(Māori Cancer Leadership Aotearoa)

June 2015
Purpose / This document provides practical guidance to the Board and members about how the Board conducts its business. It will be reviewed annually and amended as required.
Vision / Whānau in control of cancer
Goal / Māori Leadership in all Cancer Services
Board Membership / Membership of the Board is mandated to be a suitably qualified representative of, or nominated by:
  1. The broad Māori health sector; NGOOrganisation PHO collective, Whānau Ora collective and Māori Governance Groups working in cancer
  2. Disability sector– link to disabilities organisation in someway
  3. Māori whānau member affected by cancer
  4. Māori who are not currently in the health sector / Iwi forum
It is expected the Hei Āhuru Mōwai Board will have no less than six (6) members and not exceed twelve (12) members (this number does not include Secretariat members)
Representation from Regional Cancer Networks and Regional Māori Leadership groups are invited to attend Board meetings and to participate in open decision making during this critical time of establishing the structure of Hei Āhuru Mōwai.
Executive Committee / The Board will operate an Executive Committee of four (4) board members:
-Provide continuity for the Board mahi by making decisions on behalf of, but within, Board mandates;
-Advise the rest of the Board of matters that concern it, and;
-Hear disputes
The chairperson will cover situations when a full Executive Committee cannot be formed and an executive decision can be made.
Board Responsibilities / The Board has the following responsibilities:
-provide oversight on the allocation of the Hei Āhuru Mōwai contract expenditure;
-the development of appropriate terms for the funds;
-confirmation of the annual strategic and work plan and instructing the Secretariat accordingly;
-approval of reporting requirements to funders
In addition, the Board shall:
-Oversee the development design and delivery
-Have in place processes to deal with conflicts of interest.
Core Group Representatives Responsibilities / Core Group Representatives have the following responsibilities:
-Join the nominated group and participate fully in its work in the best interests of Hei Āhuru Mōwai
-CTAG and CPSG to be reported verballyONLY“In Committee” due to confidentiality of information at these meetings
-Report to Hei Āhuru Mōwai Board meetings as per reporting process template
-Promote key equity and Māori health gain messages and understandings
-Identify and support a proxy if unable to attend the meeting, as consistent with the kaupapa (TOR) of the core group
NOTE:CTAG and CPSG do not allow proxy membership
Name of Group / Secretariat / Representative / Meetings
Cancer Treatment Advisory Group CTAG / MoH / Dr Nina Scott / Quarterly
Caner Program Steering Group CPSG / MoH / Stephanie Turner / Quarterly
Palliative Care Council PCC / MoH / Stephanie Turner / Quarterly
National Cancer Consumers Representatives Advisory Group NCCRAG / CCN / Pam Ritai / Quarterly
Adolescent and AYA / National Hauora Coalition / Dr George Laking
Pauline Wharerau / TBC
Childrens Cancer Network / Lisa Cherrington / TBC
Code of Conduct / Members of the Hei Āhuru Mōwai Board will be expected to act in an ethical, professional and business-like way and will promote the best interests of the organisations objectives.
Members of the Hei Āhuru Mōwai Board will maintain tikanga and model the values of the organisation.
Hei Āhuru Mōwai Board members will be expected to disclose any perceived or actual conflicts of interest. Hei Āhuru Mōwai Board members will respect the confidentiality of the Privacy Act appropriate to issues of a sensitive nature. They will observe the confidentiality of non-public information acquired by them in their role as Hei Āhuru Mōwai Board members and not disclose to any other person such information as might be detriment to Hei Āhuru Mōwai or its members.
Remuneration / A daily rate for sitting on the Hei Āhuru Mōwai Board is available if employers do not provide paid leave to attend Hei Āhuru Mōwai Board meetings, as agreed in advance by the Chair.
All Members requiring payment must provide the following:
  • Meeting Claim form (CCN to provide)
  • Tax invoice
  • Bank account
  • IRD number and tax code
If employers are covering Hei Āhuru Mōwai Group member’s attendance time, employers are entitled to reimbursement via the meeting attendance fee if requested, by way of an invoice.
The daily rate is set as:
  • One day meeting $300.00*including GST
  • Half day meeting $150.00*including GST
*Fee to be reviewed annually
Any Hei Āhuru Mōwai Group member engaged to perform any additional work for the contract shall be entitled to remuneration on a professional fee or salary basis.
Meetings / -The Board will meet at least 4 times a year by Kanohi ki te kanohi Hui, teleconference or video conference
-Secretariat services are to be provided by CCN
Organisational Structure /
Communications / CCN will ensure that the work of the Hei Āhuru Mōwai Board is transparent and inclusive by undertaking the following:
  • Minutes of Hei Āhuru Mōwai Board meetings will be recorded and circulated to all members
  • All communications to be sent directly to the Secretariat who will forward this to the Executive.
  • Any members who are to make public presentations on the role of Hei Āhuru Mōwai must have the presentations approved by Hei Āhuru Mōwai Chair prior to delivery. The Chair in consultation with CCN has the right to correct and revise any errors of fact or personal opinions expressed.
The Chairperson or nominated Hei Āhuru Mōwai member are the only members authorised to make statements to the media. The Secretariat will ensure that appropriate persons within CCN and the Hei Āhuru Mōwai Board are informed of media communications.
Reporting Procedures / CCN will report to the Ministry of Health monthly on behalf of the Hei Āhuru Mōwai Board using a prescribed outline
Review of the Contract / The Board, CCN and the Ministry of Health will undergo a full review of the contract by June 30th 2015
CCN Contact Information / Further information about CCN can be found at
Central Cancer Network (CCN)
Phone: +64 6 3508804
Physical Address:Palmerston North Hospital, Heretaunga St, Palmerston North
Postal Address: PO BOX 2056, Palmerston North