Name ______


The Miller’s Tale

Respond to the following items concerning “The Miller’s Tale.”

1.  How does the Miller come across in his prologue? What does he reveal about himself?

2.  What is the main setting of the tale?

3.  Name the four main characters of his tale (give their true names). Describe each.





4.  Describe the relationship between the carpenter and his wife.

5.  Chaucer gives almost an entire page of imagery describing the wife. Give at least three details about her.

6.  What does Absalom do to try and win the love of Alison?

7.  Describe the steps to the plan that Nicholas explains to John. Why do you think John believes his prediction?

8.  To what Bible story can this plan be related? Why do you think Chaucer includes this allusion to the Bible in his tales?

9.  Once Nicholas, John, and Alison have gotten into their “ships,” what are they forbidden to do, according to Nicholas?

10.  What is the part of the plan that John does NOT know?

11.  How does Alison first react when Absalom makes another attempt to woo her at her house?

12.  What does she at first agree to do so that Absalom will leave her alone?

13.  How does she trick Absalom?

14.  What is Absalom’s plan to get back at Alison?

15.  How does Nicholas get involved? What does he do to Absalom, and what does Absalom do to him?

16.  What reputation did John gain after all of this?

17.  Which of the 7 Deadly Sins does this story tell us about? (could be one or more)

18.  What could be a theme of this story?

19.  This story is an example of a fabliau. Define that term.

20. Since this is a story about lower-class people, what do you think Chaucer is trying to say about the lower class?