Minutes of the Annual Meeting of the Parish Council

held on Tuesday 2nd May 2017

7:30pm at St John’s Church Hall

069/17 Appointment of Chairman and Declaration of Acceptance of Office

It was RESOLVED that Cllr. V Edwards be appointed Chairman of the Council for the coming year. The Declaration of Acceptance of Office of Chairman was signed.

070/17 Appointment of Vice Chairman and Declaration of Acceptance of Office

It was RESOLVED that Cllr. J England be appointed Vice Chairman of the Council for the coming year. The Declaration of Acceptance of Office of Vice Chairman was signed.

The Chairman thanked the members present for their nomination.

071/17 Attendance and Apologies for Absence

Those present: Councillors V Edwards (Chairman), J England (Vice Chairman), G Clark, J Coker, M Gaffar, P Hayles, P Hobgen, C Knight, D Milbank, J Newton and T Oliver.

Also present: The Clerk Stephanie Mills.

Apologies and the reasons for absence noted from Cllr. D Trangmar. Cllr. R Neilson sent apologies retrospectively.

072/17 Declarations of Interest and Notification of Change to Members’ Interests

Cllr. Gaffar declared an interest in matters relating to the upcoming local elections, being a candidate standing within the election. Cllr. England declared a personal interest in matters relating to the grant request for St John’s holiday club (088/17/3). Cllr. Hogben declared an interest in matters relating to the Village Centre Management Committee (79/17/2). Cllr. Edwards declared a personal interest in matters relating to the Village Centre Management Committee (079/17/2).

073/17 Public Speaking

There were no members of the public present.

074/17 Chairman's Announcements

Cllr. Edwards advised members that she was recently approached by West Sussex County Times regarding comments made on social media that the town of Broadbridge Heath was to be renamed Broadbridge. Cllr. Edwards reassured the Council that renaming the town was not under discussion and that the confusion appears to have arisen from the naming of a new electoral ward called Broadbridge.

075/17 Minutes of previous meeting(s)

It was RESOLVED to approve the minutes of the Parish Council Meeting held on 3rd April 2017. The Chairman signed the minutes.

076/17 Review of Council Documents

1.  Standing Orders

It was RESOLVED to approve the Standing Orders adopted on 3rd May 2016 with no changes.

2.  Financial Regulations

It was RESOLVED to amend the Financial Regulations adopted on 3rd May 2016 to rectify the numbering error on the index page.

3.  Code of Conduct

It was RESOLVED to approve the Code of Conduct adopted on 3rd May 2016 with no changes.

077/17 Review of Committees and Nomination of Councillors

It was RESOLVED to elect members as follows:

1.  Recreation and Environment Committee – T Oliver, V Edwards, D Milbank, C Knight, J Coker and P Hayles.

2.  Village Centre Development Sub-Committee – J England, T Oliver, D Milbank.

3.  Finance and Establishment Committee – D Trangmar, G Clark, V Edwards, J England, M Gaffar and T Oliver.

4.  Local Development Committee – Members agreed that this committee was no longer required.

5.  Planning Committee – G Clark, V Edwards, J England, P Hayles and J Newton.

6.  Terms of Reference for Committees – it was recommended to review and approve the Terms of Reference for all committees at the first meeting of that committee.

078/17 Election of Council Representatives on Outside Bodies

It was RESOLVED to elect members as follows:

1.  Horsham Association of Local Councils (HALC) - G Clark and T Oliver.

2.  Cricket and Tennis Club – R Neilson (in absence to be confirmed).

3.  Village Centre Management Committee - Observer D Milbank. Cllr P Hobgen is currently a trustee representing the Parish Council.

4.  Community Youth Work Representative (Cluster Steering Group) – D Trangmar and M Gaffar.

5.  Wickhurst Green Public Art – J England and T Oliver.

079/17 Strategic Development

1.  The Countryside Development

1.1.  Monthly update report from Countryside Properties

The Council reviewed a draft plan provided by Countryside Properties for a new standalone Parish Council Office. Members agreed that the previous strong objections to the Neighbourhood Centre still stand but that the plans for the new Parish Office look workable providing that the Parish Council has input into the final design and that the alternative options for the Parish Office are still explored.

2.  The Village Centre

2.1.  Update from Village Centre Development Committee – Cllr. England presented an updated PowerPoint presentation and update document. The Project now has an updated Gantt chart and financial timeline. The architect will produce the first draft designs in July and, once available, these will be displayed at a public exhibition. It was RESOLVED to approve the presentation and document to be displayed to the public in the Village Centre and on the website. It was RESOLVED that the contract for the Village Centre Development Architect be signed by the RFO and two authorised signatories.

2.2.  Section 106 Grant Application – Members received an update on the Section 106 Application which has been fully approved. Members agreed that the payment process for the Village Centre Development invoices needs to be clearly defined with HDC. Cllr. Hogben gave an update on the Village Centre VAT Claim - Mark Mulberry is sending a letter of engagement with schedule of fees and a letter to HMRC.

3.  Traffic Calming Update

There has been no notable progression on traffic calming within the Village since the last Parish Council Meeting. Members agreed that it is essential that a representative from WSCC attend the Annual Parish Meeting to explain to the Council and the public why the delays are occurring and what the scheme of work is with regards to other traffic calming to be implemented in the Village. The Clerk will speak with WSCC to arrange.

