VFR to Catalina SMO to AVX
Use of Autopilot on Checkride
Some virtual airlines don’t want you to use the autopilot but I have taken these rides and also given them in real life and the use of the autopilot is not only acceptable but encouraged. By the time you are doing this kind of check ride it is understood you can fly the airplane. Now we want to see what kind of ride you will give the paying passengers. Coming out of SMO I would be in full auto mode by the time I hit 500 ft. That is totally acceptable. Use it. It is your friend.
Departure from Santa Monica
Setup for departure will be:
- Start Engines
- Set the heading bug to 210 degrees.
- Set the VOR to 110.8 and the 132-degree radial.
- Set the autopilot altitude to 3500 ft. and turn on alt and heading.
- Set rate of climb to 1000 ft per minute.
On takeoff accelerate above the Red Radial Line (Vmc or Velocity Minimum Control). Rotate and lift off.
Turn on the autopilot and raise the landing gear. You should be climbing on a heading of 210.
Go to the shoreline before any turns.
Start your right turn to a heading of 030 at the shoreline and bring the throttles back to 25 in hg. manifold pressure. Then bring the props back to 2500 RPM.
Intercept the 132 radial and track it over LAX.
Tip: When you level off pull the power back to 16 or 17 inches and the airplane should stay below 140kts. Stay at 140kts until you are south of the LAX boundary.
South of LAX
When you are south of LAX and clear of the SFRA, increase the power to 25 in hg manifold pressure and let the airplane accelerate back up to around 180kts indicated or so.
Turn to a heading of 170. That will put you on a heading for Catalina and keep you out of the Class B airspace. It starts at 5000ft in that area.
Stay on that heading until you are about half way across the channel.
Approaching Catalina
When you are half way across turn to a heading of 200 and you should see the isthmus. That is the low part of the island. Aim directly for it.
Start a normal decent to 2600ft. That will be the pattern altitude
TIP: Turn the VOR heading selector (OBS Omni Bearing Selector) to a heading of 220. You won’t use it for navigation but that is the runway heading and you can use it for a reminder on what direction the runway is heading.
At the isthmus look out the left side and you will see the airport about 3 or 4 miles away.
When the entire runway passes behind your left wing start a turn to 085. That will put you on a 45-degree entry to a right downwind.
TIP: Hit SHIFT+ENTER and bring the panel down a bit so you can see the runway on the entry.
Fly that heading until the runway goes out of sight under the nose and turn to a heading of 040 for the downwind. LOWER the LANDING GEAR.
You should be at around 120kts or so with the power around 15 or 16 in hg.
Put down the first setting on the flaps and let the speed stabilize. Cross the shoreline and turn to a heading of 130 for a right base. Second Flap setting. Turn final and line up as necessary. Keep the speed at or near the Blue Radial Line. (Single Engine Safety Speed)
After your landing, taxi to the terminal and remember; Your passenger is the most important person on the ramp so taxi him up to the door and make sure his door is facing the terminal. You don’t want him walking around the airplane. You can park it later.