Grade - Unit Title

Unit 4 Table of Contents

Unit Title: Persuasive Writing of All Kinds

Section / Page Number
  • Unit Essential Questions

  • Unit Goals and Sub Goals (Task Analysis)

  • Unit Language (Spanish, Russian, English)

  • Unit Assessment Checklist

  • Unit Assessment Rubric

  • Sample Unit Calendar

Content: Unit 4 , Bend 1 / Dates of Unit:
Unit Title: / Exploring Opinion Writing: Makin Our School a Better Place
Stage 1 / Identify Desired Results
(Alpha-numeric listing of standards incorporated in the unit) / W.K.1, W.K.5, W.K.6, W.1.1, RI.K.7, RI.K.8, RI.K.10, RL.K.1, RL.K.2, RL.K.3, RL.K.10, RFS.K.1, RFS.K.2, RFS.K.3,
SL.K.1, SL.K.2, SL.K.3, SL.K.6, SL.K.4, SL.K.5, L.K.1, L.K.2, L.K.6
Essential Questions: (These goals should be aligned to Essential Questions.) / Skip / Skip / Skip / Skip / Skip
(These should be aligned to the Goals above) / Great writers use different strategies to share their opinion. / Great writers revise their work on their own. / Great writers use commands and conditional statements to share our opinions.
Learning Targets
(aligned to goals) / Session 1: I can see, think, and write about a problem. / Session 4: I can revise my own writing. (I don’t have to wait for others.) / I can use commands to state my opinion. / I
Session 2: I can give reasons to convince people to follow my idea. / Session 5: I can use everything I know to spell hard words. / I can use conditional statements (we should) share my opinion.
Session 3: I can write more and try different ways to tackle my problem.
Session 6: I can get my words out into the world!
Stage 2 / Determine Assessment Evidence
Academic Language (What language will students need to sound like experts?)
Academic Language Function(s):
  • Express feelings or preferences
  • Negotiate Solutions
  • Adjectives and present tense verb phrases
/ Academic Language Stems:
Easy for Beginners
  • I don’t like (state problem).
  • It/She/he (adjective).
  • It makes me feel (state of being).
  • (command)
I don’t like hitting.
It is bad.
It makes me feel sad.
Do not hit!
Medium for Intermediate
  • (Verb “ing”)(prepositional phrase) is a problem.
  • It is a problem because ______.
  • I think we should ______.
Running in the hall is a problem.
I think we should all walk.
Difficult for Advanced and Fluent
  • In my opinion (verb “ing”) is a (adjective) problem.
  • This is a (adjective) problem because______and ______.
  • I believe we should______.
In my opinion running in the hall is a large problem.
I believe we should all do a better job of walking.
Academic Vocabulary:
  • Opinion
  • Strategies
  • Convince
  • Reasons
  • Consequences
  • Revise

Assessment Tools: /
  • Goals Rubric
  • Assessment Checklist

Unit of Study Teacher Checklist

Student Name / Session 1: I can see, think, and write about a problem. / Session 2: I can give reasons to convince people to follow my idea. / Session 3: I can write more and try different ways to tackle my problem. / Session 4: I can revise my own writing. (I don’t have to wait for others.) / Session 5: I can use everything I know to spell hard words. / Session 6: I can get my words out into the world! / I can use commands to state my opinions. / I can use conditional statements (we should) share my opinion. / Notes

Unit of Study Opinion Writing Checklist

Student Name / I told, drew, and wrote my opinion or likes and dislikes about a topic or book. / I wrote my opinion in the beginning. / I wrote my idea and then said more. I used words such as because. / I had a last part or page. / I told my opinion in one place and in another place I said why. / I put everything I thought about the topic (or book) on the page. / I had details in pictures and words. / I could read my writing. / I wrote a letter for the sounds I heard. / I used the word wall to help me spell. / I put spaces between words. / I used lower case letters unless capitals were needed. / I wrote capital letters to start every sentence. / Notes
B = BeginningD = DevelopingP = ProficientM=Mastery

Unit of Study Assessment Rubric

Unit # - Unit Title…

Learning Target / Mastery / Proficient / Developing / Beginning
Language Learning Target
Stage 3 / Plan Learning Experiences and Instruction


