Supplementary Table I

Data excluded from the meta-analysis

Study / Test / Reason not used
Deery, Anderson, Jacobs, Neale, and Kornberg (2010) / Contingency Naming Test Trial 1 Time* / Trail Making Test A data available and used instead
Contingency Naming Test Trial 2 Time* / Trail Making Test A data available and used instead
Contingency Naming Tests – Errors 4 / Multiple construct (inhibition and mental flexibility)
TEACh - Score Dual Task Total Correct / No other studies to combine this measure with to assess divided attention
TEACh - Sky Search Dual Task Decrement / No other studies to combine this measure with to assess divided attention
TEACh - Sky Search Final Score / No other studies to combine this measure with to assess selective attention
Contingency Naming Tests – Efficiency 4 / Multiple construct (inhibition and mental flexibility)
TEACh - Creature Counting test from – time per switch / Trail Making Test Part B data available and used instead
Hahn et al. (2003) / CMS - Attention/concentration index / Multiple construct (attention and working memory or immediate verbal memory span)
CMS Verbal Recognition / No other recognition measures to combine with
Grooved Pegboard; WASI - Block Design; VMI; VMI Test of Motor Coordination; VMI Test of Visual Perception (combined) / These tests measure various domains; scores for individual tests were not able to be separated out based on the data provided
WASI Matrices with WCST Perseveration Score (combined) / Multiple construct (abstract reasoning and perseveration)
WASI Vocab, Similarities, Test of Language Competence – Making inferences, recreating sentences (combined) / Combined score with multiple constructs
Time to complete TMT parts A and B and perseverative errors from the WCST (combined) / Combined score with multiple constructs
WASI Verbal IQ composite / Used total IQ score
BRIEF – Behaviour Regulation Index / Did not examine behaviour regulation as a domain
BRIEF - Metacognition Index / Did not examine metacognition as a domain
Jacobs, Anderson, Neale, Shield, and Kornberg (2004) / WISC-III Symbol Search or WPPSI-R Animal Pegs / Two tests are not equivalent and the data for each cannot be established from the paper
TEACh – Sky Search Motor Task / Trail Making Test A data available and used instead
Kuni, Banwell, and Till (2012) / BRIEF – Global Executive Composite / No other studies to combine this measure with to assess overall executive functioning
SDMT / Trail Making Test A data available and used instead
SDMT – Oral / Trail Making Test A data available and used instead
TMT – Sq root Parts B - A / Score not routinely used in neuropsychological testing; alternative measure available and used (WCST – Perseverative responding)
WCST – total errors / Multiple construct (problem solving and mental flexibility)
Woodcock JohnsonIII Visual matching / Multiple construct (visual skills, speed of processing information, abstract reasoning)
Woodcock JohnsonIII Rapid Picture Naming / Multiple construct (speed of processing and naming)
WCST – number of categories / Multiple construct (problem solving and mental flexibility)
WASI Vocabulary and Similarities subtests / Used total IQ score
WASI Block Design subtest / Used total IQ score
BRIEF Behaviour Regulation Index / Did not examine behaviour regulation as a domain
BRIEF Metacognition Index / Did not examine metacognition as a domain
Pavone et al. (2010) / Visual Spatial Scale (Test not specified; no reference provided) / The paper does not specify what test this score is derived from
Parrish, Weinstock-Guttman, Smerbeck, Benedict, and Yeh (2013) / Self-report Depression on the BASC-II / Provided parent-report data for internalising symptoms for whole sample rather than sub-sample (n=8) for self-report
Parent-report Depression on the BASC-II / Author provided data on parent-report internalising symptoms for the BASC – this was consistent with the other measures of internalising symptoms provided in other papers and so this was used in its place
Suppiej et al. (2014) / Bell test – accuracy / Test measures neglect – not a construct being examined
Bell test – rapidity / Test measures neglect – not a construct being examined
Corsi Block-Tapping test / No other studies to combine this measure with to assess immediate visual memory span
WISC-III Vocabulary and Similarities subtests / Used total IQ score
WISC-III Block Design subtest / Used total IQ score

Notes: BASC-II – Behaviour Assessment of System for Children 2nd Ed. (Reynolds & Kamphaus, 2004); Bell test (Bisiacchi, Cendron, Gugliotta, Tressoldi, & Vio, 2005); BRIEF – Behaviour Rating Inventory of Executive Function (Gioia, Isquith, Guy, & Kenworthy, 2000); CMS – Children’s Memory Scale (Cohen, 1997); Contingency Naming Test (Anderson, Anderson, Northam, & Taylor, 2000; Taylor, Albo, Phebus, Sachs, & Bierl, 1987); Corsi Block-Tapping Test (Stoppa & Biancardi, 1997); Grooved Pegboard (Matthews & Klove, 1964); SDMT – Symbol Digit Modalities Test (Smith, 1991);TEACh – Test of Everyday Attention for Children (Manly, Anderson, Robertson, & Nimmo-Smith, 1999); Test of Language Competence (Wiig & Secord, 1989); TMT – Trail Making Test (Reitan, 1986); WASI – Wechsler Abbreviated Scale of Intelligence (Wechsler, 1999); WCST – Wisconsin Card Sorting Test (Grant & Berg, 1993; Heaton, Chelune, & Talley, 1993); WISC-III – Wechsler Intelligence Scale for Children – 3rd Edition (Wechsler, 1991); Woodcock Johnson III (Woodcock, McGrew, & Mather, 2001); WPPSI-R – Wechsler Preschool and Primary Scale of Intelligence – Revised (Wechsler, 1989); VMI - Visual Motor Integration (Beery, 1997)

Supplementary Table II

Assessment of publication bias

Neuropsychological domain / Egger’s regression for assessing asymmetry
Cohort meta-analysis
t / df / pa
IQ / 0.129 / 5 / 0.90
Sustained attention / NA
Mental flexibility / NA / 1 / 0.52
Planning / 0.116 / 2 / 0.92
Idea generation / 2.699 / 2 / 0.11
Processing speed / 0.704 / 5 / 0.51
Verbal memory / NA
Visual memory / NA
Working memory / 1.237 / 2 / 0.34
Immediate verbal memory span / 0.643 / 4 / 0.56
Spelling / 2.757 / 2 / 0.11
Reading / 1.615 / 2 / 0.25
Arithmetic / 0.755 / 2 / 0.53
Internalising / 2.60 / 3 / 0.08
Externalising / 0.323 / 3 / 0.77

Notes. NA – not applicable; not possible to compute due to low number of
studies included in meta-analysis (publication bias can only be assessed where
there are more than 2 studies in a meta-analysis). a two tailed analysis

References for Supplementary Tables

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Beery, K. E. (1997). The Visual-Motor Integration Test (4th ed.) administration, scoring and teaching manual. Austin, TX: Pro-Ed.

Bisiacchi, P. S., Cendron, M., Gugliotta, M., Tressoldi, P., & Vio, C. (2005). Batteria di Valutazione Neuropsicologica per I'Eta Evolutiva. Trento, Italy: Erickson.

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