Requisition ProceduresFY ‘11
Requisition Entry
- Select REQUISITION ENTRY from the Munis menu. Make a note of the requisition number.
- The DEPT/LOC, FISCAL YEAR, and REQUISITION NUMBER will automatically default in Munis.
- You must not create requisitions that combine more than one object number.
- The GENERAL DESCRIPTION should read “BOOK LIST- SEE ATTACHMENT” if a list is attached.
- The ENTERED DATE & ENTERED BY will automatically default.
- Click the three dots to see a list of possible vendors. Select the desired vendor by typing the first letter of the vendor name. The VENDOR NAME and ADDRESS will automatically default.
- The SHIP TO ADDRESS will automatically default to your location.
- The BILL TO and SPECIAL HANDLING will automatically default.
- The TYPE will always be listed as NORMAL.
- Leave the box checked next to NOTIFY ORIGINATOR WHEN CONVERTED TO PO.
- Enter the QUANTITY, UNIT PRICE, and DESCRIPTION for each item being ordered.
- Do not forget to include shipping, if required.
- If ordering books, after adding the line entry for the books to be ordered, click the paper clip icon at the top of the page to attach a book list.
- Select an ORG code and OBJECT code for each item.
- Only title funded purchases will require completion of the PROJECT FIELD.
- If the desired vendor is not available, submit a request to have the vendor added to Janice Horne.
- Include ATTN: and the name of the media specialist.
- Janice Horne should be listed as the buyer (6322jhor).
- Release the requisition. It is a good idea to note the requisition number.
- All requisitions are approved by your site administrator.
- Once requisitions are approved by your site administrator, local technology and technical maintenance requisitions are approved by the executive director of technology and media.
- Once requisitions are approved by your principal, media requisitions are approved by the media coordinator.
- Make sure to include the vendor’s phone number and fax number in the vendor sourcing area.
- (Inform your vendor that you will need a copy of the invoice at the time of the order.)
- LAPTOPS ONLY MUST BE SHIPPED TO BOE, 200 Bradwell Street, ATTN: Jeff Anderson
- Send Jeff Anderson an email that will include the number of laptops you have ordered.
At no time should anything be ordered for preview or demo models.
- No orders can be mailed or faxed from the school site.
- The majority of your requisitions should be sent in by December 1, 2011. EBSCO orders will be the only exception to this rule, under normal circumstances.
- If these procedures are not followed correctly the Requisition will not be converted to a Purchase Order.
Receiving the Order:
- Orders should be RECEIVED in MUNIS within two days of the orders arrival. Receiving the order in Munis alerts the finance department that the order invoice may be paid.
- Collect the packing slip when the order arrives.
- Select PO RECEIVING FILE MAINTANCE from the Munis menu.
- Enter the PO number to locate the appropriate purchase order.
- Note the quantity received for each item.
- Note items to be returned, if applicable.
- You may use the QUICK RECIEPT option to receive the order by either the select all or by the line.
- If an item has been cancelled or discontinued, select the line number for the items that did not arrive. Select the RETURNED TAB and list the quantity and the reason why it was not received. Make sure to green check it. For example, note ITEM DISCONTINUED in the Comment area on the Return tab. THIS DOES NOT APPLY FOR ATTACHED BOOK LISTS.
- When receiving a book order that has an attached list, acquire the invoice from the vendor. Note the books that were not received. Stamp the invoice with your received-all stamp, date, and sign on the signature line. Send this to Janice Horne in the finance department.
- You should maintain a tally of your funds. File a copy of the purchase order, packing slip, and invoice for each order for your records.
If you have any questions, please call Betty (369-3125).
Possible Purchase Order Objects
Object Number / Title / Description553000 / Communication / COMMUNICATION
Services provided by persons or businesses to assist in transmitting and receiving messages or information. This category includes telephone and telegraph services, postage machine rental, postage and fax services.
561000 / Supplies (This includes DVDs and the Annual Copyright Compliance Site License.) / SUPPLIES
All supply items which cannot be properly classified as technology supplies, computer software, energy, food usage, textbooks or books and periodicals, as defined in objects 611, 612, 620, 630, 641 and 642. This would include office supplies, paper, cleaning supplies, etc. Also, printing cost, when the supplies are a major part of the expense, would be recorded here.
561100 / Supplies-Technology / Supplies - Technology Related
Technology related supplies including supplies that are typically used in conjunction with technology related hardware or software.
