Starting Student Space Hardware Programs II
Workshop Agenda
June 12 - 14, 2003
Boulder, Colorado
Thursday, June 12, 2003
7:30 Registration (Continues until 9:30) Atrium
Continental Breakfast (Provided) 380
8:00 Welcome and Introductions – Bill Hiscock & Chris Koehler Auditorium
8:40 Overview of Goals and Reviewand Review of Workshop Agenda and Overview Goals – Bill & Chris Auditorium
9:00 Testimonials from last year – Richard Hackney Auditorium
9:30 Overview of BalloonSats and Ballooning – BChris & Billill & Chris Auditorium
9:45 Break (Team Forming) Atrium
10:00 Introduction to Hands-on Activities - Chris Auditorium
10:15 Hands-on Activity: “Soldering 101” 145/155
10:45 Hands-on Activity: “Timing Circuit, Power, and Camera Integration” 145/155
12:00 Lunch 380
12:45 Hands-on Activity: “Timing Circuit, Power, and Camera Integration” 145/155
1:30 Integration of StudentSat Programs into Curriculum Auditorium
Helen Reed and Chris Koehler
2:00 Group Discussion on Curriculum Integration Auditorium
2:30 Break (Snacks Provided) Atrium
2:50 Introduction of Environments at 100,000 feet – Chris Auditorium
3:05 Hands-on Activity: “Heater Circuit” 145/155
3:45 Introduction to HOBO Computers – Chris Auditorium
4:00 Hands-on Activity: “Temperature and Pressure Experiment” 145/155
4:30 Introduction to Construction – Chris Auditorium
4:415 Hands-on Activity: “BalloonSat Construction, Switches, Integration,
Test, & Solar Experiment” – Part I 145/155
5:30 Recap of Day 1 and Adjourn – Bill & Chris Auditorium
5:45 Dinner on your own
Friday, June 13, 2003
7:00 Continental Breakfast (Provided) 380
7:30 Overview of Today’s Tasks – Bill & Chris Auditorium
7:45 Hands-on Activity: “BalloonSat Construction, Switches, Integration,
Test, & Solar Experiment” – Part II 145/155
9:00 Break Atrium
9:20 Hands-on Activity: “BalloonSat Construction, Switches, Integration,
Test, & Solar Experiment” – Part III 145/155
10:45 BalloonSat Weigh-in and team photo Auditorium
11:15 CubeSats: A Step Beyond BalloonSats – Bob Twiggs Auditorium
CubeSat Animation
12:00 Lunch (Provided) 380
12:40 Starting a Ballooning Program: The Montana Example – Bill Auditorium
1:00 FAA Regulations – Bill
1:10 Preflight planning – Sean Kirn
1:35 Introduction to HAM Radio – Dave Klumpar
1:55 Balloon Tracking System – Ryan Belohlavek
2:15 Mobile Ground Stations – Chris Auditorium
2:25 Hands-on Activity: Mobile Ground Station (Teams of 6 to 9) 380
2:55 Break (Snacks Provided) 380
3:10 Ballooning Continued: Power Systems Options – Sean Kirn Auditorium
3:20 Hardware: Payload capsules, Parachutes, Balloon fill – John Belz & Mark Munro Auditorium
3:45 Hands-on Activity: Balloon Inflation (Weather Permitting) – Team BOREALIS Outside
Group Picture
4:40 Launch Logistics – Chris Auditorium
Transportation, Comm, Procedures, Van Assignments, Meeting Location, Transportation, Van Assignments,
Launch Day Procedures, Chase and Recovery, and Miscellaneous
4:55 Hands-on Activity: HOBO Initiation Auditorium
5:15 Hands-on Activity: Flight String Attachment Auditorium
5:3015 Recap of Day 2, Workshop Effectiveness Survey, and Adjourn – Bill & Chris Auditorium
5:4015 Dinner (on your own)
5:4020 – 6:005:45 Navigator Training for those who have volunteered
Saturday, June 14, 2003
5:30 Leave Boulder for Launch Site (Deer Trail, CO which is 76 Miles SE of Boulder)
7:00 Arrive at Launch Site
- Continental Breakfast
- Tour of Launch Operations
- Assignment of Launch Tasks
- Set up of van tracking stations
7:30 Final Checkout of BalloonSats / Attach BalloonSats to Flight String
7:40 Fill Balloons
7:58 Launch Test Balloons
8:00 Release BalloonSat Balloons
8:05 Begin Recovery and Tracking Operations
- Assemble recovery teams
- Distribution of Radios, Maps, and GPS Units
- Review Predicted landing site and rendezvous points
8:10 Depart (Each van will have drinks and box lunches)
~11:00 Arrive at Landing site
- Hike begins
1:00 Recovery Complete
Data Retrieval
2:30 Return to Boulder
- Please leave film at student table in parking lot
2:30 Rest
6:30 Pizza Banquet and presentation of results at the Discovery Learning Center
8:30 Conclusion and Workshop Closure – Bill & Chris
Agenda Rev GFE - 1
June 985, 2003