Shardein School Holidays Homework 2016-17 Class-V
Q.1- Project on Grand Parents-Prepare a book called ‘My Grand Parents’. Talk to your grandfather or
any elderly relative and find out the following:
Ø The place they grew up in, their life style, neighbourhoods.
Ø Their schooling, hobbies and the games they played, the books they read, favourite authors.
Ø The festivals they enjoyed, their mode of entertainment.
Ø The country, its leaders, what they thought of them.
Ø Prepare a book let using the information grandparents-Their young days it should be include.
Ø Your family tree.
Ø An introduction to your grandparents as personalities.
Ø Completing your information on their young days in short form.
Q.2- SUGGESTED TOPICS FOR CREATIVE WRITING- Imagine and write on any three topics of your choice
in your own words.
Ø If kids made the rules
Ø The Job I’d like to have the most
Ø My favourite person
Ø The coolest things about me
Ø Someday I hope to.....
Q.3- Imagine yourself as a small plant growing in a garden. Write an interesting description of one day
in your life.
Q.4- Interview someone either a relative or a friend, who lived at a time when electric gadgets and
appliances were not so widely used. Find out how they carried out activities and how they
entertain themselves. Write in about 100-120 words.
1. Search on internet and find out four diseases related bones and joints and write about symptoms of
disease and how it can be cured.
2. Write a paragraph on the topic “Why do we need daily exercise”?
3. Write slogans and some safety rules and put them in your class.
4. Read Science magazine and select the names of any three Scientists and record their main
contributions to Science.
1. If you are visiting a coastal area and the meteorological department issues a warning of a cyclone, what precautions will you take?
2. Compare the lifestyle of the people of Congo to the people of your country.
Ø The type of clothes worn.
Ø The places to visit.
Ø The type of food to eat.
Ø The festivals
3. Imagine that you are visiting Greenland, write down a list of things you will pack for your vacation.
1. Write number names according to the Indian/International system numeration.
a) 672345004 b) 167235167
2. Write roman numerals for each of the following numbers
a) 719 b) 5610 c) 15500 d) 2125
3. Simplify-
a) 7x50+16÷8-120 b) 21÷7+16-5x3
4. Simplify using BODMASS-
a) 999x[66÷{63+(19-16)}] b) 100x[99+{25÷5}-4]
5. Write, Draw and learn the definition
a) Line Segment b) Perpendicular c) Parallel Lines d) Types of Angels
e) Circle f) Chord g) Semi Circle
6. A little bug ate 135 tiny files in 5 days. Each day, it ate 10 more files than it did on the previous
day. How many small files had the bug eaten
a) After three days? b) After four days?
7. Makes the different shapes by using tangram pieces (Ex-12 F Q-1)
8. With the help of a compass make same design as appear on Page No-163 with different colours.
9. Collect 5 and 6 digit number from the newspaper and make a collage.
Draw their place value chart and write their expanded notations.
Give two examples of each of the items which are purchased in the following quantities
a)grams b) kilograms c) millilitres d)litres e)meters
10. Around the World, the currency way, search and find the currencies of as many countries as you can.
A / D / J / X / F / U / B / E / K / H / GC / O / I / Y / R / I / N / G / G / I / T
B / L / I / R / A / S / V / V / R / U / E
F / L / U / Z / N / T / P / O / U / N / D
H / A / Q / E / C / R / W / V / K / N / D
K / R / O / N / E / O / R / I / Y / A / L
G / O / S / G / U / N / U / P / Y / I / O
J / M / T / H / R / U / P / E / E / R / N
I / P / E / S / O / L / I / V / N / A / M
K / N / Z / I / K / M / A / L / X / V / T
R / O / U / B / L / E / H / K / J / U / Z
a) Australia b) Denmark c) European Union d) India e) Indonesia f) Japan
g) Malaysia h) Nigeria i) Philippines j) Saudi Arabia k) Switzerland l) Turkey
11. Learn 2 to 20 Tables.
Note:- Do all holiday HW in A4 sheets & learn for Unit Test.