4.  HDC Meeting

A date for an additional Parish Council Meeting with Trevor Beadle was suggested of 24th July 2017 with a possible walkaround of the Village on 1st July 2017. The Clerk will liaise with Trevor Beadle to confirm his attendance.

5.  The Triangle

The Clerk confirmed that WSCC own the plot of land known locally as ‘The Triangle’. The Clerk will speak with WSCC to seek permission for a memorial bench for Malcolm Curnock to be sited on The Triangle.

6.  New School

Members noted an update regarding the proposed new school for the Village. A decision regarding the school has been delayed due to the County and upcoming General Elections.

080/17 Anti-social behaviour

The Clerk updated members regarding recent anti-social behaviour within the Village including youths smashing bottles in the Village Centre Playground late at night and drug use around the Scout Hall. The Clerk is liaising with Greg Charman (HDC Community Safety/Health and Wellbeing Manager) regarding actions to prevent this behaviour.

081/17 Broadbridge Heath Football Club Naming of New Facilities

It was RESOLVED to approve the naming convention for the new Broadbridge Heath Football Club facilities proposed by Andrew Crisp. The Parish Council is delighted to see Malcolm Curnock being recognised for all the good work he did.

082/17 District and County Councillor Reports

There were no County or District Councillors present.

083/17 Local Planning

1.  It was RESOLVED to approve the following comments to Horsham District Council:

Application / Address / Details / Parish Council comment
DC/17/0873 / 8 Warnham Road Broadbridge Heath Horsham West Sussex RH12 3JZ / Demolition of existing conservatory and proposed erection of two storey rear extension / No objection
DC/17/0829 / 23 Edwards Close Broadbridge Heath Horsham West Sussex RH12 3PL / Fell 1 x Beech / No objection providing Tree Officer has reviewed
DC/17/0752 / 57 Billingshurst Road Broadbridge Heath Horsham West Sussex RH12 3LJ / Erection of a two storey rear extension / No material objection
DISC/17/0124 / Newbridge Nurseries Billingshurst Road Broadbridge Heath Horsham West Sussex RH12 3LN / Approval of details reserved by conditions 8, 10 and 17 on DC/16/2250 / No objection but lighting must not be a nuisance to nearby properties
DC/17/0692 / 42 Thelton Avenue Broadbridge Heath Horsham West Sussex RH12 3LT / Approval of Reserved Matters following outline approval DC/16/0862, erection of 1 x end of terrace dwelling / No objection providing Compliance Officer has reviewed

084/17 Documents for Circulation April - documents for information only and not requiring action were circulated to those Councillors present.

085/17 Annual Parish Meeting

Attendees for the Annual Parish Meeting and logistics were reviewed and agreed.

086/17 Parish Newsletter

Content and articles for the upcoming Parish Newsletter were reviewed and agreed.

087/17 Recruitment of Assistant Clerk

Members received an update on applications received. No further recruitment costs were deemed necessary at present.

088/17 Finance and Establishment

1.  Overtime

It was RESOLVED to approve 13.8 additional hours for the Clerk for April 2017.

2.  Accounts for Payment April 2017

Accounts, together with the supporting documents, were reviewed and circulated. It was RESOLVED to approve payments totalling £6,889.04. Cllrs. Clark, England and Oliver signed the cheques. Details of employee salaries and expenses are available upon request.

Cheque / Payee / Narrative / £
101386 / S Mills / Salary and Expenses
101387 / Mr J Pilkington / Salary and Expenses
101388 / Slinfold Parish Council / Bespoke Councillor Training 25th April 2017 / £180.00
101388 / Slinfold Parish Council / Southern Electric Invoice March 2017 / £6.25
101389 / Horsham PCC / St John's Hall Hire March - April 2017 / £112.00
101390 / Horsham Matters Ltd / Community Youth Work employment costs April 2016 - June 2017 / £3,216.62
101390 / Horsham Matters Ltd / Community Youth Work operations costs Jan - March 2017 / £77.66
101391 / Eyelevel Design / Unpaid invoice for Parish Newsletter Q4 2016 / £1,192.94
101392 / Horsham Association of Local Councils / HALC Conference 8th April 2017 / £5.00
101392 / Horsham Association of Local Councils / HALC Annual Subscription / £15.00
TOTAL: / £6,889.04

3.  Consider and approve a grant application from St John’s Church

It was RESOLVED to approve the grant application from St John’s Church for £500 to fund a holiday club during August 2017.

4.  Consider and approve a grant application from Broadbridge Heath Football Club

It was RESOLVED to approve the grant application from Broadbridge Heath Football Club for £750.

5.  Hanging Baskets

It was RESOLVED to approve idverde to hang, water and feed the hanging baskets throughout the summer and remove and store at the end of the season at a cost of £1,290.

089/17 Consultations and Forthcoming Meetings/Activities

None to note.

090/17 Next Meeting(s)

Day / Date / Meeting
Monday / 15-05-17 / Finance & Establishment Committee
Monday / 22-05-17 / Annual Parish Meeting

Meeting closed 10:09pm