From: "Lach, Denise" <>
Subject: RE: Curriculum Liaison
Date: September 9, 2014 at 10:58:54 AM PDT
To: "Edwards, John" <>, "Shaw, Susan" <>, "Rivera-Mills, Susana" <>, "Rossi, Marion" <>, "Mutschler, Ben" <>, "Helle, Anita" <>, "Hall, Troy" <>, "Flick, Larry" <>, "Harvey, Marie" <>
John – thanks for sending this along. The core curriculum looks very strong and I expect that stand alone graduate electives will shake out as you begin to have more students around. It might be that some of these graduate methods courses are appropriate for other programs around campus and could enroll many students if you are okay with that. You may already have done this, but one thing we did when we put together the PhD for public policy was an informal review – we asked some colleagues to take a look and make suggestions BEFORE we sent it through the OSU system. They had some great suggestions that made our proposal stronger and good ideas about how to recruit students, etc. so it was really worth the extra time. I think a successful grad program in Psychology will be VERY good for CLA. Congratulations on getting this started - Denise
From: Edwards, John
Sent: Monday, September 08, 2014 4:05 PM
To: Lach, Denise; Shaw, Susan; Rivera-Mills, Susana; Rossi, Marion; Mutschler, Ben; Helle, Anita; Hall, Troy; Flick, Larry; Harvey, Marie
Subject: Curriculum Liaison
As many of you know, the School of Psychological Science is preparing to submit a Category I proposal for a new PhD program in Applied Psychology. I am emailing you to notify you of this, in accord with OSU procedures, and to ask for any comments, concerns, or support. I've attached the most recent version of the proposal to this email. We'd like to get the proposal into the submission queue by the start of classes. If we don't hear from you by the end of the week prior to that, we'll assume you have no concerns or questions.
Let me know if you have any questions. Also, I'm happy to discuss any synergies you might see arising from this.
Dr. John A. Edwards
School of Psychological Science
Oregon State University
Corvallis, OR 97331-5303
office: 541-737-1370
fax: 541-737-3547