Student self–assessment sheet

Name: ______

Class: ______

Before you answer the questions, take a quick look at them first. Then give a fair and honest answer! This is important that I can help you along.

I. Listening Comprehension

Say how you see your knowledge of English. If you tick the - icon, you say that you are very good at that, if you tick the - icon you say that you are not really good at that.

I can understand longer texts, even if I don’t know all the words.
I can answer simple questions on the text.
I can take notes while listening to the text.
I can even remember details.
I don’t have to listen to the text twice to know what it is/ was about.

If you want to add something, here is some space for your comments:


II. Grammar

Now this is about something many of you don´t like so much. But I have to find outwhat your real problemsare.

So, please tick the correct boxes!

I have difficulties with / often make mistakes: / Yes / No
Irregular verbs (go – went – gone….verbs like these….)
If – clauses (Remember: If and would ...)
The passive voice
The plurals
Some / any
Much / many
I have difficulties with / often make mistakes: / Yes / No
the correct use of the tenses:
- simple past vs. past progressive (I walked home – I was walking home)
- present perfect (I have walked)
- simple past vs. present perfect
- past perfect (I had walked home)
-“ will”– future vs.“going to” - future
- “timetable” - future (The train leaves at 8 a.m.)
Negative questions (You are good at English grammar, aren’t you?)
Adjectives and adverbs (good - well, sad – sadly etc.)
The grading of adjectives (good – better – best/ bad – worse – worst)
Typically German ways of saying, such as: “It gives the possibility” etc.
Word order

III. Talking

How do you feel when you have to talk in or in front of the class? Check which “box” describes you best. Then tick the box.

Yes / No
I can speak in front of the class without any real problems.
I don´t like speaking in front of a class – I guess I am too shy. People could laugh or make fun of me!
When I Speak I sometimes don´t know the words.
I don’t dare to speak in class at all. What if the things I say are wrong?

© ISB-Projekt „Individuell fördern“, 2008