1.4 Convergence and Consistency

Q: Is as

Def: A one-step finite difference scheme approximating a partial differential equation is a convergent scheme if

For any solution to the partial differential equation , and solutions to the finite difference scheme, , such that converges to as mh converges to x, then converges to as (nk,mh) converges to (t,x) as h,k converge to 0.

Def: Given a partial differential equation

, and a finite difference scheme,

, we say the finite difference

scheme is consistent with the partial

differential equation if for any smooth function


the convergence being pointwise convergence at each grid point.

Ex: The forward-time forward-space Scheme

Let So


by Taylor series we have




This scheme is consistent

Def: If F and G are function of some parameter , we write

F=O(G) as



for some constant K and all sufficiently small.

F=o(G) as

if F/G converges to zero as tends to zero.


F= means F goes to zero as fast/slow as

Ex: The Lax-Friedrichs Scheme

by Taylor series

So as and

Ex: with

We have shown the scheme is consistency.

Now , let


but for


1.5 Stability

If so has to be bounded is some sense.

Def: A FDS for a first-order equation is stable in a stability region

If an integer J s.t. T>0 s.t

If we let

Then we have


i.e , The norm of the solution at any time , is limit in the amount of growth that can occur. Note that J might be 0

A stability region is any bounded nonempty region of the first quadrant of that has the origin as an accumulation point.


We show this is stable if


How about inhomogeneous problem?

In Chapter 9:

A scheme is stable for the if it is stable

For the equation .

The Lax-Richtmyer Equivalence Theorem

The importance of the concepts of consistency and stability is seen in the Lax-Richtmyer equivalence theorem, which is the fundamental theorem in the theory of finite difference schemes for initial value problem.

Theorem: A consistent finite difference scheme for a pde for which the initial value problem is well-posed is convergent if and only if it is stable.

Def: The initial value problem for the first-order partial differential equation Pu =0 is well-posed if for any time T>=0, there is a constant such that any solution satisfies


Consistency Convergence


easy, concepts hard analysis

Remark: Non-stable scheme can not be convergent.

1.6 The Courant-Friedrichs-Lewy Condition

The CFL Condition

Example 1.5.1

is stable if

i.e. the Lax-Friedrichs scheme is stable

if , where

Claim: is necessary condition for stability

Theorem: For an explicit scheme for the hyperbolic equation (1.1.1) of the form


a necessary condition for stability is the

Courant-Friedrichs-Lewy(CFL) condition

pf: Suppose ,

Consider , it depends on either or

but depends on x only for

since depends on for



so it is not stable

Theorem: There are no explicit unconditionally stable, consistent finite difference schemes for hyperbolic systems of pdes.

Two implicit schemes which are unconditionally stable

backward-time center-space scheme

This will be showed in Section 2.2

backward-time backward-space scheme

if a>0