Room No. 235-237, 744 P St. Sacramento, CA 95814

Call-in Number: To receive a unique call-in and pin number for the meeting, use this link: If you need help registering, please call 916-552-8684

1:00 to 1:10 Introduction to Overall Work Group Process

Margaret Tatar, Chief, Medi-Cal Managed Care Division, Department of Health Care Services (DHCS)

An introduction to the overall stakeholder work group process.

1:10 to 1:20 Work Group Approach for LTSS

·  John Shen, Chief, Long-Term Care Division, DHCS

·  Lora Connolly, Director, Department of Aging

·  Sarah Steenhausen, Senior Policy Advisor, The SCAN Foundation.

A discussion on the goals of the LTSS workgroup and strategy for future meetings.

1:20 to 1:30 Existing LTSS Services by Demo County and Number Dual Consumers

Lora Connolly

The work group will be presented with data regarding the types of existing LTSS services and the number of dual eligible individuals receiving those services in each of the Demonstration Counties.

1:30 to 2:00 How do health plans think about LTSS capacity today?

·  Sarita Mohanty, Medical Director, Medical Management, L.A. Care Health Plan

·  Peter Schied, Medical Director, CalOptima

·  Candice Gomez, Interim Executive Director, LTC Integration, CalOptima

The work group will be presented current approaches to assess network capacity.

2:00 to 2:30 Setting a Frame for Thinking about Readiness and Capacity in LTSS

John Shen, Lora Connolly, Sarah Steenhausen

·  Do traditional views of network adequacy apply to LTSS?

·  What does capacity and adequacy mean in LTSS?

2:30 to 3:15 Principles for Plan Network Readiness Standards

John Shen, Lora Connolly, Sarah Steenhausen

·  Given the frame discussed for network readiness in the 2pm session, what standards should plans be required to do in order to pass readiness for LTSS services?

·  Solicit input on establishing LTSS readiness standards and contractual arrangement between LTSS and managed care plans.

·  Solicit input on Plans’ reporting on LTSS network.

·  Discuss the CMS matrix as a tool for stetting Demonstration standards.

3:15 to 3:30 Wrap up and next steps

Lora Connolly

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