2014 Recap: Accomplishments, Activities, and Events
Spirits of the Furnace Preview: “In Their Own Voices: Stories of Enslaved African Americans at Catoctin Furnace” / February 17Home School Open House at Rose Hill Manor / February 28
Bond Bill Hearings / March 8
Smithsonian Field Trip / March 12
C & O Canal Quarters Field Trip / March 20
Thurmont Business Expo / March 21
Museums at the Mall / March 22
Open Hearth Cooking / March 29
Bond Bill Award! / March 30
Bell and History Day Open House / April 5
Homewood Speaker Series, featuring Elizabeth Comer and Chris Gardiner / April 25
Gallery Stroll in Downtown Thurmont / May 2
3rd AnnualSpring in the Village: Clem Gardiner Dedication Ceremony at Log House / May 10
Phase 1 Archaeological Survey at Forgeman’s House Begins / May 19
Frederick County First Call / June 7
Easels in Frederick / June 16-20
Civil War Reenactors in Catoctin Furnace / June 28
MHAA Grant Award! / July 7
Dendrochronology at Log House / July 8
Elizabeth Comer speaks at Scottish Rite Organization / August 7
TRIPP Grant Award! / August 13
Star-Spangled Bus Tour Visit / August 14
Thurmont and Emmitsburg Community Show / September 5-7
History Day at the Great Frederick Fair / September 18
Catoctin Furnace--Portrait of an Ironmaking Village Books Reordered! / September 20
Backyard of Collier’s Log House Restored / October 1
Thurmont Library Volunteer Fair / October 2
Star-Spangled Bus Tour Visit / October 8
Orlando Ridout Day—Maryland Historical Trust Staff Visits / October 9
Fallfest Open House / October 10 and 11
Star-Spangled Bus Tour Visit / October 21
Star-Spangled Bus Tour Visit / October 23
“Spirits of the Furnace” Event / October 25
Thurmont Documentary Premiere / October 26
ESAF Meeting in Solomons Island, Maryland / October 30-November 1
4th Annual Traditional Village Christmas / December 6
Museums by Candlelight / December 13
Negotiation of Sager House Lease to CFHS (building to be christened “The Museum of the Iron Worker”) / December 31