Wayne Lewin, Clerk to the Council13 Stileham Bank, Milborne St Andrew, Dorset, DT11 0LE
Phone: 07419 136 735
Minutes of a Meeting of the Burial Ground Committee was held on Thursday 13th July 2017at 6.00pmon site
Present: Cllrs S. Beresford, N.Furness and I. Humphreys
1.Appointment of the Chairman
It was unanimously agreed that Cllr Beresford to remain as Chairman.
2.Apologies for absence
Cllr’s Bolt and Lister sent apologises.
3.Declarations of pecuniary and other interests
None were declared.
4.Minutes of previous meeting held on 22nd September 2016
These were agreed as a true record and signed by the Chairman.
5.Burial ground walk around
The committee agreed that the following works needed doing:
a.All ivy removed from the walls.
b.The path widen from the entrance to the well with replacement hard-core added if needed.
c.The overgrown vegetation from the well to the Simsay plots be cut back to the fence line.
d. The path widen from the well to the corner with replacement hard-core added if needed.
e.The tree in the north east corner be looked at and made safe if needed.
The Clerk to write a specification and request at least three quotes with the works to commence not before September.
Cllr Furness agreed to complete the works in the well.
6.Purchase of land around the burial ground
Mr Henry Digby had offered to sale 2 plots of land to the Parish Council to the north and east of the current area for £5000.
On further investigation is was noted that the area to the north was deemed an ancient scheduled monument and the land to the east a scheduled moment it was agreed that due to the fact that receiving planning permission for this land was highly unlikely that the recommendation to full Parish Council was not to pursue this course of action.
7.Works proposed to the wall
A quote had been received for £900 to repair the fallen wall and one other that was in a poor state,
However, concerns were raised that this was a cement repair and not a lime mortar repair as previously.
It was agreed that the Clerk would go back to the contractor ask why the change. Cllr Furness knew of another person who may do the work and would provide his details to the Clerk.
8.Proposed new areas for burial
On the walk around the committee identified more areas for burials.
The committee agreed to continue with the current policy of in fill leading to re-use in the future.
9.Maintenance proposals
The previous year a new yew was purchased but hadperished which was very disappointing.
The committee agreed that the Clerk should contact Castle Gardens and replace a replacement. If not then purchase a new one.
10.Grass cutting contract
The committee agreed that Lyons Gate Gardening Services provided an excellent work and very good value for money.
Lyons Gate Gardening Services was awarded a new contract of 3 years which the option of an additional year.
The financial situation was as follows:
Income 2017/18Precept£350Burial Fees£1075
Expenditure 2017/18Grave markers£5.25Grass cutting£590
12.Items for next meeting
Burial fees for 2018/19
13.Date of next meeting
The next meeting agreed for 09th November 2017
The meeting closed at 1900 hours.
Steve BeresfordChairman