January 10, 2017

7:00 pm Civic Center


Welcome and Introductions: Mayor Anderson

Pledge of Allegiance

Invocation: Council Member Holmgren

COUNCIL MEMBERS PRESENT: Mayor Bruce Anderson, Council Members Patti Andersen, Bruce Blake, Jared Holmgren, Deputy Clerk/Treasurer Carol Andreasen, Clerk Sue Holmgren.

ABSENT: Council Member Kendall Julander and Council Member Joshua Dallin

VISITORS: Heather Checketts

MINUTES OF November 30 and December 22, 2016: Council Member Holmgren motioned the minutes be approved as written, second by Council Member Blake, all voted in approval.


BILLSREVIEWED AND APPROVED: Each member of the Council reviewed and initialed the bills for their departments. The bills were read aloud and Council Member Holmgren motioned the bills be paid with Council Member Andersen seconding the motion. Council Members Andersen, Blake, and Holmgren each voted in favor.

DETECTIVE BLANCHARD REPORT: Detective Blanchard stopped by and talked to Mayor Anderson. We did have one drug find in town. Nothing else out of the ordinary.


Mayor Anderson stated he would like to keep the department assignments the same as last year. Mayor Anderson asked Council Member Blake to be the Purchasing Agent.

Mayor Bruce W Anderson

Memorial Day Sunrise Services, City Council and Planning Commission Christmas Dinner, Senior Citizens Christmas Party, Excavation Permits, Fire District, Mosquito Abatement Representative, Park.

Josh Dallin

Beautification Committee, Easter Hunt, July 24th Celebration, Flags, Youth Council.

Bruce Blake

Animal Control, Blue Stakes Requests, Emergency Preparedness, Planning and Zoning, Storm Drains/Field Drains (1st East Drain), Spring Clean-up, Utilities (Garbage & Street Lights), Purchasing Agent.

Kendall Julander

Building Permits, Cemetery, Flood Plain Administrator, Health Committee, Mayor Pro Tem.

Jared Holmgren

Sewer, Encroachments, Acme Water Representative, Roads, Sidewalks.

Patti Andersen

Christmas Decorations, Civic Center, Historian, Irrigation, Irrigation Drains, Library Committee.

Council Member Holmgren motioned to keep department assignments the same as last year and add Council Member Blake as Purchasing Agent. Council Member Andersen seconded the motion. All voted in favor.

REVIEW ELECTED OFFICIAL'S DISCLOSURE STATEMENTS: Disclosure Statements were filled out and reviewed by the Mayor and Members of the City Council.

ADOPT ORDINANCE ESTABLISHING A DATE & TIME FOR 2017 REGULAR MEETINGS: – Council Member Holmgren motioned Ordinance No 2017-01-01 stating the Town Council Meeting be held the first Wednesday of the month at 7:00 pm. Council Member Blake seconded the motion, all voted in approval.

SEWER CONNECTION FEE DISCUSSION AND APPROVAL: As per the new sewer ordinance,Bear River City will not charge a sewer connection fee.

REVIEW CITY FEE SCHEDULE: The City Fee Schedule was reviewed. The sewer connection fee needs to be removed. The sewer monthly service needs to be changed to $14/mo and Utilities monthly service needs to be changed to $13.50/mo.

Council Member Holmgren motioned the amended fee schedule be approved with the suggested changes. Council Member Andersen seconded the motion. All council members voted in favor.

REVIEW CITY COMPENSATION (pay) SCHEDULE: The Compensation Schedule was reviewed. Cemetery Grounds needs to be changed to 12 payments instead of 8. Change Sewer Employee wage to 15/hr. Add General Labor $15/hr.

Council Member Holmgren motioned to adopt the City Compensation Schedule with the suggested changes. Council Member Blake seconded the motion. Council Members Andersen, Holmgren and Blake voted in approval.


Civic Center: Memorial Day May 29th, Quilt & Art Show July 22-24, Senior Christmas Dinner December 7th. Park: Easter Hunt April 15th, Town Clean up April 28-29th, July 22-24th,

UPDATE AND POSSIBLY APPROVE CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT PLAN: This was tabled until next month when all council members might be in attendance.

