Please find detailed below the report for the site monitoring undertaken on Thursday 17 July 2014. If you should have any queries or require any photographs taken on site please do not hesitate to contact me.

File Ref: 23 421 32 / Date: 17 July 2014 / Visit no: 1 of 1
Monitoring Officer: Tom McCarthy
Tel No: 03330 136816 / Time on site:
10:00 / Time off site:
Site Co-ordinator:Tom McCarthy / Tel No: 03330 136816
Site Name: Land at Old Hall and Generals Farm, Chelmsford, Boreham
Operator: SRC
Site Representative: None present
Permission Numbers:
ESS/33/09/CHL – Continuation of removal of minerals in the course of constructing an agricultural reservoir (planning permission ESS/05/09/CHL) without compliance with Condition 2 (permission end date September 2009) to require cessation of permission and completion by 26 September 2011.
ESS/33/09/CHL/NMA1 – Extension to the area to which clay imported under ESS/05/09/CHL was used in the construction of the agricultural reservoir banks.
ESS/33/09/CHL/NMA2 – Alterations to the planting areas, density and species of the approved landscaping scheme.
ESS/33/09/CHL/NMA3 – Alterations to the planting areas, density and species of the approved landscaping scheme.
Permission Number & Romp Date Due: 2021
Outstanding Submission of details:
Permission No. / Condition No. / Scope of Condition and Action to be taken
Weather:Dry/ Windy / Rain / Snow
Noise:Acceptable / Not acceptable / N/A
Approach Roads:Dry / Dusty / Wet / Muddy / Flooded
Ground:Dry / Dusty / Wet / Damp / Muddy / Flooded
Access: Obstructed / Not Obstructed / Mud on Road /
Ice / Slippery
Wheel Cleaning:Washer / Spinner / Sweeper / N/A
Hose:In use / Not in Use / N/A
In correct position:Yes / No / N/A
Stockpiles:Height = N/A
Bunds:Profiled / Grassed / Weeds / N/A
Actions from last site visit:
Submit non-material amendment for additional tree planting.
A non-material amendment to the approved landscaping scheme was submitted to Essex County Council in July 2013. This application which sought changes to the planting areas, density and species of the approved landscaping scheme was subsequently approved on 31/07/2013 (application reference: ESS/33/09/CHL/NMA3).
Sow grass seed mix.
See Inspection Results Summary for comment.
Inspection Results Summary:
Since the last monitoring visit Chelmsford City Council have granted temporary planning permission for the use of the site for seasonal triathlon training (application reference: 13/01518/FUL) together with provision of associated development and infrastructure. There is however a requirement on this consent that all buildings and structures together with all other paraphernalia relating to the use be removed from the site on or before 31 October 2014. As permission, albeit temporarily, now exists for this ‘development’ it is considered no further actionneeds to be taken by ECC at this time.
The reservoir was full, at the time of visit, and the planning/landscaping appeared to be establishing well. The adjacent grassland however appeared undrilled as per the approved seed mix. There was groundcover however, as noted previously, a variety of aggressive weeds were present. Due attention and management of this is required to ensure the wetland and hedge mix, to the east of the site, is not undermined.
Last year it was noted that the site did not progress from year one of aftercare owing to this fact (that it was considered the grassland and planting had not been appropriately managed). A year on, although it is believed further management of in-particular the grassland is still required,overall it is considered that due effort has been made with regard to the aftercare of the site. Whilst ECC expect further progression, in-particular in respect of the invasive weed species in the grass mix,on the basis of the establishment of the planting and the overall condition of the site, the site is signed off into year two of its aftercare period.
Compliance with Conditions
Permission No. / Condition No. / Scope of Condition and Action to be taken / Action to be taken by
Operator or MPA/WPA
Actions to be taken before next site visit:
None although the operator is reminded that the triathlon training permission is only temporary and after this consent expires,should without prejudice an extension to this use be agreed, all buildings and structures together with all other paraphernalia associated with this will have to be removed from the site.
Note:The actions noted in this report are required in order to ensure adequate progress is made and to avoid potential enforcement action against a breach of planning control.