Subject: Update on Effectiveness Review of Council and Proposals for Effectiveness Review of Senate
Origin: Secretary to Senate and Council
Executive Summary: This paper provides an update on progress with the effectiveness review of Council taking place in the first half of 2013 and sets out outline proposals for an effectiveness review of Senate, in accordance with HEFCE/CUC guidance.
Action Required: Senate is asked to NOTE the update on the Council Effectiveness Review and APPROVE the initial proposals for the effectiveness review of Senate.
The HEFCE/Committee of University Chairs (CUC) guidance for members of governing bodies states (inter alia):
“The governing body should review its effectiveness regularly. Not less than every five years, it should undertake a formal and rigorous evaluation of its own effectiveness, and that of its committees and ensure that a parallel review is undertaken of the senate/academic board and its committees.”
(para 2.62, page 30 of the Guide for Members of Higher Education Governing Bodies in the UK, March 2009)
Loughborough last undertook an effectiveness review of Council in 2008 with the final report being submitted to Council in November 2008. This was a fairly light touch review, undertaken by a member of staff from the Business School and encompassed discussions with members of Council A major review of the committee structure was last undertaken in 2007/08 although a number of changes were made as a result of the restructuring into academic Schools.
Effectiveness Review of Council
In view of the need to comply with the HEFCE/CUC guidance, and bearing in mind other developments at the University, Council agreed to initiate an effectiveness review of Council at its last meeting on 17 November 2012. A small working group has been established to oversee the process with the following membership:
Chair: Sir John Gains
One lay member of Council : Ann Greenwood
One staff member of Council : Carol Robinson
Secretary and Assistant Secretary to Council : Jennifer Nutkins and Mark Hollingsworth
Since November, the Working Group had developed a methodology and timescale for the review with a view to research with members of Council and other stakeholders taking place between the March and July meetings of Council. It has commissioned Grant Thornton to act as external consultants to assist with the review. As well as the overall effectiveness of Council in fulfilling its responsibilities under the Charter and Statutes and to HEFCE etc., the review offers the opportunity to consider issues such as value for money and the reduction of bureaucracy. It will be important to consider how best to strike the right balance between effective use of staff and lay member time, speed of decision-making and collegiality.
A final report from the Council review will submitted to Council on 12 July 2013 with a view to implementation of recommendations during 2013/14. Any major changes, e.g. to the composition of Council, would involve revision of the statutory framework and would therefore need to be agreed in detail in 2013/14 for implementation in 2014/15.
Outline Proposals for Effectiveness Review of Senate
As noted above, HEFCE/CUC good practice guidance expects governing bodies to ensure that reviews are undertaken of their Senates. It is also worth noting that when the revised membership of Senate was approved following the restructuring into Schools, it was agreed that the new composition of Senate should be reviewed after two years. The Senate effectiveness review will aim to check whether Senate and its sub-committees are discharging the responsibilities conferred on Senate by the Charter and Statutes and consider the contribution of Senate to the effective academic governance of the institution. In addition, it will take into account the effectiveness of meetings, quality of engagement and debate and whether any improvements can be made to the arrangements for handling Senate business. A key component of the process will be to seek the views of current Senate members on these issues.
It is proposed that the effectiveness review of Senate is initiated in the autumn term 2013. This timing will allow any recommendations regarding the relationship between Council and Senate emerging from the effectiveness review of Council to be taken into account. It will probably be helpful to set up a small working group to oversee the review. A report will be made to either the January or March meetings of Senate in 2014 which will then allow time for further discussion and approval of any changes to be made for implementation in 2014/15. Further details of the process will be submitted to Senate in due course.
Action Required:
Senate is asked to NOTE the update on the Council Effectiveness Review and APPROVE the initial proposals for the effectiveness review of Senate.
Dr Jennifer Nutkins
26 February 2013
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