


NERC Requirement (EOP-005-0) / Related NYSRC Requirement*
Similar / Related NYSRC Requirement*
More Specific / Related NYSRC Requirement*
More Stringent
R1. Requirement to have a Restoration Plan (Plan). / Plan requires restoration to take place at two levels: NYCA backbone and local areas (G-R1).
R2. Review and update Plan at least annually. / Yes.
R3. Plan priority is to restore the integrity of the Interconnection. / None
R4. Plan must be coordinated with neighboring Transmission Operators. / Also Plan is coordinated with Transmission Owner Plans (G-R1)
R5. Periodically test telecommunications facilities needed to implement Plan. / Covered in NYSRC Rule J-R2.
R6. Train operating personnel in the implementation of the Plan, including simulated exercises. / More specifics include Transmission Owner requirements and MPs that must participate (G-R3)
R7. Verify restoration procedure by testing or simulation. / Must issue critique reports (G-R3).
R8. Verify that the number, size and location of blackstart units are sufficient to meet Plan requirements. (proposed) / Also Blackstart Plan recognizes Transmission Owner and neighboring control area blackstart plans.
R9. Demonstrate, through simulation or testing – at least every five years – that its blackstart units can perform the startup functions as stated in Plan. (proposed) / Testing is annually rather than every five years.
R10. Document the cranking paths or maintain cranking path diagrams associated between each blackstart unit and the units to be cranked. (proposed) / None.
R11. Following disturbance (BPS isolated or blacked out) immediately begin to return BPS to normal. (Five related requirements are listed.) / None.
NERD Requirement / Related NYSRC Requirement
Similar / Related NYSRC Requirement
More Specific / Related NYSRC Requirement
More Stringent
List of elements that must be considered in development of Plan (nine items) / None
-- / Plan should be designed to minimize tile to restore the system. (G-R1)
-- / Plan should include procedures to cover loss of telecommunications during Blackout events. (G-R1)
-- / Plan should require NYISO &TO restoration processes to include establishment of protocols for disseminating information. (G-R1)
-- / Additional requirements for consideration (from NYISO Blackout Report recommendations):
  • Establish Command Posts (page 20).
  • TOs shall conduct annual restoration seminars for generators in their areas (page 26).
  • NYISO shall provide simulation exercises that model each TO restoration plan (page 26).


* NYSRC Requirements are based on PRR #76, dated 2/23/05.