CGEBM Training Workshops 2015/16
All workshops will be held in the MacRobert Building Computer Suite MR117. The introductory lecture takes place in the IMS Level 7 Conference Room.
*The introductory lecture and the first three workshops are essential prerequisites for ALL of the other courses. Please make every effort to attend these if you plan on attending further workshops. If you have previous experience in these topics please contact Sophie Shaw () and she will advise on which prerequisite workshops will be best to attend.
Workshop / Date/Location / Lead InstructorIntroductory Lecture* / Wednesday 7th October
9-11 am
FH IMS Level 7 Conference Room / Brennan Martin
Topics covered include sequencing technologies, types of genomics experiments, and experimental considerations.
Crash Course for PIs / Wednesday 7th October
9-11 am
FH IMS Level 7 Conference Room / CGEBM Team
An overview of suitable tools, output data format, quality checks and experimental considerations. Designed for Principal Investigators so that they can aid their researchers during genomics research.
Intro to The Computing Cluster – Maxwell and Unix Basic Skills* / Wednesday 21st October
2-5 pm / Sophie Shaw
Unix Basic Skills Contd* / Wednesday 28th October
2-5 pm / Sophie Shaw
Topics include an introduction to Maxwell, an introduction to Unix, file hierarchy, navigating the system, binary programs, basic handling of genomics data and pipelines.
Unix Basics and How to Use Maxwell* / Monday 2nd November
9-12 am / Sophie Shaw
Continuation of Unix commands, shell scripts, using Maxwell to submit a job, and monitoring job progress.
Advanced Unix and Maxwell / Monday 2nd November
2-5 pm / Sophie Shaw
More advanced Unix commands including regular expressions, sed and loops. Advanced Maxwell job submission such as submitting multiple jobs at once.
Genome Assembly and Annotation using Galaxy / Tuesday 1st December
9 am-12.30 noon / CGEBM Team
Genome Assembly and Annotation using the Command Line / Tuesday 1st December
1.30-5 pm / CGEBM Team
Participants will take DNA sequencing data, run quality control, carry out de novo assembly, and assess assembly metrics and presence of contamination. Galaxy will demonstrate this workflow through an interactive user interface whereas the command line will demonstrate the individual steps and parameter choices.
Molecular Phylogenetics / Monday 25th January
9 am-5 pm / Matthew Gemmell
An introductory session to the concepts and uses of molecular phylogenetics. This will involve sequence alignment, genetic distance calculation methods, phylogenetic tree production and assessment of calculated phylogenies. The molecular phylogenetic program MEGA will be introduced and taught concepts will be put into practice through various examples and exercises. This course is a good pre-cursor to the Mothur workshop; therefore individuals planning to attend that workshop are advised to attend this workshop.
RNA sequencing and Differential Expression using Galaxy / Monday 1st Februrary
9 am-12.30 noon / CGEBM Team
RNA sequencing and Differential Expression using the Command Line / Monday 1st Februrary
1.30-5 pm / CGEBM Team
Participants will take RNA sequencing data, run quality control, align reads to a reference genome, quantify reads at genes, identify differentially expressed genes and explore tools for visualisation. Galaxy will demonstrate this workflow through an interactive user interface whereas the command line will demonstrate the individual steps and parameter choices.
Microbial Community Analysis with Mothur and Visualisation using R / Monday 22nd February & Tuesday 23rd February
9 am-5 pm / Alan Walker & Matthew Gemmell
Use of the software mothur to take 16S rRNA gene amplicon DNA sequences and analyse the diversity and composition of bacterial communities. The command line will be used to quality control sequences, cluster these into taxa and produce diversity measures. Web apps & basic R scripting will be used to visualise mothur output.
Alignment, Visualisation and Variant Calling using Galaxy / Wednesday 2nd March
9 am-12.30 noon / CGEBM Team
Alignment, Visualisation and Variant Calling using the Command Line / Wednesday 2nd March
1.30-5 pm / CGEBM Team
Participants will take DNA sequencing data, run quality control, align reads to a reference genome, visualise alignments and identify regions containing polymorphisms. Galaxy will demonstrate this workflow through an interactive user interface whereas the command line will demonstrate the individual steps and parameter choices.
Chip Seq Analysis / Wednesday 27th April
9 am- 5pm / Eduardo De paiva Alves
An introduction into chromatin-immunoprecipation sequencing and how this data can be used to identify regions bound by transcription factors. Analysis of Chip-Seq data will be undertaken using the interactive Galaxy user interface.
Further Training in Next Generation Sequencing Analysis (TBC) / Tuesday 31st May
9 am- 5pm / Sophie Shaw
This session is currently free to carry out training in other areas yet to be covered. If you have a topic that you think would be suitable, get in touch.