To: Superintendents, Secondary Directors, Tech Prep Directors, (CT)² Contacts, and Validation Center Coordinators

CC: Provosts, Chief Academic Officers

From: Paula Compton, Associate Vice Chancellor, Articulation and Transfer

Date: October 4, 2010

Subject: New CTAG in Education for Tech Prep Teaching Professions Programs

We are pleased to announce that we have established a new Career Technical Assurance Guide (CTAG) in Education for students who complete a Tech Prep Teaching Professions program. This CTAG will provide a statewide guarantee of course transfer for students who have successfully completed an Education Tech Prep Teaching Professions program at a secondary or career technical institution which has been first approved by the Ohio Department of Education under the 2010 guidelines and subsequently approved by an Education CTAG Faculty Panel.

To take advantage of this statewide guarantee, a student must complete the Tech Prep program, earn a satisfactory score of 85 on the Teaching Professions Portfolio (the comprehensive assessment that the student prepares while enrolled in the Tech Prep program) and enroll within two years of program completion in any public college or university that has an Introduction to Education CTAG.

You may recall that an important reason we embarked on this CTAG process for Education was because institutions were giving credit for TAG courses in an inconsistent manner for the Teaching Professions Tech Prep programs. It is important for the integrity ofthe statewide credit process that,for these Tech Prep programs, credit is given via the CTAG process. Therefore, with the announcement of this CTAG, no new bi-lateral agreements between Tech Prep Teaching Professions programs and Ohio public colleges and universities of will be permissible. Also, we ask institutions to retire existing bi-lateral agreements and revise communications to students to be consistent with this policy. We do ask that students who enrolled in Teaching Professions programs in fall of 2010 or earlier be considered “in the pipeline” and therefore ask that you honor those bi-laterals transfer commitments made to those students.

We are ready to begin receiving electronic submissions from those Tech Prep programs who wish to obtain approval for the CTAG. There is only one Career Technical Articulation Number (CTAN) in this CTAG, as follows: CTED001 – Introduction to Education. Please alert your program chair or director of this opportunity.

Details of this CTAG will be available shortly on the Ohio Board of Regents website at: http://regents.ohio.gov/careertechtransfer/ctags/index.php. There is also a copy attached for your review.

Only those Teaching Professions programs that have been first approved by the Ohio Department of Education (ODE) as Tech Prep are eligible to apply for review for the transfer of credit guarantee associated

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with (CT)². In addition to the original ODE approval, programs will also need to agree to additional assurances as specified by ODE in 2010. Contact Mary Jo Kohl, consultant with the ODE if you have questions about your program’s current approval status. Her contact information is: 614-644-6333 or .

We will soon have available the “Decision Tree/Procedures Document” that will help guide your Teaching Professions teachers and institutional (CT)² coordinators through the submission process. In early October, you should be able to access the Education CTAG submission guidelines by going to http://regents.ohio.gov/careertechtransfer; and click on “How to Submit”. Please review the information that will appear on that website before organizing your thoughts and materials. The Validation Center that will be handling the Education CTAG is being identified. Once the determination is made, it will be listed on the above-named website.

With the addition of Education, we now have 17 Career-Technical Credit Transfer technologies/career fields. The CTAGs for each technology may be viewed at the (CT)² home page. The Ohio Board of Regents will continue to work with the Ohio Department of Education to establish more CTAGs in the area of Tech Prep.

If you have questions about this CTAG contact either of the following consultants who worked on the development: Stephanie McCann or Marie Taris .

Logistical questions about the submission process can be directed to Ryan Cupp, (CT)² consultant, who staffs our help desk. He can be reached at 614-752-9474 or . Feel free to contact any of these individuals or myself with any questions you may have.