Tuesday 15th December 2015 at 7.00 pm at Stow Youth Centre
Public Participation
One member of the public attended
Present: Cllrs, Alun White (AW chair),Simon Clarke (SC), Ben Eddolls (BE), Mike Curtis(MC), Colin Smalley (CS), Alana Powell (AP), Sue Green(SG), and Jenny Scarsbrook (JS)
In attendance, advisors: Messers, G Parke (GP), J Baggott (JB), K Ayers (KA), N Surman (NS),
A Eastabrook (AE) and S Jones (SJ)
Clerk; Kim Bedford
1. Apologies received from: Cllrs; Val Davies, Michael Mosely (Vice Chair) and J Baggott,
2. Declarations of interest; None
3. Chairman’s Announcements;
The DCLG Consultation on proposed changes to national planning policy, was noted and the Chairman asked members to consider any points to be raised, bring for collation to the next meeting (Jan. 7th 2016) Closure for response is 23.01.16
STC have received details, pre planning application, of a proposed development on The Green, Talbot Square. Members were encouraged to view the plans and give any comments to the clerk for feedback.
4 Tesco community grant update. The clerk confirmed that since the application process had
been amended and extended, STC application for funding toward the Monarch Way footpath had
been lodged and acknowledged. Confirmation from GCC as to their support had also been received.
5. Minutes of the last meeting: Committee approved the minutes of the meeting held on 24th
November 2015 with an amendment to note Cllr. C Smalley did not attend and Cllr. M Curtis did. proposed by Cllr. BE, seconded by Cllr.SC. Vote carried
6. Matters Arising;
The Chairman reported that STC were pursuing McCarthy Stone for a contact in order to establish
their options to build on site. The Planning Committee would be kept informed.
7. Report back from SHLAA meeting and related matters:
It was reported that STC had received a complaint regarding, the report from CDC of a recent SHLAA meeting and the comments made by a representative of STC. Investigation of the reported comment, revealed there had been a misrepresentation. Comments recorded, had not been made by any member / representation of STC and steps would be taken to amend the report for accuracy. The Chairman of the Council M Curtis, stated for the record, ‘STC had been in full support of a new Dr’s surgery being built for the community. Currently there is only one planning application filed which is on the Tall Trees site, approved by CDC, therefore STC support that application.’
Proposed by MC, seconded by AW, Vote carried. JS abstained.
8. To consider the first draft of Stow Town Council’s response to the CDC Local Plan
due to be sent by the 21.12.15. Thanks were expressed by the Chairman on behalf of the Committee to Kit Ayres for all his time and work on this response, which had been circulated to all. A report from Poulton PC with regard to SP7 was noted, but not relevant to the STC response. Report approved. The clerk was instructed to file the report with CDC, cc. to the District and County councillors and include a request for the Local Plan to include as an appendix, a list of policies and NPPF references which CDC also comply with.
9. 15/04410/FUL - Walter Reynolds Homes Evesham Road - Taking down of part of stone wall, construction of vehicle access onto highway and creation of an area of shingle hard standings.
Objection. Comment; STC has concern over the removal of a section of high quality Cotswold walling at a sensitive entrance to Stow. With a fall in the ground on to the site vehicles have a limited sight line until emerging over the footway which causes a pedestrian hazard. It should be noted there is quite a lot of elderly pedestrians using this route. The plans show no evidence of a visibility splay?
10. 15/04968/FUL – Camp Gardens – Erection of 5 dwellings and upgrading of existing allotments.
No Objection. Comment; Plans well thought out and sympathetic to the locale. STC would like to see a condition imposed for site vehicle and tradesman access limited to the adjacent field, thus ensuring the free flow of ‘normal’ traffic and limiting the damage to the unmade road. In addition, a protection on the remaining green amenity space, precious to Stow. Paving the unmade road would be advisable.
11. 15/04940/FUL – Windy Ridge, Station Road - Erection of a single dwelling house, detached garage and associated works, formation of a new access and erection of a garage to serve Windy Ridge (Amendments to permission 15/01328/FUL).
Objection. Comments; STC have concerns over the ownership over the land used for access, some of which belongs to Highways. We would like to see provision made of a footpath across the frontage for safety and access of pedestrians visiting neighbouring properties.
12. 15/05092/FUL – Norwood, St Edwards Drive - Proposed two storey front and single storey rear extension, including provision for new access ramps.
No Objection. No Further comment.
12b. 15/05240/FUL. The Beeches, Fosse Way. Stow on the Wold. Replacement rear conservatory and erection of new bathroom extension above existing garage (side)
Late insert. Committee advised the clerk….No objection
13.Report from Kit Ayres: To discuss a possible way forward in Stow Town Council
response to CDC and the questions re liaison meeting with CDC CEO. It was agreed, members would study the report and a final response would be agreed in the next meeting (Jan. 7th 2016). Thanks to K Ayers for his work.
14. Consultation on Proposed changes to national planning policy Doc: See above under agenda item 3.
15. Discussion on using the cemetery/allotments site for housing: As part of the NHDP,
Planning Committee were asked for their support in principle. It was agreed that the committee
Would look favourably on some low cost houses for the community on part of the allotment site, not cemetery, providing all allotment tenants were ‘re- homed.’ Ways of doing this might be found under ‘The Community Right to Build’ programme or perhaps ‘Community Land Trust
1. Report from Alun: Concerning the Highways meeting on 26th November.
Following a meeting with B Skillern (GCC), an updated plan for improvements in the Town Square were discussed. All changes were noted with the hope works would be finished before the end of the financial year. Clerk to confirm with B Skillern, and cc. county councillor
In addition check the STC cost contribution with GCC. Press again for a 20mph zone including the Square. Proposed, MC, Seconded CS. Vote carried.
Back Walls speeding survey. Thanks to Bob Skillern, had now been completed. First impressions were that it showed a large volume of traffic at peak times. A full appraisal of the results would be made in the January 7th meeting. (E copy to all members)
2. Complaint Received: A resident has complained about the placement of a bollard near the Maugersbury carp park blocking a parking space. Matters were in hand to resolve this, reported by CS.
Any other business: Items discussed were; SJ brought to the attention the lack of permission being granted for ‘change of use’ and the follow up of ‘enforcement notices .’ SJ to provide a list to the clerk to act.
Meeting closed at 8.45 pm
Date of next meeting: Thursday 7th January 2016 7.00pm
Kim Bedford. Acting Clerk and RFO.
Signed. ______Councillor Alun White