St John Bosco Arts College conforms with the national statutory framework in respect of charging. That framework:-
- maintainsthe right to free school education;
- establishes that activities offered wholly or mainly during normal teaching time should be available to all students regardless of their parents’ ability or willingness to help meet the cost;
- emphasisesthat there is no statutory requirement to charge for any form of education or related activity, but gives schools the discretion to charge for optional activities provided wholly or mainly out of school hours;
- confirmsthe right of schools to invite voluntary contributions for the benefit of the school, or in support of any activity organised by the school, whether during or outside school hours.
Schools may choose to charge for certain defined activities, but only if they have first drawn up a statement of their charging policy.
St John Bosco Arts College recognises the valuable contribution that the wide range of additional activities, including trips, clubs and residential experiences can make towards students’ education. The college aims to promote and provide such activities both as part of a broad and balanced curriculum for the students of the college and as additional optional activities. However, due to the limited funds in the delegated budget the college reserves the right to charge for certain activities/services.
The following activities/services organised by the college are examples of what may be subject to a charge:-
- the full cost of board and lodging associated with residential trips;
- transport and other costs associated with trips which occur wholly or mainly outside college time and do not relate to a public examination, the National Curriculum or statutory duties relating to RE;
- an examination for which the student has not been entered by the college;
- when a student is entered for an examination and fails to complete the examination requirement (including failing to sit the examination);
- an examination result that is being re-scrutinised at the request of the student;
- a copy or return of the original examination script by the student;
- students who take advantage of the peripatetic music lessons offered by private tutors for non-examination lessons;
- for lost or damaged textbooks, exercise books and breakages of any school equipment at cost if damaged or broken as a direct result of misconduct on the student’s part;
- the cost for ingredients, materials or equipment if the student owns the finished product;
- any materials purchased by the college and offered to students for sale, e.g. stationery, calculators, art folders that may enrich students’ learning, but are not a statutory requirement of the college to provide;
- The College may seek voluntary contributions to cover the cost of:
- Residential and non-residential courses/trips
- Materials
- Services of visiting performers
This will be on the basis that if a parent/carer is unwilling or unable to pay, the student will be given an equal chance to go on the visit.
Charges for the use of the college facilities including the Sports Hall Performing Arts spaces and the Teaching School will be reviewed annually. Concessionary rates will apply for those activities undertaken by local community groups
All users must complete a booking form, a provide proof of appropriate insurance and child protection documentation.
To be ratified at the Full Governing Body Meeting in November 2014
This policy has been workload assessed
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