561200 / Computer Software / COMPUTER SOFTWARE
Expenditures for the purchase of computer software which has already been developed. Contracted services for developing software would be recorded in object 300.
561500 / Equipment-Expendable / EXPENDABLE EQUIPMENT
Items purchased with federal program funds with a per-unit cost of less than $5000 or items purchased with state program funds with a per-unit cost of less than $1000, which might otherwise be classified as "equipment" rather than "supplies". Examples: calculators, chairs, tables, projectors, video-cassette recorders, etc. An inventory of these items should be maintained for control purposes.
561600 / Computer Equipment / EXPENDABLE COMPUTER EQUIPMENT
Items purchased with federal program funds with a per-unit cost of less than $5000 or items purchased with state program funds with a per-unit cost of less than $1000, which might otherwise be classified as "equipment" rather than "supplies." Examples: Printers, Disk Drives, etc...
564200 / Books and Periodicals (not to include textbooks) / BOOKS (OTHER THAN TEXTBOOKS) AND PERIODICALS
Expenditures for the purchase of all books and periodicals (other than textbooks) available for general use, including reference books. The cost of binding and repairing reference books in the MediaCenter is reported here.
Expenditures for initial, additional, and replacement items of equipment such as machinery, furniture and fixtures, and vehicles. To be charged to equipment, an item must meet the following criteria: a. The cost must be $5,000 or more per unit if federal program funds or $1000 or more per unit if state program funds. b. The life expectancy must be more than one year.
573400 / Purchase of Computers / PURCHASE OR LEASE-PURCHASE OF COMPUTERS.
Expenditures for the purchase or lease-purchase of computers including CPUs, storage devices, printers, input devices, word processing, or other equipment needed for electronic computing. Items charged here must meet the two criteria noted in object 730. Per unit cost of $5,000 or more to use this object.
Media Funds
** These requisitions require the media coordinator’s approval in addition to the school site administrator’s approval.
Munis will not allow for funds to combine on the same purchase order. Do not combine orgs or objects on the same requisition. If sufficient funds are not available in the specific account, Munis will not allow the requisition.
The ORG is 131022XX. The XXs stand for the school’s initials. For example, the Liberty Elementary media org is 131022LE. The following Objects are available for use in this ORG.
561000, 561100, 561200, 561500, 561600, 564200, 573000, and 573400
The 564200 OBJ is used to buy books (not text books) and periodicals. A funds transfer must be submitted and approved by your site administrator to move funds from the 564200 OBJ to other OBJs.
Local Technology Allotment
**These requisitions require the executive director of technology and media’s approvalin addition to the school site administrator’s approval.
Munis will not allow for funds to combine on the same purchase order. If sufficient funds are not available in the specific account, Munis will not allow the requisition.
These funds should be used to purchase computers, computer peripherals (printers, digital cameras, flex cams, scanners, LCD projectors, presentation boards, microscopes for computers, and curriculum software (that has been pre-approved).
The TECH ORGs are 131060XX (media technology), 002460XX (tech office admin), 10160XX (technology Kindergarten), 102160XX (technology grades 1-3), 105160XX (technology grades 4-5), 108160XX (technology grades 6-8), 104160XX (technology grades 9-12). The XXs stand for the school’s initials. For example, the Liberty Elementary media org is 131060LE. The following Objects are available for use in this ORG.
561000, 561100, 561200, 561500, 561600, and 573400
Technology Maintenance Funds
** These requisitions require the executive director of technology and media’s approvalin addition to the school site administrator’s approval. Permission from the executive director of technology and media must be obtained prior to entering.
These funds should be used specifically for:
- LCD projector bulb replacement
- laptop batteries
- batteries for graphing calculators, CPS units, and digital cameras
- cords
- mice
The TECH MAINT ORG is 131062XX (media tech maintenance). The following Objects are available for use in this ORG. For example, the Liberty Elementary tech maint org is 131062LE.
561000 and 561100
Standard Labeling Procedures
It is recommended that each book be stamped with the school/media center stamp and labeled with the copy identification number, cost, funding source, fiscal year of purchase, and call number. This information may be printed on the title page of the book close to the spin. It is also recommended that this information be listed on a standard page within the center of book. For example, list this information on the 55th page of each book.
Please do not engrave equipment. You may write on equipment using permanent marker. Barcode stickers also may be used to note pertinent information. It is recommended that each piece of equipment be labeled with:
- Copy Identification Number
- Fiscal Year
- Funding Source
- Serial Number
- School Name