NorrisMiddle School Quizbowl 1Question Set 15

Round 15

1. What was erected in 1982 to commemorate the loss of 58,000 American lives between 1959 and 1975?
Answer: The Vietnam Veterans Memorial / ___ / ___
2. Which of these is not a dominant trait: skin pigmentation, nearsightedness, short stature, a or b blood group, or albinism?
Answer: Albinism / ___ / ___
3. What year is indicated in this line from a Spanish folk song: EN EL MIL NUEVE CIENTOS Y DIEZ?
Answer: 1910 / ___ / ___
4. What city has been chosen by the U.S. Olympic Committee to be America's nominee to host the 2012 Summer Games?
Answer: New York City / ___ / ___
5. Madam reads the same backward or forward. Such words are called what?
Answer: Palindromes / ___ / ___
6. Identify the largest state of Australia.
Answer: Western Australia / ___ / ___
7. The United States, United Kingdom, Soviet Union, and China were known as the Big Four during the Second World War. Name their respective leaders.
Answer: (in order) Franklin Roosevelt, Winston Churchill, Josef Stalin, Chiang Kai-Shek / ___ / ___
8. Max Planck and Al Capone die, New York beats Brooklyn in the World Series, Congress passes the Taft-Hartley Act, India becomes independent, and the Marshall Plan is proposed. These events all occurred in what year?
Answer: 1947 / ___ / ___
9. Which religious order requires its monks to maintain complete silence: Jesuits, Trappists, Cistercians, Benedictines, or Franciscans?
Answer: Trappists / ___ / ___
10. Which E.M. Forster novel is divided into three sections: MOSQUE, CAVES, and TEMPLE?
Answer: A PASSAGE TO INDIA / ___ / ___
11. Which of the following quotations is not attributed to Benjamin Franklin: (a) Early to bed, early to rise, makes a man healthy, wealthy, and wise. (b) God helps them that help themselves. (c) We must all hang together or assuredly we shall all hang separately. (d) I begin to smell a rat. (e) There never was a good war or a bad peace.
Answer: (d) which is from HAMLET / ___ / ___
12. Proselytize" means "to induce someone to convert to one's faith or join one's party, institution, or faith." Spell proselytize.
Answer: / ___ / ___
13. You must remember this, it's the most populous city in Morocco, but not its capital.
Answer: Casablanca / ___ / ___
14. Which term describes two points on a periodic wave that are moving in the same direction and have the same displacement from their equilibrium positions: dispersed, refracted, reflected, polarized, or in phase?
Answer: In phase / ___ / ___
15. This newspaper, founded in 1847, was so associated with its editor that it was finally renamed "Frederick Douglass's paper." What was its original two-word name, which comes from the astronomical body Polaris?
Answer: North Star / ___ / ___
16. What actor's last line in the theater was: "The South is avenged"?
Answer: John Wilkes Booth / ___ / ___
17. When Roald Amundsen was standing at the South Pole, what star was at his nadir?
Answer: Polaris (North Star) / ___ / ___
18. What disease afflicted 82% of the workers on the Panama Canal in 1906?
Answer: Malaria / ___ / ___
19. Can you tell me exactly how many human beings were in the ark during the worldwide flood recorded in the book of Genesis?
Answer: Eight (Noah, his three sons, and all of their wives) / ___ / ___
20. What is the hyphenated name for a technical drawing of an object cut vertically to display interior detail?
Answer: Cross-section / ___ / ___
21. What is the cube root of -125?
Answer: -5 / ___ / ___
22. Scoring three goals in a hockey game is called what?
Answer: Hat trick / ___ / ___
23. Her name was Sacajawea. What event in U.S. history was she most closely associated with?
Answer: Lewis and Clark expedition / ___ / ___
24. Caused by a strong upward draft of air, this column revolves rapidly, and creates an of low pressure at its center. Moist air rushes into the column, is cooled and becomes a visible vapor. Identify this whirling cloud of air and vapor which extends from a cloud to the surface of a lake, a sea, or an ocean.
Answer: Waterspout / ___ / ___
25. What other word is always necessary when using a coordinating conjunction that begins with "both"?
Answer: And / ___ / ___
26. Which famous ship didn't sink: Andrea Doria, Old Ironsides, Titanic, or Bismarck?
Answer: Old Ironsides / ___ / ___
27. An American girl travels in Europe, where her innocence, ignorance, and disregard of propriety put her into compromising situations and frequently expose her conduct to misconstruction. The author of the book is Henry James. What is the title?
Answer: Daisy Miller / ___ / ___
28. Erythromycin is a common form of: antibiotic, plankton, yeast, or carbon?
Answer: Antibiotic / ___ / ___
29. Finish this Elizabeth Barrett Browning line: "How do I love thee? ..."
Answer: " ... Let me count the ways." / ___ / ___
30. So much gold was found in and around this city in the early 19th century, the U.S.'s major producer and a branch of the U.S. Mint operated there from 1837 to 1861, before the Gold Rush moved to California. What is this largest city in North Carolina?
Answer: Charlotte / ___ / ___
31. A substance that changes color when put in acids or alkalis is known as an ...
Answer: Indicator / ___ / ___
32. God placed a mark on him with the intent of protecting him from harm.
Answer: Cain / ___ / ___
33. During the World War I era, this word was a synonym for all heavily armed battleships. It had been the name of the first heavy battleship in the British navy, launched in 1906. Later, it was the name of Britain's first nuclear submarine. What's the word?
Answer: Dreadnought / ___ / ___
34. Polonius said, "Brevity is the soul of wit." Quote these three other famous, but brief, maxims. (a) What comment did Samuel Butler offer about the evils of avoiding corporal punishment? (b) What did William Tecumseh Sherman say about war? (c) In three words, what did Chaucer in "The Merchant's Tale" and Shakespeare in The Merchant of Venice have to say about love?
Answer: (a) Spare the rod and spoil the child. (b) War is hell. (c) Love is blind. / ___ / ___
35. Massenet's opera about which 12th century Castilian hero is set in Seville?
Answer: El Cid / ___ / ___
36. Which city is an Adriatic port: Rome, Athens, Trieste, Genoa, or Naples?
Answer: Trieste / ___ / ___
37. The next order of business on the Senate floor after the ratification of the Kellogg-Briand Pact was a bill appropriating $274 million to build battleships. This was ironic because signers of the pact renounced what as an instrument of national policy?
Answer: War / ___ / ___
38. To restore the odor of your closet's cedar blocks, rub the surface with ...
Answer: Sandpaper / ___ / ___
39. An 1877 parade in Delhi celebrated Queen Victoria being given what title?
Answer: Empress of India / ___ / ___
40. The state capitals of Wyoming and Florida both have Indian names. Can you identify them?
Answer: Cheyenne and Tallahassee / ___ / ___
41. Which word means inhabitant: indigent, ruminant, denizen, or tribune?
Answer: Denizen / ___ / ___

