Name: Jessica Dover
IRA Standards / Artifacts / Rationale /Standard 1. Foundational Knowledge.
1.1 Candidates understand major theories and empirical research that describe the cognitive, linguistic, motivational, and sociocultural foundations of reading and writing development, processes, and components, including word recognition, language comprehension, strategic knowledge, and reading–writing connections. / Exam papers from RE 5100, Beginning Readers and Writers
Case reports from RE 5725, Practicum in the Clinical Teaching of Reading
Reflective summary paper from RE 5740, Seminar in the Clinical Teaching of Reading
Papers from RE 5710, Seminar in Reading and Language Arts Research
Reflective papers from RE 5120, Psychological Bases of Reading / During RE 5100 Beginning Readers and Writers I was exposed to a wide range of theorist who have influenced reading instruction methods. I was also taught the current theories of how reading processes work.
In RE 5725Practicum in the Clinical Teaching of Reading I completed lesson plans to work with my students. I developed these lesson plans based on the theories and foundational knowledge of reading instruction I had gained from this Master of Reading program. I used these lessons to improve students reading achievement.
During RE 5710 Seminar in Reading and Language Arts Research I had the opportunity to reflect on the reading theories and methods that I have studied in this Masters of Reading program. I described how I have used these theories in developing my own instructional practices.
During RE 5120 Psychological Bases of Reading I was introduced to theories of reading as they relate to psychological processes. I developed a better understanding of how the brain processes text.
1.2 Candidates understand the historically shared knowledge of the profession and changes over time in the perceptions of reading and writing development, processes, and components.
1.3 Candidates understand the role of professional judgment and practical knowledge for improving all students’ reading development and achievement.
Standard 2. Curriculum and Instruction.
2.1 Candidates use foundational knowledge to design or implement an integrated, comprehensive, and balanced curriculum. / Literacy through Photography project from RE 5130, Teaching the Language Arts
Book critiques from RE 5140, Advanced Study of Children’s Literature
Integrated Unit from RE 5730, Reading and Writing Instruction for Intermediate and Advanced Learners
Case reports from RE 5725, Practicum in the Clinical Teaching of Reading
Reflective summary paper from RE 5740, Seminar in the Clinical Teaching of Reading / Through RE 5130 Teaching the Language Arts I was able to design lesson plans that incorporated reading, writing and technology. I used a digital media project to guide writing instruction through photographs.
During RE 5140 I was exposed to several genres of children’s literature that can be used within the curriculum. I was shown strategies of how to incorporate fiction and nonfiction texts into integrated units of study within the reading classroom.
With my integrated unit from RE 5730 Reading and Writing Instruction for Intermediate and Advanced Learners I created a unit around a piece of young adult literature.
During RE 5725 Practicum in the Clinical Teaching of Reading I created lesson plans around a wide variety of texts in order to increase the reading skills of my students.
In RE 5740 Seminar in the Clinical Teaching of Reading I was able to reflect on how I incorporate varied instruction and a wide range of texts into my lesson plans.
2.2 Candidates use appropriate and varied instructional approaches, including those that develop word recognition, language comprehension, strategic knowledge, and reading–writing connections.
2.3 Candidates use a wide range of texts (e.g., narrative, expository, and poetry) from traditional print, digital, and online resources.
Standard 3. Assessment and Evaluation.
3.1 Candidates understand types of assessments and their purposes, strengths, and limitations. / IRI and assessment battery (summary sheet) and letter to a parent from RE 5715, Reading Assessment and Correction
Action research paper from CI 5040, Teacher as Researcher
Case reports from RE 5725, Practicum in the Clinical Teaching of Reading
Reflective summary paper from RE 5740, Seminar in the Clinical Teaching of Reading / During RE 5715 Reading Assessment and Correction I learned how to accurately assess students reading abilities and then form a plan of action to help improve their reading skills. I used and informal reading inventory and from the data developed a plan for instruction.
In CI 5040 Teacher as Researcher I used a review of literature to develop strategies to help motivate struggling readers. I also used assessment data to help develop a plan of action to improve the instruction for my students who were struggling to read.
During RE 57225 Practicum in the Clinical Teaching or Reading I put into practice the methods and theories I had learned as part of the Masters of Reading program. I developed lesson plans and instructional strategies to help struggling readers make gains in their reading skills. I developed these plans from assessment data collected.
During RE 5740 I reflected on how I use assessment within my own classroom to guide instruction in the area of reading.
3.2 Candidates select, develop, administer, and interpret assessments, both traditional print and electronic, for specific purposes.
3.3 Candidates use assessment information to plan and evaluate instruction.
3.4 Candidates communicate assessment results and implications to a variety of audiences.
Standard 4. Diversity.
