

1st Floor, The Exchange, 18 Cybercity, Ebene, Mauritius

Telephone : +(230) 454 3200 – Facsimile: + (230) 454 3202


Trust Name:
Date of creation:
Duration of Trust:
Purpose of Trust:
General terms of Trust:
Please specify the following:
Discretionary Trust / (if so, a Letter of Wishes required)
Fixed Interest Trust
Fixed and Discretionary Trust
Accumulation & Maintenance Trust
Charitable Trust
Purpose Trust
Revocable / Irrevocable
Proper law of Trust: / Mauritius / Other (Specify)
Tax status / Exempt / Tax resident


Name of Settlor

Maiden Name

Country of Residence

Country of Domicile


Date of Birth

ID/ Passport Number


Permanent Address

Correspondence Address

Contact Tel No. : / (Home) / (Work)
Mobile Tel No.:
Contact Fax No.: / (Home) / (Work)
Please describe the main activity of the Settlor or the nature of his business:
Global assets of Settlor:
Background information of Settlor:


How were you introduced to AAA Global Services Ltd?

Please provide two references from professional advisers (e.g. lawyers, tax advisers, accountants or banker) confirming the identity and address of the Settlor and any other person who will be providing funds.

Referee’s name:
Referee’s address:
Referee’s name:
Referee’s address:

The following information is required in order to identify our Clients in order to comply with our internal procedures and local legislation.

Enclosed / To follow
(please tick as appropriate)
1. Certified copy of passport/ identity card
To be certified by Bankers, Lawyers, Commissioner of Oath, Notaries or the Police.
2. Evidence of residential address, for example an original utility bill, bank statement or credit card statement not more than 3 months old.
(Please note that documents evidencing a PO Box address are not acceptable)
3. A bank reference Letter from a reputable bank, confirming that the client has maintained an account with them and that they have no reason to doubt the credit worthiness of the client.


Is the Settlor to be included as a beneficiary? /
/ No

Please provide the following details on the beneficiaries:

Beneficiary 1


Date of Birth


ID/ Passport Number


Relationship with Settlor

E-mail Address

Permanent Address

Contact Tel No. : / (Home) / (Work)
Mobile Tel No.:
Contact Fax No.: / (Home) / (Work)

Beneficiary 2


Date of Birth


ID/ Passport Number


Relationship with Settlor

E-mail Address

Permanent Address

Contact Tel No. : / (Home) / (Work)
Mobile Tel No.:
Contact Fax No.: / (Home) / (Work)

Beneficiary 3


Date of Birth


ID/ Passport Number


Relationship with Settlor

E-mail Address

Permanent Address

Contact Tel No. : / (Home) / (Work)
Mobile Tel No.:
Contact Fax No.: / (Home) / (Work)


In addition, please provide the following for each beneficiary:

Enclosed / To follow
(please tick as appropriate)
1. Certified copy of passport/ identity card
To be certified by Bankers, Lawyers, Commissioner of Oath, Notaries or the Police.
2. Evidence of residential address, for example an original utility bill, bank statement or credit card statement not more than 3 months old.
(Please note that documents evidencing a PO Box address are not acceptable)

Excluded persons

Should any person be excluded from becoming a beneficiary? / Yes / No
If yes, please specify the names and addresses of the persons to be excluded:



Date of Birth

Country of Residence

Country of Domicile


/ .

ID/ Passport Number


Permanent Address

Contact Tel No. : / (Home) / (Work)
Mobile Tel No.:
Contact Fax No.: / (Home) / (Work)

Specify the powers that the protector is to have in relation to the trust:


Please state Initial Assets to be provided:
Nature of any other assets to be settled:
If land, where is it situated?
Property Agents:
Source of funds (please be specific as how the funds to be placed into Trust arose)
Does the Trust own companies administered by AAA Global Services Ltd? / Yes / No

If yes, please specify

Yes / No
Confirm if the Settlor has the capacity to transfer assets specified above to the trust.
Has the Settlor any knowledge of present or future creditors who may legally have a claim to the trust assets? (If yes, please provide details)



It is not a legal requirement to prepare accounts for a trust but it is our policy to require that accounts be prepared. Indicate whether you would like AAA Global Services Ltd to provide bookkeeping and accounts preparation services:

Yes / No

If no, indicate who will provide such services:

Please indicate Accounting Year End:

Bank Account

Should a bank account be opened in Mauritius? / Yes / No
If Yes please specify where:
Currencies / USD / GBP / EUR
If other please specify:


I/We confirm the following:

(a)  All funds or assets to be placed in the proposed trust have not been or will not be:

· derived from any illegal source or activity; or

· the subject of any litigation in any other jurisdiction;

· connected to persons holding or having held high public or political positions,

and all supporting documents will be provided to AAA Global Services Ltd to that effect.

(b)  The trust including the funds and assets within the trust will not be used for any illegal activities such as:

· accepting and/or distributing the proceeds from drug trafficking or any associated activities; or

· engaging in any form of money laundering.

I/We confirm that I/We have obtained the appropriate legal and taxation advice pertaining to the structure which I/We wish to establish, and which I/We instructed you to establish on my/our behalf.

I/We confirm that I/We have read and understood the Standard Terms and Conditions of AAA Global Services Ltd for the provision of Trustee services, as shown in Appendix A.

I/We confirm that I/we have read and understood the extracts of: (a) The Financial Intelligence and Anti Money Laundering Act 2002; (b) The Prevention of Corruption Act 2002 and; (c) The Prevention of Terrorism Act 2002 highlighting their essential features, as shown in Appendix B.

I/We hereby confirm that the above details are true and accurate and I/We undertake to advise you in the event that any of my/our circumstances change, which may affect the structure which I/We wish to put into place.


