Minutes of the Associated Students of California State University, Channel Islands, Inc.

Board Meeting March 11, 2010

The Associated Students of California State University, Channel Islands, Inc. met on Thursday, March11, 2010 at 8:00 am in the California State University, Student Union, Conference Room.

Members Present: Tristan Cassel, Joanne Coville, Morris Pippins, Douglas Whitesell, Dr. Virgil Adams, Dana Lockwood, Edwin Lebioda, Kevin Schallert, Elysse Farnell, Jeremy Booker, Kori Farria, Amanda VanNoy

Members Absent: Richard Wagner, Missy Jarnagin

Members of the Public Present: Christine Thompson, Dr. Genevieve Evans Taylor, Stephanie Bracamontes

1)  Call to Order: 8:04am

2)  Approval of Minutes: Minutes from the February 4, 2010 & February 16, 2010 were approved

3)  Public Forum: No members of the public addressed the Board

4)  Financial Report:

a)  Looking at the ASI expenditures and revenues. Most everyone is under spent. The “All Year Budget” should be around a million.

5)  Reports:

a)  Student Programming Board: Tom Silver, TV’s Hypnotist, event will occur at 7pm in the Student Union Platform. Kings game tickets will be on sale March 16th: $10 for students $20 for all others. Dolphin Days April 15th-20th. API festival, Dancing with the Staff, Casino Night, Movie Night, and Karaoke night are all coming up. Sum 41 band has been finalized. Facebook for the picnic is at 141 guests.

b)  Student Government: Rolling out a few marketing campaigns, such as: ‘Made in the CSU’ marketing campaign and ‘We are the Future of California’ developed by CSUF. Partnered with the New Republican Club for voter registration. The Club will table for registration at CI. Will see that they are in compliance with voter registration rules. Topic Tuesday has been successfully led by Lauren Pollack; they have received a lot of feedback from students. Senates’ push will be to get more students to recognize who Student Government is and the services they provide. Maximus will be held on April 9th.

i)  Question was asked if there was another club comparable to the College Republican Club that could represent another partisanship; there is no other political club on campus. This group will be neutral and focused on registration.

c)  CI View: Taking a break for the Spring Break. Will discuss further business later in the meeting.

d)  Nautical: The 08-09 book is almost done. Will be making t-shirts during Open House of the Grand Opening. Taking out undergrad photos replacing them with spotlights.

e)  Community Relations : No report

6)  ASI Executive Director Report: No report

7)  ASI/Student Union Updates:

a)  Student Union Update: Dr. Evans Taylor

i)  Went to the ACUI conference. Learned a lot about assessment and will be utilizing all information in ASI and the Student Union.

b)  ASI/Student Union Policies and Procedure Update:

i)  We will be getting temporary locks until the permanent locks arrive. Partnering with a community member who has pieces of photography of migrant workers. We hope to place them in the building. Have talked to Jack Riley and will partner with him as well. Comment/ suggestion cards have been placed at the information desk; the purpose is to be provided suggestions for improvement. Tracking usage of the building. Looking at questions, safety, security, or facility concerns. We also have a place on our website where people can submit comments. Will be advertising our opening throughout campus.

c)  Policies and Procedures:

i)  Election council has determined to extend application for candidates. Wants to make sure we have enough participation form our students and will wait for procurement and IT to look at our voting software. Will host election on April 20th and 21st. Encourage students to get their candidacy in.

d)  Grand Opening:

i)  Dr. Genevieve Evens Taylor- March 16, 17, & 18th . Please attend the Ribbon Cutting on the 18th at 11:00am on the Student Union North stairs. Would like to see the students after the meeting.

8)  Outstanding business

9)  New Business

a)  ASI/SUB Budget Request Presentation:

i)  Ms. Thompson presented the Administration Budget (900) and is requesting $265,648 which includes both ASI full time employees’ salaries and benefits, professional fees for audit and legal, and administration fees.

ii)  Ms. Thompson presented the Student Union Budget (950) and is requesting $392,532 which includes operational and facilities expenses and student assistants’ salaries.

iii)  Ms. Thompson presented the Student Union Programming Board Budget (951) and is requesting $8,200 for events such as Meet ASI, Finals Week De-Stress, and Live Music at the Student Union.

iv)  Ms. Thompson Presented the ASI Board Budget (901) and is requesting $8,000 for miscellaneous requests.

v)  Ms. Thompson Presented the Club Allocations Budget (970) and is requesting $8,000 for club budget requests.

(1)  Ms. Coville: Received the ok from the chancellor’s office that we can charge Extended Ed students the student body center fee; 750 students this summer, which will be around $50,000.

b)  CI View Budget Request- Newspaper Stands: CI View would like to request from the board the costs for buying the stands. We were leasing the stands from Shawn Mulchay who provided the news stands. Mr. Mulchay is now requesting that we pay for the stands, which include $300 for each stand which would be $3,900. Could receive ad revenue from the stands.

i)  Most other stands will cost around $600 per stand.

ii)  How did this arrangement occur: Some sort of agreement was reached between the past Editor in Chief and Mr. Mulchay.

(a)  Mr. Mulchay is not authorized to advertise on the campus without a contract with our Vice President of Finance and Administration

iii)  We should explore our options with our students on campus and see if they can make comparable stands.

iv)  Make a request to OPC Carpenters to provide us a quote of how much it would take to build it, this way we can have a better idea of what it may cost.

v)  Motion to postpone the item to next meeting, motion approved.

10)  Adjournment: 9:15

The next meeting is scheduled for Thursday, April 8, 2010 at 8:00 a.m. Student Union Conference Room.

APPROVED: Associated Students of California State University, Channel Islands


Jeremy Booker, ASI Board Chairperson Date

Respectfully Submitted, Christine Thompson, ASI Board Secretary