4.1 Candidates recognize, understand, and value the forms of diversity that exist in society and their importance in learning to read and write. / Memoir from RE 5130, Teaching the Language Arts
Book Critiques from RE 5140, Advanced Study of Children’s Literature
Research paper from CI 5045 Advanced Topics in Diversity / In RE 5130 Teaching the Language Arts I was exposed to several types of memoirs and had the opportunity to create a memoir from my own life. By reading and sharing memoirs in class, an environment of acceptance for diversity was created. I also learned how to engage students in talking about diversity even within their own cultures.
During RE 5140 I read several children’s book and reflected on those in a series of book critiques. I was exposed to a wide variety of children’s literature that included multicultural themes and diverse characters.
In the class CI 5045 I was exposed to several topics on diversity. I learned how to create an environment of acceptance and respect within the classroom. I also learned that a multicultural curriculum is one that is sensitive to the needs and learning styles of various cultures. I completed a research project in which I interviewed teacher as to what they were doing to reach out to diverse cultures within their own classrooms. Through this project I found strategies to advocate for equity within my school.
4.2 Candidates use a literacy curriculum and engage in instructional practices that positively impact students’ knowledge, beliefs, and engagement with the features of diversity.
4.3 Candidates develop and implement strategies to advocate for equity.
Standard 5. Literate Environment.
5.1 Candidates design the physical environment to optimize students’ use of traditional print, digital, and online resources in reading and writing instruction. / Literacy through Photography from RE 5130, Teaching the Language Arts
Book Critiques from RE 5140, Advanced Study of Children’s Literature
Integrated Novel Unit from RE 5730, Reading and Writing Instruction for Intermediate and Advanced Learners
Reflective summary paper from RE 5740, Seminar in the Clinical Teaching of Reading
Action research paper from CI 5040, Teacher as Researcher / During RE 5130 Teaching the Language Arts I completed a literacy through photography project with my kindergarten students. I was able to incorporate digital media and technology with writing instruction to complete a classroom book and bulletin creating a more print rich environment in our classroom.
During RE 5140 Advanced Study of Children’s Literature I read a wide variety of children’s literature and wrote a series of book critiques on several of the books I read. During this class I was exposed to many different genres of children’s literature as well as many diverse characters and multicultural themes through children’s literature. I finished the class with a knowledge of how to find resources to diversify the literature within my own classroom setting.
During RE 5740 Seminar in the Clinical Teaching of Reading I had the chance to reflect on the teaching practices that I had learned and used during the practicum portion of this Masters of Reading program. I was able to apply those principles to be used in a small group setting or with the whole class.
During CI 5040 Teacher as Researcher I read several research articles on best practices of teaching reading with ELLs in order to develop an action research project within my own classroom. Through my project I was able to try out strategies to increase student motivation and learning.
5.2 Candidates design a social environment that is low risk and includes choice, motivation, and scaffolded support to optimize students’ opportunities for learning to read and write.
5.3 Candidates use routines to support reading and writing instruction (e.g., time allocation, transitions from one activity to another, discussions, and peer feedback).
5.4 Candidates use a variety of classroom configurations (i.e., whole class, small group, and individual) to differentiate instruction.
Standard 6. Professional Learning and Leadership.
6.1 Candidates demonstrate foundational knowledge of adult learning theories and related research about organizational change, professional development, and school culture. / Product of Learning and reflections in RE 5525, Product of Learning
Papers from RE 5710, Seminar in Reading and Language Arts Research
Action research paper from CI 5040, Teacher as Researcher / Through the Masters of Reading program at ASU I have learned the skills necessary to become a better leader within my school and community. During CI 5040 Teacher as Researcher I spent time learning how to do action research. This process helped me to reflect on my own teaching and find ways to improve my practice. During this time I also became more familiar with reading and understanding educational research. My understanding of educational research was deepened during my time in RE 5710 Seminar in Reading and Language Arts Research. During that time I reflected on my time in the Masters program and spent time researching issues within education today. As I reflected I realized that I am not only taking away foundational knowledge of the theories and methods of teaching reading but I am also taking away skills that can be used to effectively teach reading. As I become more confident in my abilities to teach reading I also feel more confident in sharing with others in my building and even with other schools. During RE 5525 Product of Learning I had the opportunity to share what I have learned in the Masters of Reading program.
6.2 Candidates display positive dispositions related to their own reading and writing and the teaching of reading and writing, and pursue the development of individual professional knowledge and behaviors.
6.3 Candidates participate in, design, facilitate, lead, and evaluate effective and differentiated professional development programs.
6.4 Candidates understand and influence local, state, or national policy decisions.