Monday / Tuesday / Wednesday / Thursday / Friday
Bend 1:
Day 1: Session 1. Words Are Like Magic Wands: They Can Make Things Happen
Learning Goal: I can see, think, and write about a problem.
Anchor Chart:
Writers Write to Make the World Better / Day 2: Session 2. Convincing People: Providing Reasons and Consequences
Learning Goal: I can give reasons to convince people to follow my idea. / Day 3: Cont. Session 2. Convincing People: Providing Reasons and Consequences
Learning Goal: I can give reasons to convince people to follow my idea.
Language Goal: I can use commands to state my opinion. / Day 4: Session 3. Don’t Stop There! Generating More Writing for More Causes
Learning Goal: I can write more and try different ways to tackle my problem.
Anchor Chart: Writers Write to Make the World Better! (B)
Anchor Chart: Writers can Make a / Day 5: Cont. Session 3. Don’t Stop There! Generating More Writing for More Causes
Learning Goal: I can write more and try different ways to tackle my problem.
Language Goal: I can use conditional statements (we should) share my opinion.

Day 6: Session 4. Writers Reread and Fix Up Their Writing
Learning Goal: I can revise my own writing. (I don’t have to wait for others.)
Anchor Chart:
When We Are Done We Have Just Begun / Day 7: Session 5. Spelling Strategies Give Writers Word Power
Language Goal: I can use everything I know to spell hard words.
Anchor Chart: How To Turn a Word into a Snap Word (A) / Day 8: Mini Lesson Choice Day
Choose or review a mini lesson of your choice. / Day 9: Session 6. Hear Ye! Writing to Spread the Word (a Mini-Celebration)
I can get my words out into the world!
Anchor Chart: Writers Write to Make the Word Better (C) / Day 10: Session 6. Hear Ye! Writing to Spread the Word (a Mini-Celebration)
I can get my words out into the world!
Bend 2:
Day 11: Session 7. Writing Letter that Reach Readers
Learning Goal: I can write letters like I am talking to my reader. / Day 12: Session 7. Writing Letter that Reach Readers
Learning Goal: I can write letters like I am talking to my reader.
Language Goal: I can use conjunctions explain my reasoning. / Day 13: Session 8. Studying a Mentor Text (A Guided Inquiry)
Learning Goal: I can study mentor texts and use what I have learned in my writing. / Day 14: Session 9. Knowing Just What to Say: Angling Letters to Different Audiences
Learning Goal: I can write many letters about one topic to different audiences. / Day 15: Mini Lesson Choice Day
Choose or review a mini lesson of your choice.
Day 16: Session 10. How Can We Make It Better?
Learning Goal: I can give a “fix-it” idea to my readers. / Day 17: Session 10. How Can We Make It Better?
Learning Goal: I can give a “fix-it” idea to my readers.
Language Goal: I can use conditional statements (we should) share my opinion. / Day 18: Session 11. Wait! What’s That Say? Fixing Up Letter before Mailing Them
Learning Goal: I can fix up letter before I mail it. / Bend 3:
Day 19: Session 12. Draw on a Repertoire of Strategies to Write about a World Problem
Learning Goal: I can use what I already know to tackle a new project. / Day 20: Cont. Session 12. Draw on a Repertoire of Strategies to Write about a World Problem
Learning Goal: I can use what I already know to tackle a new project.
Day 21: Session 13. Sound Like at Expert! Teaching Information to Persuade Your Audience
Learning Goal: I can include facts in my writing to teach readers important information. / Day 22: Session 14. More on Adding Detailed Information to Persuasive Writing
Learning Goal: I can include facts in my writing to teach readers important information. / Day 23: Session 15. Writing How-To Book to Make a Change
Learning Goal: I can write a “how to” book to show my reader how to solve a problem. / Day 24: Session 15. Writing How-To Book to Make a Change
Learning Goal: I can write a “how to” book to show my reader how to solve a problem.
Language Goal: I can revise to make sure I used transition words. / Day 25: Mini Lesson Choice Day
Choose or review a mini lesson of your choice.
Day 26: Session 16. Editing for Punctuation: Partner Work
Learning Goal: I can add punctuation to my writing. / Day 27: Session 17. Speaking Up and Taking a Stand
Learning Goal: I can plan and rehearse my speech. / Day 28: Session 18. Fixing and Fancying Up for Publication Using the Super Checklist
Learning Goal: I can use a checklist to revise my writing. / Day 29: Session 19. The Earth Day Fair: An Author’s Celebration
I can present my speech. / Day 30: Session 19. The Earth Day Fair: An Author’s Celebration
I can present my speech.

Writers Write to Make the World Better! (A)

Writers Write to Make the World Better (B)

Writers Can Make a…..

When We Are Done We Have Just Begun

How to Turn a Word into A Snap Word (A)

Writers Write to Make the World Better (C)

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