UMBC Returning Student-Athlete Medical Update

2017- 2018

Please read through the following questions and answer as completely as you can with regard to changes incurred DURINGTHEINTERIM period from school.The information that is listed within this document will remain CONFIDENTIAL at all times. The purpose of this form is to assist the Sports Medicine Staff to determine if a potential risk exists for athletic activity.

Name: Current Medications:

Last 4 digits of Social Security # ______

Campus ID #: ______

Date of Birth: Sport: ______


Are you or have you ever been diagnosed with ADD/ADHD? Yes No

Have you had any major illnesses since the end of last season? Yes No

Have you had any injuries, accidents, or surgeries since the end of last season? Yes No

Have you been currently evaluated for any injuries or illnesses by a physician? Yes No

Would you like meet with the sports medicine team physician at this time? Yes No


1. Have you experienced or had any problems with seasonal allergies?  Yes No

2. Were you prescribed or currently taking any over the counter allergy medications? Yes No

3. Have you developed any new allergic reactions to any medications, food items, or insect stings? Yes No


4. Were you recently diagnosed with asthma and/or exercise induced asthma? Yes No

5. Are you currently using an inhaler or asthma medication? Yes No


6.Have you ever passed out or nearly passed out DURING or AFTER exercise?  Yes No

7. Have you had any chest pain, unexplained fatigue, or shortness of breath?  Yes No

8. Were you seen by a physician or seek medical attention for any of the following:

Dizziness/Light-headednessHeart PalpitationsOther (Echo, EKG, stress test)

Light-headedness Heart Murmur

9. Have you ever felt your heart racing or skipping beats during or after exercise?  Yes No

10. Do you get tired more quickly than your teammates/friends do during exercise?  Yes No

11. Has a physician limited your activity for any cardiovascular reasons? Yes No

12. In the past year, have any family members been diagnosed with heart problems? Yes No

13. Has anyone in your family had unexplained fainting, unexplained seizures, or near drowning?  Yes No

Heat Related Problems

14. Experienced any heat-related problems during training? Yes No


15. Have you suffered from any head or neck related injuries, including a concussion or stinger? Yes No

16. Have any of the following tests been performed for diagnostic purposes:

X-ray Neuropsychological TestingMRI

CT ScanOther


17. Have you experienced any injury to your ears, nose, throat, eyes, or face? Yes No

18. Any changes in your vision or hearing that required an assistive or corrective device? Yes No

(ie: contact lenses, glasses, hearing aids, etc.)

19. Have you suffered any injury to your jaw, mouth or teeth? Yes No

20. Have you had any surgery or medical procedure performed to the above body parts? Yes No


21. Have you experienced any injuries to the abdomen, ribs, thorax or chest? Yes No

22. Had any diagnostic tests performed to any of these body parts? Yes No

23. Had to seek medical attention for injury to any of these body parts? Yes No

Upper Extremity (UE)

24. Have you experienced any injuries to your LEFT/RIGHT shoulder? Yes No

25. Have you experienced any injuries to your LEFT/RIGHT elbow or forearm? Yes No

26. Have you experienced any injuries to your LEFT/RIGHT wrist, hand or fingers? Yes No

27. Have any diagnostic tests, including x-ray’s or MRI’s been performed on any part of the UE? Yes No

Low Back/Spine/Sacroiliac Joint

28. Have you experienced any injury to your low back, spine or sacroiliac joint? Yes No

29. Have you sought medical attention from a chiropractor or any other healthcare professional? Yes No

30. Have you gone to physical therapy for rehabilitation to any of the above body parts? Yes No

31. Had any diagnostic imaging performed including, x-ray’s, MRI’s, bone scan, other? Yes No

Lower Extremity

32. Suffered any injuries to the hip/groin/thigh/hamstring/quadriceps? Yes No

33. Have you suffered any injury to the knee or patella? Yes No

34. Have you suffered any injury to the lower leg, ankle, feet or toes? Yes No

35. Did you miss any time from training/competition due to injury to one of the above? Yes No

36. Were any diagnostic tests such as x-rays, MRI’s or bone scans performed? Yes No

37. Did you seek medical attention for any injury to the lower extremity? Yes No

38. Did you go to rehab or physical therapy for any injury to the lower extremity? Yes No

Additional Questions

39. Do you currently have an incompletely healed injury? Yes No

40. Do you currently have an ongoing/chronic illness? Yes No

41. Have you had a significant change in your weight (gain or lost) over the summer? Yes No

42. Do you limit the foods you eat? Yes No

43. Are you satisfied with your current weight? Yes No

  • My playing weight last year was______
  • My current weight is______
  • My ideal weight would be______

44. Have you developed any altered eating habits or eating disorders? Yes No

45. Have you used any dietary supplements or laxatives to help you lose or gain weight? Yes No

46. Are you taking supplements of any kind on a regular basis? Yes No

47. Have you lost or gained weight to meet image requirements for your sport? Yes No

48. Does your weight affect the way you feel about yourself? Yes No

49. Have you recently been treated for depression or anxiety? Yes No

50. Have you been bothered by:

  • Little interest or pleasure in doing things? Yes No
  • Feeling down, depressed, or hopeless? Yes No
  • “Nerves” or feelings of anxiousness or being “On Edge”? Yes No
  • Feeling stressed or under a lot of pressure? Yes No
  • Worry about a lot of things? Yes No

51. Have you recently experienced trouble sleeping or thought you had insomnia? Yes No

52. Have you been told you snore loudly or wake up often throughout the night? Yes No

53. Are you afraid of or are you being threatened by a current or former partner? Yes No

54. Within the past year, have you been hit, slapped, kicked, forced into sexual activity,

strangled or choked, or otherwise physically hurt by a current or former partner? Yes No

55. Do you feel you have a short temper or trouble controlling your emotions? Yes No

56. Have you recently developed a drug and/or alcohol concern? Yes No

Do you or has:

  • Feel you need to cut down on your drug/alcohol use? Yes No
  • Someone ever commented on your drug/alcohol use? Yes No
  • Feel guilty about your drug/alcohol use? Yes No
  • Require drugs or alcohol on a daily basis? Yes No
  • Drink 5 or more drinks a day? Yes No

57. Are you currently under a physician’s care for any medical condition? Yes No

58. Are you currently under the care of a psychiatrist or psychologist or counselor? Yes No

59. Is there anything that was not asked above that you would like to discuss or any medical concerns that you may have heading into the upcoming school year?

Females Only:

Do you have monthly menstrual cycles? Yes No

How many menstrual cycles have you had in the last year? #:______

Do you use birth control (i.e. IUD, patch, pill, ring, etc…)? Yes No

Do you use birth control for a medical reason listed below:

 Cramps  Ovarian Cyst Irregular Periods  Dermatological Hormonal Mood Stabilization

I, the undersigned, hereby acknowledge, affirm, and represent that all statements on the previous pages are true and accurate to the best of my knowledge; and that no answers or information have been withheld. If any information and/or statements are false and/or have been omitted in reference to my past and/or present medical history, I understand and acknowledge that my health and physical welfare may be jeopardized as a result and that I may suffer physical harm.

______Student-athlete Signature Date

______Student-athlete Print Name

______Parent/Guardian Signature Date


Parent/Guardian Print Name

______Witness Date

Sports Medicine Staff Reviewed By:


Reviewer’s SignatureDate

Last Updated 5/24/2017