e-Comm AlertOctober 28, 2005 – Vol. 1, #9

1. PenSPRA Salary Survey at

PenSPRA is currently conducting a statewide membership salary survey at the request of several members. In addition to salary information, data is being collected on participation in Act 72, PR job responsibilities and membership feedback. The survey is on the frontpage, lower left corner of the PenSPRA website, and was completed using the SchoolWires forms and survey module. A tabulation of the survey results will be forwarded to all members once completed. Please take a few minutes to complete the survey! (Thanks to Nicole McGalla and Judi Boren for completion of the survey)

2. Reminder – November 9thPenSPRA Central Meeting

A website management workshop will be the feature at the PenSPRA Central meeting on Wednesday, November 9th at Elizabethtown High School. Charlie Reisinger, Technology Director, Penn Manor School District will begin the program by sharing information about his district’s award winning website. Jesse Long and Kiri Bisney from Hempfield Area School District will then discuss their experiences using SchoolWires for their website development. Coffee & light refreshments will be provided. RSVP to Anne Garber at or at (717) 397-2421, ext. 1007 by Wednesday, November 2nd. A flyer on the program is attached with revised directions.

3. Western Region Media Contact List

Pat Kennedy and Sarah Zablotsky from the Allegheny Intermediate Unit 3 recently completed a comprehensive media contact list for Western Pennsylvania and asked to have it shared with PenSPRA West members. The file is attached in Microsoft Excel format. Thanks to Pat and Sarah for sharing.

4. Marci Davis Featured in NSPRA Network

Immediate Past-President Marci Davis, APR was featured as the NSPRA Front-Runner in the November 2005 Issue of NSPRA Network. The article profiled Marci personally and professionally (she even admitted to being from West Virginia!). Marci was selected by the NSPRA Executive Board in recognition of her outstanding contributions to school public relations on the local, state and national level. See page 5 of Network to read the story. Congratulations Marci for proudly representing PenSPRA!

5. Are You a DMA?

Do you attend a lot of dumb meetings? If so, you are a DMA -- Dumb Meeting Attender. DMAs are easy to identify: They are always too busy to think, and they never have enough time for the things that they should be doing. If this describes you, don't be alarmed that your cortex is dormant and statisticians consider you a threat to national productivity. You are not alone. People all across the country routinely head off to gatherings of well-meaning folks who come together without clear purpose and depart having accomplished little. In fact, the odds are pretty good that thousands of people like you will go to yet another dumb meeting today. See the full text of DMAs at the “Outside Insight.” (Taken from Banach, Banach & Cassidy, )

If you have difficulty viewing e-Comm Alert, please contact Todd O’Shell at (724) 352-1700, ext. 1604 or email .