Tuesday, September 2, 2014

Week #2


● Call to Order @ 7:02pm

● Roll Call

○Kyle Powell, Ryan Rushing, Gabriel Riegle, Zena Fadel, Peyton Jones, Tyler Shaw, Rahima Hamadi, Emily Bingham, Max McConnell, Joe Bonvillian, Rob Yada, Yawen Xu, Alex Snyder, Jeff Wang, Jennifer Humston, Brandon DeFoe, Matthew Almazan, Kayla Muncie, Jasmine Spradley, and Emily Burns

●Approval of the Agenda


● Committee Reports

○Ryan Rushing (Chief of Staff):

■Search Committee for Director of Latino Affairs

●Finalizing negotiations

■Branding Initiatives

○Alexander Snyder (Director of Student Affairs):

■Internal Student Affairs Committee

●Committee met last week

○Looking at ideas (i.e. moat, campus safety, printing)

○Kyle Powell (President):

■CIO Search Committee

●Committee has looked at 5 out of 11 applicants

●Hopefully finalized in 2 weeks

○Max McConnell (Director of Communications and Marketing):

■MPS Governance Committee

●Committee reviewed several requests to modify Xerox future - state planning map

● Member Reports


■President - Kyle Powell

●Events Attended: University Convocation and Fall Fest

●Campus Safety Phone Applications in progress

●Met with Dr. Sweeney to discuss SG initiatives

●Vice President interviews

●Internal Committee Chairs meeting

●University Athletics Council Meeting

○New tennis courts

●Interview with WSU Marketing and Communications about a future news article

●Met with City Manager of Fairborn about the Colonel Glenn Hwy plan

■Chief of Staff - Ryan Rushing

●Events Attended: STEM City Ribbon Cutting and University Convocation

●SG Scholarship Committee Training meeting - 9/4/14, 8am (Foundations Building)

●‘Operation Freedom’ - Human Trafficking Conference

●Met with Kyle Powell and Joe Bonvillian about accessible doors in the Student Organizational Complex

●Strategic planning of SG (branding)

●Internship program

●Internal Committee Chairs meeting

●Assisting with transition phases and vacant positions

■Chief Justice - Gabriel Riegle

●Events Attended: Fall Fest and Do the U

●Fall Election preparations

●A resolution to have public forums - in progress

●A resolution about transparency (add to Constitution) - in progress

●Working with Christopher Hogan about SG involvement in Conduct Review Hearings

■Director of Internal Affairs - Zena Fadel

●Events Attended: Welcome Week events

●Meeting with Associate of Finance

●Internal Committee Chairs meeting

●SG Budget

●Adopt A Highway

●SG Office Hours

●WSUSG Profiles

■Speaker of the House - Peyton Jones

●Events Attended: Fall Fest, Do the U, Black Student Union Kick-Back, Public Forums

●SFC meeting times and locations

●Speakers for HOR incentive

●House of Reps meeting - 9/3/14

○Applications for Secretary of the House


■Assistant Speaker of the House - Tyler Shaw

●Events Attended: Welcome Week events


●Printing request

●Social meetings

■Associate of Academic Affairs - Rahima Hamadi

●Events Attended: Biology and Chemistry Club Welcome Back Social

●Research on specific hours for swimming for females

●Vice President interviews

■Director of Campus Culture - Emily Bingham

●Events Attended: Black Student Union Kickback, Fall Fest, Do the U, Pathways Dinner, Department of English Reception, Rainbow Resource Room reception, and Do the U

●Student Task Force writing a report about hiring full-time staff member for Rainbow Resource Room

●Met with Prentiss Haney and Rob Yada about planning Voter Registration Day (September 23rd)

●Synthesizing reports from the White House about gender-based violence

●Planning for Elect Her

●Working on setting a meeting with the REACH committee

■Director of Communications and Marketing - Max McConnell

●Events Attended: Welcome Week events

●Communication Request Forms

●SG website updating

○New website to come on 9/19/14

■Director of Disability Affairs - Joe Bonvillian

●Events Attended: Fall Fest

●Reviewing previous Student Advisory Board applications

●Planning to set up meeting with Abilities United and Rehab Services Organization

●Talking to students in ODS office

■Associate of Governmental Affairs - Rob Yada

●Events Attended: Fall Fest

●SG interviews

●SG Scholarship Benefit Planning Committee

●Vacant Positions

●House Bill 609: Suicide Prevention Strategy - no progress

●National Suicide Prevention Day

○Let Rob know if can help with posters

●National Voter Registration Day Event

○Booths in hot spots around campus (ex: Millet Hall Atrium)