REVIEW AND ADOPT NEW PUBLIC WORKS CONSTRUCTION STANDARDS FOR SANITARY SEWER & CLEANOUTS ORDINANCE:Mayor Anderson and Town Council Members reviewed the new public works construction standards for sanitary sewer and cleanouts ordinance. Mayor Anderson read the ordinance out loud. Council Member Holmgren motioned to adopt Ordinance No 2017-01-02 Bear River City Public Works Construction Standards. Council Member Andersen seconded the motion. Council Member Andersen voted yes, Council Member Holmgren voted yes and Council Member Blake voted yes. Council Members Julander and Dallin were not in attendance.

BUSINESS LICENSE ORDINANCE REVIEW: This was tabled until next month when all council members might be in attendance.

DAVE AHLSTROM, DAVIS & BOTT AGREED UPON PROCEDURES REVIEW: Mr. Ahlstrom helps Town Clerk Holmgren tie out the books for the year. Before the Agreed Upon Procedures can be done she has to submit the financials on the State Auditors website. Anyone can bring this up on the website and look at it. The Town has about $350,000 - $700,000 worth of income which means the Town has to do certain agreed up procedures as dictated by the State Auditor’s office. Mr. Ahlstrom reviewed the Agreed Upon Procedures with the Mayor and Town Council. These were his findings:

Two disbursements were mainly for park and cemetery expenses, but were coded to general administration instead. One disbursement was coded against an income account instead of an expense account.

The bank reconciliation register balances did not tie to the general ledger for six of fourteen monthly reconciliations selected for the following reasons. Two checks that cleared bank statements during the fiscal year were dated after June 30, 2016. Three checks written in the month were entered in the general ledger after the reconciliations had been completed. An outstanding deposit was voided after the reconciliation had been prepared.

The minutes of the town council meetings were not posted on the Utah Public Notice Website within 3 days of being approved.

During our procedures, we noted the following deficiencies in the internal control system: a lack of segregation of duties; inadequate control over financial records and information; inadequate control over preparation of financial statements; and inadequate oversight over financial reporting.

Dave Ahlstrom was asked to explain the Enterprise Zone Credit- The State Legislators put together an incentive to try to attract businesses to rural Utah. This was in effect in Box Elder County 4 or 5 years ago. When the census came out, Box Elder County was no longer eligible because of population. This last legislature they changed the limits so now Brigham City qualifies. There are 2 different types of credits that are allowed to most businesses, not including retail. In Bear River City farmers would be included. There is a credit against state income tax on new equipment purchases new or used up to 10% of the cost of equipment. If they don’t have that much tax, it carries forward for 3 more years. There is also a credit for employees. I f you hire additional employees, provide health insurance there is a few smaller credits that way. The big credit is on the equipment. Bear River City will have to put some “skin” in the game also. Some Towns decrease the business licensing fee or some other incentive to bring it to town. This is a big benefit to the residents and businesses of the Town. To apply we would have to submit the application form and the business also has to submit a form and they have to include invoices of the equipment they have purchased, their tax codes etc. It is done online. They have been very generous in granting Enterprise Zones and generous with the credits. Deputy Clerk Andreasen stated it didn’t look like the application would be easy to fill out. Mr. Ahlstrom didn’t think it would be that complicated. If Bear River City needs help on the application process there are CPA’s that can help with that.


VACANCIES IN COMMISSIONS, BOARDS & COMMITTEES:One vacancy in the Planning Commission.

DEPARTMENTS: Council Members received a copy of a letter the Town Attorney sent to Todd Grandstaff concerning the dedication of water shares.

Mayor Anderson has a new blade coming for the dump truck.



ADJOURNMENT: Council Member Holmgren motioned to adjourn at 9:00 pm, second by Council Member Blake, all voted in favor.

Minutes approved on March 1, 2017.


Sue Ann Holmgren, Town Clerk Bruce W. Anderson, Mayor

Bear River City Council Meeting

Held 1/10/2017Page 1 of 4