Instructions: During the last 5 minutes of each match, use the 'Blitz' format with 10 points for each tossup and no bonus. All answers must be answered without stalling.

Blitz Round - All 10 Point Tossups / 1 / 1
42. This passage refers to a rule governing the use of what part of speech? "The people who insist on this rule do not always know about what they are talking. They do not know for what rules are. And it makes one wonder to what they are up. "
Ans: Prepositions / ___ / ___
43. What term relating to verb tense means completion?
Ans: Perfect / ___ / ___
44. What is the mood of the main verb in this statement by Horace Mann? "Be ashamed to die until you have won some victory for humanity. "
Ans: Imperative / ___ / ___
45. Intensive pronouns have the same form as what other category of pronouns?
Ans: Reflexive pronouns / ___ / ___
Greek Drama: 1. Write down these names: Aeschylus, Aristophanes, Euripides, Sophocles. I'll name the play and you name the author.
46. Agamemnon
Ans: Aeschylus / ___ / ___
47. Electra
Ans: Euripides / ___ / ___
48. Antigone
Ans: Sophocles / ___ / ___
49. Prometheus Bound
Ans: Aeschylus / ___ / ___
50. Oedipus Rex
Ans: Sophocles / ___ / ___
51. Lysistrata
Ans: Aristophanes / ___ / ___
52. Medea
Ans: Euripides / ___ / ___
53. The Birds
Ans: Aristophanes / ___ / ___
54. The Trojan Women
Ans: 10. Oedipus at Colonus
Sophocles / ___ / ___
55. For the first 500 years of Christianity, nobody could agree on when Easter should occur. Now, almost no one can explain when Easter DOES occur. Fill in the blanks in the formula for determining the date of Easter: the first _____ after the first full __
Ans: Sunday, moon, equinox / ___ / ___
56. Members from Guam, Puerto Rico, the Virgin Islands, and D.C. can introduce _____ into the House of Representatives.
Ans: Bills / ___ / ___
57. A Diomedian swap is an exchange in which ______benefit or benefits: (a) only one side, (b) both parties, (c) no one, (d) an outside party, or (e) the underdog?
Ans: (a) only one side / ___ / ___
58. British Prime Minister Palmerston, during his first term of office (1855-1858), vigorously prosecuted the Crimean War. What word for "a piece of flaming wood" or "a person who incites others" completes the name "______Palmerston" that he acquired bec
Ans: Firebrand / ___ / ___
Two-Letter Words: Most words in most languages are more than two letters long, but knowing the two-letter ones is crucial to crossword puzzle aficionados; and, in this bonus, for you. I'll give you a crossword clue and you spell for me the correct response.
59. Three-toed sloth
Ans: Ai / ___ / ___
60. Hawaiian lava
Ans: Aa / ___ / ___
61. Abraham's birthplace
Ans: Ur / ___ / ___
62. Russian river
Ans: Ob / ___ / ___