■Associate of International Affairs - Yawen Xu

●Events Attended: Fall Fest

●Met with Ryan Rushing

○Utilize Career Services

○Academic integrity policy

■Director of Student Affairs - Alex Snyder

●Events Attended: Fall Fest and Do the U

○Meeting with Student Affairs Internal Committee

○Resolution to lower tuition for residents

○National Suicide Prevention Day

○Talked to students about Chartwells

o Senate

■Boonshoft School of Medicine Senator - Jeff Wang

●Student Affairs Internal Committee

●Talking to students about issues (i.e. printing and parking)

●Met with the Dean

■College of Education and Human Services Senator - Jennifer Humston

●Events Attended: Fall Fest

●DSAC meeting and meeting with the Dean (semester planned out)

●CEHS Strategic Planning

●CEHS Trivia Night - October 3rd

●CEHS DSAC Ice Cream Social

●DSAC applications

■College of Liberal Arts Senator - Brandon DeFoe

●Events Attended: Library Game Night

●CoLA Outstanding Alumni Recognition Ceremony - September 12 @ 5:00pm

●Talked to students about vacant positions and Jason Derulo concert

●CoLA DSAC met for first time

○Discussed future of university and Cola

●Student Affairs Internal Committee

○Heading up research on free printing (polls); refillable water stations

■College of Science and Mathematics Senator - Matthew Almazan

●Events Attended: Fall Fest

●Communicated with Dr. Jason Deibel about undergraduate research programs

●Met Dean’s Circle

○Discussed future plans (i.e. ‘Outstanding Teacher Award’ and movie nights)

●Met with Dean

○Discussed events and publicity; High School outreach programs; lunch with the Dean events

●Air Force 5K

○update on the effect of construction (ahead 5 days)

■Commuter Senator - Kayla Muncie

●Events Attended: Fall Fest and PHC Girl’s Night

●CSA (goals and calendar for 1st semester)

○Meeting with commuters (chartwells presentation)

○Met with Advisors

○More members

○Updating facebook and twitter

■Residential Senator - Jasmine Spradley

●Events Attended: Party in the Woods, RCA Karaoke Night

●‘Wright City’

●Outreach to students (i.e. meal plans)

■College of Russ Engineering and Computer Science - Emily Burns

●Events Attended: Fall Fest and PHC Girl’s Night

●CECS Steering Committee

●CECS All-Club President’s Meeting

● Report Discussion

○National Suicide Prevention (help with posters)

○Voter Registration Day

○Air Force 5K

○Events Calendar

●Old Business


● New Business

○Reports - Zena Fadel

■Save in Google Drive (under designated folder)

■Do not send or share to Zena Fadel

○SG Monthly Budget Report - Zena Fadel

■Overview of Budget by Associate of Finance

■Approved during next SG meeting

○External Committee Assignments - Ryan Rushing

■A list will be sent out

●Top rankings will be due next week (before Tuesday’s meeting)

●Send any current or past committees to Ryan Rushing and Zena Fadel

○One-on-ones with Cabinet and Senate

■Schedule on Tuesday or Thursday, no later than September 19th

■Senators will meet with Kyle Powell

● Public Forum

○Jackie Kucirka - President of Raiderthon

■Raiderthon - WSU’s Dance Marathon to help raise money for Dayton Children’s Miracle Network (November 15 from 10am-1am)

■Goal: $60,000

■Register a team for Student Government

■Senators - create teams for DSAC and colleges

■More information? or

●Rowdy Bobblehead Award

○Zena Fadel to Jennifer Humston!

●Advisor Reports

○Student Affairs Board of Trustee Meeting - September 26 @ 10am (Research Institute)

○SG keys (more copies to be made)

○Student Legal Services (need 6 total members; including chair and secretary)

○Jason Derulo Concert (student rate till September 5th)

○Student wages and vacant positions



●Adjournment @ 8:02pm

○Motion moved by Alex Snyder; Seconded by Jen Humston

2014-2015 Student Government Members:

  • E-Board
  • President - Kyle Powell
  • Chief of Staff - Ryan Rushing
  • Chief Justice - Gabriel Riegle
  • Director of Internal Affairs - Zena Fadel
  • Speaker of the House - Peyton Jones
  • Cabinet
  • Assistant Speaker of the House - Tyler Shaw
  • Associate of Academic Affairs - Rahima Hamadi
  • Director of Campus Culture - Emily Bingham
  • Director of Communications and Marketing - Max McConnell
  • Director of Disability Affairs - Joe Bonvillian
  • Associate of Governmental Affairs - Rob Yada
  • Associate of International Affairs - Yawen Xu
  • Director of Student Affairs - Alex Snyder

o Senate

  • Boonshoft School of Medicine Senator - Jeff Wang
  • College of Education and Human Services Senator - Jennifer Humston
  • College of Liberal Arts Senator - Brandon DeFoe
  • College of Science and Mathematics Senator - Matthew Almazan
  • Commuter Senator - Kayla Muncie
  • Residential Senator - Jasmine Spradley
  • College of Russ Engineering and Computer Science - Emily Burns