Name of Institution:
Program Director:
Date Completed / Steps1. Program Chair informs CED of intent to undergo Review; electronic communications are preferred
2. Review submission date is established; either September 15 or March 15
3. CED establishes Review Team
4. Review submitted; invoice for Review sent to program upon receipt of report
5. Initial Report of Review Team sent to Program Chair (60 days)
6. 30-day comment/response period begins.
7. Recommendation of the Review Team sent to CED Executive Director
8. CED Executive Director submits report to Program Chair with recommendation.
9. CED Executive Director submits report to CED Board with recommendation.
10. Board decision is communicated to Program Chair
11. Accreditation certificate is presented to Program Chair at annual ACE-DHH meeting
Attachment II
Name of Institution: Date:
List all of the institution’s administrative units responsible for the teacher preparation program for students who are deaf and hard of hearing and the name and title of the head of each:
Administrative Unit / Name and Title of Unit Head1. / 1.
2. / 2.
3. / 3.
4. / 4.
Provide contact information for the director of the teacher preparation program for students who deaf and hard of hearing.
Academic Rank and Title:
Street and building address:
E-mail address:
PROGRAM DATA (Part of Attachment II)
1. In what year wasthe program was established?
2. Fill in the table below with the following column headings:
(a) What degree is granted upon completion of the program?
(b) What is the average length in semesters of the program?
(c) What is the number of graduates for each of the previous three years?
(d) What is the number of full-time candidates currently enrolled in the program?
(e) What is the number of part-time candidates currently enrolled in the program?
a / b / cYear : / c
Year : / c
Year : / d / e
3. Provide a one paragraph summary of the program, including educational settings or which students are prepared, the programs’ general communication philosophy and the communication settings for which students are prepared. [This paragraph will also be available on the CED website].
Form #1
(for observations, participation, student teaching, internships, recreational activities)
Please complete a separate sheet for each practicum facility used
Name of practicum setting:
What is the nature of the setting (e.g primarily a day class, day school, residential school, itinerant program, resource room, hospital or clinic, or other?
Communication approach(es) of the practicum setting(s)
How many candidates have been placed at this facility during the present school year?
Which types of experience does the program usually seek at this facility: observations, student teaching, tutoring, teacher aiding, non-academic experiences, or other (please specify)?
How many of the cooperating teachers have state licensure to teach students who are deaf or hard of hearing?
How many have CED Certification
How many of the cooperating teachers have a master’s degree or higher?
Form #1.1
Cooperating Teacher Report Form
List the names of all of the cooperating teachers the program used in the previous three years. For each, provide (1) their highest academic degree, (2) the areas in which they are certified or licensed to teach, and (3) their number of years of teaching experience with students who are deaf or hard of hearing.
Cooperating Teacher Name / Highest Academic Degree / Areas of Certification / Years of Experience with DHHForm #1.2
Practicum/Field Experience Form
List field experiences within the program, beginning with earliest and working through student teaching/internship. Be sure to give the course number associated with the field experience. / Hours or weeks of field experience completed in this course. / Amount of faculty supervision (number of visits, hours of instruction observed in person or via video. / Ratio of supervisor to candidates in this field experience.Form #2
Complete the following three-page form and append a vita for each person who teaches required courses or supervises practicum or student teaching or has direct administrative responsibilities in the preparation program for teachers of students who are deaf and hard of hearing.
Name: Title:
Academic Rank: Date of Appointment:
Faculty Member’s Teaching Certification and Licensure:
Credential / Granting BodyFaculty Member’s Earned Degrees:
Year / Granting Institution / Major FieldFaculty Member’s Professional Experience:
Years / Employer / Job Title, Role, or ResponsibilitiesFaculty member’s typical workload within the program for each academic term. Include courses, supervision, and administration. For each, indicate the semester.
Term / WorkloadFall
List recent publications.
List memberships in professional associations or professional service.
List current research, writing, or other professional projects.
Form #3
Part I. Selection Procedures and Criteria: In the following matrix check all procedures and criteria the program uses to select its candidates.
Junior / Senior / Master’s / Post Master’sGrade point average (specify)
Previous credentials
Professional portfolio
Graduate school admission
Biographical data
Letters of recommendation
Standardized tests (specify)
Other (specify)
FORM # 4
Schedule of Course Offerings and Faculty Responsibilities for the Past Two Years
Create a matrix showing faculty teaching and supervision responsibilities and loads for the past two years. The vertical axis (rows) should list all of the program’s courses and practicum experiences. The horizontal axis (columns) should list each academic term for the past two years (e.g., Fall 10, Spring 11). Within each cell, place the initials of the faculty member who was responsible for the course or supervision in the corresponding academic term.
Below the matrix, provide a key to the initials, showing the faculty member’s name, title, and full-time-equivalent commitment to the preparation program for teachers of students who are deaf or hard of hearing.
FORM # 5
Report on Graduates for Prior Two-Year Period
Indicate the numbers of graduates for the previous two years in each of the following categories:
Previous Year (specify): / Second Previous Year (specify):Number of Graduates
Number of the above CED certified
Employed in a Birth-to-Three (0-3) Early Intervention Program for deaf and hard of hearing infants and toddlers
Employed pre-school for deaf and hard of hearing children
Employed in a regular education elementary school, self-contained classes for deaf or hard of hearing students
Employed in a regular education secondary school, self-contained classes for deaf or hard of hearing studnets
Employed in a regular education setting as an itinerant teacher of the deaf or resource teacher (no assigned classroom)
Employed in a school for deaf or hard of hearing students, elementary level
Employed in a school for deaf or hard of hearing students, secondary level
Other teaching setting with deaf or hard of hearing students (please specify) (e.g multiple disabilities center, clinic, mental health setting)
Employed to teach hearing students
Employed but not teaching
Unemployed, but pursuing further education
Candidate Information
Directions: Provide three years of data on candidates enrolled in the program and completing the program, beginning with the most recent academic year for which numbers have been tabulated. Report the data separately for the levels/tracks (e.g., baccalaureate, post-baccalaureate, alternate routes, master’s, doctorate) being addressed in this report. Data must also be reported separately for programs offered at multiple sites. Update academic years (column 1) as appropriate for your data span. Create additional tables as necessary.
Program:Academic Year / # of Candidates Enrolled in the Program / # of Program Completers[1]
Academic Year / # of Candidates Enrolled in the Program / # of Program Completers
Academic Year / # of Candidates Enrolled in the Program / # of Program Completers
[1] NCATE uses the Title II definition for program completers. Program completers are persons who have met all the requirements of a state-approved teacher preparation program. Program completers include all those who are documented as having met such requirements. Documentation may take the form of a degree, institutional certificate, program credential, transcript, or other written proof of having met the program’s requirements.