ChabotCollegeFall 2007
Course Outline for Psychology Counseling 23
Catalog Description:
23– College Readiness3 units
Introduction to academic survival skills and strategies, campus resources and activities, career decision making and planning, college policies and procedures, interpersonal communications, self-exploration and goal setting, student rights and responsibilities, and campus visitation to a University of California or private institution and to a California State University. Designed for the first-year student to ease transition into college. 3 hours.
[Typical contact hours: 52.5]
Expected Outcomes for Students:
Upon completion of the course, the student should be able to:
- apply academic survival skills including note-taking, study techniques, test taking strategies, and time management;
- utilize campus resources such as the career/transfer center, counseling, EOPS, financial aid, library, tutorials , student life, WRAC and math labs;
- determine educational goal for attainment of an Associate in Arts/Science degree or transfer major;
- demonstrate knowledge of college policies and procedures for academic and progress probation, educational planning, EOPS, financial aid, grading, registration, withdrawal from classes, etc.;
- communicate effectively in an academic setting through both oral and written form;
- establish academic and personal goals for the first year in college;
- identify student rights and responsibilities.
Course Content:
- Academic survival skills
- Note-taking
- Study techniques
- Test taking techniques
- Time management
- Campus resources
- Career/Transfer Center
- CounselingCenter
- EOPS Office
- Financial Aid Office
Course Outline for Psychology-Counseling 23, page 2
Fall 2007
- Library
- Student Life
- TutorialCenter
- WRACCenter
- HealthCenter
- Life decision making and planning
- Student Education Plan
- College policies and procedures
- Academic and progress probation
- Financial aid
- Grading
- Registration
- Withdrawal from classes
- Interpersonal communications
- Self-exploration and goal setting
- Student rights and responsibilities
Methods of Presentation:
- Lecture
- Group discussions and exercises
- Campus visitations
- Guest speaker
- Small group and individual counseling
Assignments and Methods of Evaluating Student Progress:
Typical Assignments:
1. Write a 1-2 page journal entry describing one campus resource discussed in this class. Be sure to include a discussion of how you plan to use that service for your academic success.
2. Make a list of question formats contained on an objective-style exam versus a subjective test.
3. Discuss how effective time management is important to the academic success of students in college today. Include consideration of attending class lectures, completing class reading and other assignments, and fulfilling the student’s life responsibilities too.
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Fall 2007
Methods of Evaluating Student Progress:
a. Completion of homework assignments
b. Participation in individual/group projects
c. Final Exam
Textbook(s) (Typical):
The Community College Experience, Amy Baldwin, 2005
Shattered Lives, Anthony “Doc” Hamilton, 2003
ChabotCollege Catalog
October 2006
Rachel Maldonado Aziminia
a: PSCN 23