Minutes of Meeting 3rd May 2016

PRESENT: Mrs R Young, Mrs I Plunkett, Mrs E Stormonth, Mr G King, Mrs K Harkness, D Keenan

Cllr Ryall, PC Stevie Thomson

APOLOGIES: Mrs D Robertson, Mrs M MacAulay

Elections of Office Bearers:

Chairperson: Mrs R Young nominated by D Keenan and seconded by Mrs E Stormonth and duly elected.

Vice Chairperson : Mrs I Plunkett nominated by D Keenan and seconded by Mrs E Stormonth and was duly elected.

Treasurer: Liz Stormonth was nominated by requires time to consult out going Treasurer Mrs MacAulay before making a decision.

Secretary: Mr G King nominated by Mrs R Young and seconded by Mrs K Harkness and was duly elected.

Minute Secretary: Mrs E Stormonth nominated by Mrs R Young and seconded by Mrs I Plunkett and was duly elected.

Minutes of last meeting approved by Mrs I Plunkett and seconded by D Keenan

Matters arising from last meeting:

Flowers have been ordered for Mrs P Jones for her 100th birthday and will be delivered on Saturday 7th May.

Mrs L Stormonth advised that she had received an email from Cllr Hendrie following the last meeting given his apologies and also the apologies of Cllr MacNair. Cllr Hendrie provided a report:

  1. The council will undertake a speed survey at western Isles Road and will deploy their interactive speed signage, it is also their intention to investigate the promotion of a mandatory 20mph limit on residential roads and the development of this initiative will commence early next financial year.
  2. Parking on station roader carpark- road service has no plans to provide parking at this location, but understand that the forestry commission are in discussions/negotiations with a local landowner.
  3. Erskine view hedges need cut back- there are no hedges at Erskine view that the council maintain.
  4. Water running down from whiskey Hill towards Matt Logan’s garage. – the water running at whiskey hill is originating from private land and runs through private industrial estate into a road drain within estate, it does not affect any council land or roads.

Councillors Report:

Yellow lines scheduled to be done in the next few weeks.

Parking issues at Bowling Club- R dinnie has been asked to make the parking at the club and park more prominent and user friendly.

Hillside Terrace signage- as there is some confusion new signage will be put in place and also additional signage at Annandale Terrace.

Surveyors in the village- /confirmed this is to do with Gas works from the rosey road right down to under the football pitch. Extensive work required with no start date.

Bridge on canal: The Bridge was shut as a man fell down the slats in October 2015. A structural survey has been instigated and once costs are in they will decide on the right course of action.

Kath Ryall has confirmed that Amanda Coulthard is coming to the next meeting in June.

Martin Docherty has also been invited but no response yet.

Changing facilities at High park- Plan is still being worked on a copy will be provided when it’s complete.

Light at gavinburn st still not working, Lights at mansefield still on 24/7 – still no answer re solution

Cemetery wall at 9 Kirkton- it is not as small a job as first thought because they looked at the whole wall and because of that they put the job on hold. However they are now going to repair it.

Secretary’s Report:

No report

Treasurers Report:

No report

Police Report:

5 Crimes between 1/4/16 and 3/5/16

1 Vandalism, Wooden Pallets stolen outside Nisa, Internet Fraud, Attempted house break-in, domestic Assault and breach of peace.

It was raised that during a litter pick in the glen a large number of deodorant cans were found and the police have been asked to investigate as possible drug issue, it was suggested they have some presence in the glen. Graffiti at the school still not been detected.


Mrs I Plunkett brought pictures to show of other area’s Notice Boards. She showed us Milngavie and Killearn. She will take pictures of Bowling notice board. Cllr Ryall will get brochure from Iain Bain so we can look at costs

There was a short discussion around the new booklet for the Scheme for establishment- it was suggested we all read this document.

The issue of the one way system at Erskine View has been raised again by the elderly community. The community council ask that this be raised again.

Next meeting 14th June 2016