Windsor Park Collegiate Parent Association


December 9, 2015

7:00 pm

I. Call to order -7:05pm

II. Welcome/attendance –Cindy Vermette, Marilyn Thorington, Lori Karlsson, Gloria Waldron, Howard Ashdown

Regrets: Michelle Miller

III. Approval of minutes from last meeting- Lori motioned to approve October & November minutes; Howard 2nd motion. Carried.

IV. Reports:

a) Student Council Report-no one available

b) President’s Report-Staff Lunch date February 12, 2016. Save the date. Invoices provided for work being done to courtyard.

c) Treasurer’s Report-November 1st balance $2413.55; LRSD student fee deposit $1742.50.

d) Principal/School Administration Report-Maryama Mansaray is new President. Won by acclamation.

-Changemakers is performing a rebranding of WPC and wants input from students and parents (staff) regarding what changes we would like to see at the school. Students have completed survey. Marilyn is working with them to put link up for parents. Students have also completed Tell Them From Me survey.

-Focus group of grade 12 students Proactive Information services. Evaluation company for review of programs for education and healthcare.

-Christmas spirit week. Dress-up and lunch activities daily including sled races (weather permitting)

-Winter classic hockey event to raise money for injured hockey player.

-Friday Home Team morning schedule, trivial pursuit games, other fun activities, candy canes distributed. Locker cleanup and early dismissal. (No movie viewing due to copyright laws)

-Truth and reconciliation: Teachers have a new document available on the website for information about the Aboriginal Academic Achievement grant which is intended to improve the academic success of First Nations, Metis and Inuit students. This available to Manitoba school divisions to support current/future programming with strong emphasis on literacy and numeracy.

-Sports council- Trying to increase fan support at games. Students want to make announcements going forward. Want to sell WPC “clappers”. More info to follow. 6 Basketball teams this year (gr 9, JV and Varsity)

-Arts council-Arts clothing for sale, hoodies and t-shirts

-Concert at Franco Manitoba cultural centre, Dec 15 at 7pm.

-Social Justice-We scare hunger campaign to raise money for disadvantaged kids and silent for a day….to stand up for girls around the world who don’t have the opportunity to get an education.

-PD day Nov 27th-EA’s had a session regarding language with students, sarcasm, time, power of words used. Teachers met in specialist groups at various locations. Rest of teachers collaborated with other high school staff from other division schools.

V. Outstanding Business

-Treasurer and Vice President positions still vacant……new members still needed!

VI. New Business

VII. Questions/Concerns - None

VIII. Adjournment- 7:50pm Next meeting, January 13th at 7pm, WPC Library.