Signature of Settlor(s)



Standard Terms and Conditions

This document contains the standard terms and conditions of AAA Global Services Ltd ("the Company"), which expression where appropriate will include associated companies, individual Directors and senior officers for the provision of trustee services. Unless otherwise expressly agreed in writing, use of the Company's services will be deemed to constitute acceptance of these terms and conditions, which are subject to revision at the Company's discretion from time to time.

Trustee Services

The Company or designated associated companies and/or individual directors or senior officers thereof may be nominated as trustee of a trust. In providing trustee services, the Company or nominated senior staff will act in accordance with the law governing the trust and the terms of the trust instrument.

Registered/Administrative Office

The address of the Company will be made available as the registered or administrative office of a trust and notice of it will be given to the appropriate statutory bodies/authorities.

Books of Account

It is not a legal requirement to prepare accounts for Trusts but it is the Company’s policy to require that books of account be maintained in order to provide financial statements for the consideration and approval of trustees. Information about investments and cash movements will be provided at appropriate intervals. The Company will require to be provided with such information as may be necessary to enable it to maintain books of account and to provide the statements referred to above.

Taxation Advice

The Company will not provide taxation advice other than that pertaining to Mauritius taxation unless specifically appointed to do so. Should it be necessary for the Company to contract with a specialist firm to enable it to give such advice, additional funds on account may be required in order that the Company may discharge its financial obligations to third parties as and when they arise.

Administration Fees

Administration fees for the Company's services are usually charged on a time-spent basis subject to the Company's annual minimum fee, although the Company and its associated companies reserve the right where appropriate to charge a premium rate. Administration fees will be charged annually in advance.

Should there be any outstanding fees due to the Company or to third parties by a trust, the Company reserves the right to procure that the trust realise assets to enable it to discharge its liabilities.

All fees are subject to revision from time to time at the absolute discretion of the Company and without prior notice.

Communication relating to trusts

The Company or any of its Directors, when acting as Corporate Trustee or personal Trustee respectively may accept communication relating to the business of the trust from any person, whether settlor, beneficiary, co-trustee, investment adviser or otherwise a person whom the Company reasonably believes to have authority to communicate with the Company in relation to the trust or the business of the trust. The Company may in its absolute discretion accept such communication given in person, or by cable, telex, facsimile, telephone or e-mail. The Company will expect to receive written confirmation of oral communication as soon as reasonably possible. The Company shall be entitled to rely on any communications without any liability whether for mistake in the interpretation of such communication or because of lack of authority on the part of the person providing the communication or because of any contradiction between the Company's understanding of such communication when first received and any written confirmation thereof subsequently received.


Information that you provide to us will be kept strictly confidential. If we are working with other advisers on a particular matter, we shall assume, unless you notify us to the contrary, that we may discuss any such information with those advisers and discuss it with them when necessary.

You should note that there is now a statutory duty imposed on all Trust Service providers, to report to the Mauritius authorities any knowledge or suspicion of money laundering, particularly if it relates to drugs, terrorism or other serious crime. This obligation overrides our duty of client confidentiality and we shall not be held liable for any breach of client confidentiality arising therefrom.

Loss or Damage

In providing services to its clients, the Company and its associated companies and their officers and employees shall not, in the absence of fraud, willful misconduct or gross negligence, be responsible for any loss or damage sustained or suffered as a result of or in course of the discharge of the duties specified and shall be indemnified against any such loss or damage by the trust and its beneficiaries.


Essential Features of:


·  Establishment of the Financial Intelligence Unit (FIU)

·  Functions of the FIU:

the FIU is the central agency in Mauritius responsible for receiving, requesting, analysing and disseminating to the investigatory and supervisory authorities disclosures of financial information:

(a)  concerning suspected proceeds of crime and alledged money laundering offences;

(b)  required by this Act or under any enactment to counter money laundering offences; or

(c)  concerning the financing of any activities or transactions related to terrorism as specified in Part III of the Prevention of Terrorism Act 2002.


These include:

(i)  forthwith make a report to the FIU of any transaction which the bank, financial institution, cash dealer or member of the relevant profession or occupation has reason to believe may be a suspicious transaction;

(ii)  verify, in such manner as may be prescribed, the true identity of all customers and other persons with whom they conduct transactions;

(iii)  keep such records, registers and documents as may be required under this Act or by Regulations; and

(iv)  upon a Court order, make available such records, registers and documents as may be required by the order.

Breaches of the Act can be heavily fined by a Court of Law including fine, imprisonment, assets forfeiture or licence revocation.

Clients must inform their Management Company (MC) of any change in the company’s activities and beneficial ownership allowing the MC to inform the FSC accordingly. The MC would also ensure that the conditions set out in the Global Business Licence are complied with at all times. For the purpose of the Act, Financial Institutions include MC’s.


Establishment of a Commission known as the Independent Commission Against Corruption (ICAC) which; amongst others, have also the following functions:

(a)  co-operate and collaborate with international institutions, agencies or organisations in the fight against money laundering and corruption;

(b)  detect and investigate any matter that may involve money laundering or suspicious transaction referred to it by the FIU;

(c)  execute any request for assistance referred to it by the FIU;

(d)  take such measures as may be necessary to counteract money laundering in consultation with FIU; and

(e)  co-operate and collaborate with the FIU in fulfilling common objectives.

The Commission shall not be under the control, direction of any person or authority.

Any person who gives, agrees to give, or offers a gratification to a public official shall commit an offence and shall, on conviction, be liable to penal servitude for a term not exceeding 10 years.

Co-operation with foreign States

Where a request relating to a money laundering offence is referred to the Commission under the Financial Intelligence and Anti Money Laundering Act 2002, the Commissioner shall execute the request by making an application to a Judge in Chambers to: