Exponential/Logistic Growth and Decay Project

Objective: Students will create, use and explain a visual representation of exponential growth/decay or logistic growth and predict future events for the scenario.

  1. Pick a topic of exponential growth/decay or logistic growth. Feel free to research and come up with other topics.

Exponential Growth Topics / Exponential Decay Topics / Logistic Growth Topics
Yeast, bacteria / Radioactive Elements / Spread of a disease
Population / Medicine Level in Blood / Spread of a rumor
Credit Card Account with interest rate or Savings Account with interest rate / Change in value of a car or computer over a period of time / Popularity of iPhone app/game
Value of stock when there is steady set increase / Value of stock when there is steady set decrease / Fads (like the Harlem Shake)
  1. Write at least one paragraph to explain the growth/decay of your topic. Give examples of how this information is used, when it was first discovered, etc.
  2. Create the Growth or Decay model for your topic. Once a model is decided upon, use it to predict two future events – one in the near future, and one in the distant future.
  3. Graph your model with a decent degree of accuracy.
  4. Gather all pieces of this assignment and display them neatly on a poster.
  5. This project will be due It will count as a 60 point assignment.


Point Value
Written explanation of the growth/decay, how it is used in real life, etc. / 20
Correct Equation and 2 Future Values / 20
Accurate Graph (title and labels) with population indicated on each graph / 10
Poster neatly organized with all the appropriate information. / 10
Total / 60

Exponential/Logistic Growth and Decay Project Rubric

Written explanation of the growth/decay, how it is used in real life, etc.

Explanation is easily understood.

Interesting application in real life

Non-trivial example of growth and decay


Correct Equation and 2 Future Values

Equation is correct, work is shown

Future Value 1 (sometime close to present)

Future Value 2 (sometime distant)


Accurate Graph (title and labels) with population indicated on each graph

Graph is correct




Visual Presentation

Contains all components of the project

Is visually appealing to the eye


Total ______(60pts)
