Manteno Public Library District
Regular Board Meeting
Tuesday, February 16, 2016 – 7:00 p.m.
The meeting was called to order by Pres. E. Brouwers. Present: C.Hollenbeck, N. Shear, P.Tovo, G.Dodge, A.Henderson(arrived at 8:10), and Director, J. Lockwood.
Absent: N.Wheeler
President E. Brouwers appointed G.Dodge as Sec. Pro Tem.
There were no agenda changes and no public attendees.
Approval of Minutes: N. Shear moved to accept minutes from Jan. 19 meeting. Seconded by P.Tovo. Approved
Approval of Financial Report: G. Dodge moved to accept financial report from Jan. 19 meeting. Seconded by C. Hollenbeck. Approved
Director’s Report:Director J. Lockwood reported that all staff members from Circulation and Children’s Departments would receivea 360 evaluation form; the information received from this form will help the Director in writing up the evaluations on the YS Supervisor and the Circulation Supervisor.
- Thus far, there have been no applications filed for the page position.
- J.Regan will check with C. Baldwin to see if she is planning on working in the summer as previously done.
- The per capita grant will only be calculated at 77cents a person which is roughly $9,500. Past years the grant was calculated at $1.25 per person. This amounts to a decrease of roughly $6,000.
- Tim from True Tech Systems has installed a new camera in the SW corner of the stacks, which is an area that is difficult to monitor; and one located by patron computers.
- Jamie has been working with Webfoot on a new design for our web page. Suggestions have been shared and the Board viewed the new look. The director will continue to make suggestions and changes as it evolves.
- The Director found a leak was occurring in the attic and contacted two roofing firms. Brousseau Roofing visited the library and discovered that the flashings on the roof had never been sealed, gave a quote and subsequently was given the ok to fix the problem. These repairs were made in a prompt manner. The second firm had to be contacted repeatedly, never gave a quote, and was suggesting a much more involved way of solving the problem.
- There was a problem with someone smoking in the bathroom near the Children’s Dept. “No Smoking” signs were posted and staff was monitoring the bathrooms more closely. It was discovered that a trio of Middle School boys were the offenders. Patrons have to sign out a key to use the bathrooms. On Thursday, February 4, the same boys snuck in behind another user of the bathroom and committed vandalism to the entire room. Pictures of the vandalism were taken and the police dept. was contacted the next day. The police were familiar with the boys and other community issues. The boys were banned from the Library for a year as dictated in Board policy. Extra police patrols will be scheduled for the parking lot in case of further problems from the group.
- The book drop was broken, and when the manufacturer of the box was contacted it was discovered that there are no longer parts for the repair. D.Bolin has disabled the malfunctioning part of the box and patrons can continue to use it, but it will no longer lock.
- The Police notified the library staff that there were 3 young girls from Indian Oaks who were runaways in the area, and they might show up in the building. Staff were given pictures and asked to contact the police if any of them appeared in the library. On Feb 9 that did in fact happen, and the police were called. The police came, spoke with the girl, and she left with them.
- The staff has been busy weeding out the adult fiction.
- J. Regan is writing a grant for Kindergarten starter kits. The application will be filed with the Community Foundation of Kankakee River Valley through the CommunityWorks Grant. The kits will focus on readiness skills that preschoolers might need to work on. Deadline for the grant is March 7.
- The Chamber of Commerce will once again offer a summer internship program. The library will be participating in the program.
- A certificate of Exempt Status Renewal was filed with the Kankakee County Assessment Office.
- Friends of the Library had an excellent response with their Bridging the Gap event between Middle School Girls and High School girls in the Interact Club. Approximately 40 MS girls and 14 HS girls shared their concerns and suggestions for moving on high school. It was such a success that it will be considered again next year and may involve MS boys if there is interest.
- Paint Nite at Durbin’s was a great success with about a $600 profit for the Friends of the Library. All tickets were sold. It was suggested that the Friends might want to look for an alternate venue such as the Methodist Church fellowship hall. This would allow for children to also participate.
- Director Lockwood asked the Friends to help fund the Readers’ advisory training session on Thursday, March 17. The have agreed to pay the full amount of $500.
- Our monitoring of circulation, new cards and web usage seems to be pretty normal, but the Director is stumped by the drop in computer usage. This drop seems to be mostly on Thursdays. No apparent cause is evident.
- The Director gave a summary of the many youth programs that are occurring. Board members received past reports from December and January.
- Special programs were also discussed as were Adult Programs.
Unfinished Business: The director presented two sections of the Employee Handbook that needed to be tweaked to be consistent with the By-laws.Section 8.1.1 under benefits and 8.5.1 under holidays were discussed.Motion by C. Hollenbeck and seconded by G.Dodge to approve the changes. Motion carried.
- There was a motion by G. Dodge and seconded by P. Tovo to close the library on March 17 for staff development. The Director discussed the schedule and the speaker for the day. One item that will be discussed on that day is emergency procedures. This day will also be Staff Appreciation Day and the Board will provide the food for the day as their way of thanking the staff for their dedication and service to the patrons and the community. Members of the Board signed up for all items needed and requested to submit receipts for all things purchased. The receipts will be compiled and each Board member will be assessed for their portion of the total cost.
- J. Lockwood presented an overview of the new website’s features and layout.
- The personnel budget numbers must be more secure before a final decision can be made regarding the circulation position.
New Business:
- G. Dodge moved to approve the revised iPad Policy and Agreement. A. Henderson seconded. Unanimous.
- The board reviewed two quotes for landscaping services. A. Henderson moved to approve the contract from Scenic as presented. E. Brouwers seconded. Unanimous.
- The book drop issue was discussed in the director’s report.
- Tim from TrueTech Systems verified the equipment that is no longer needed for library use. N. Shear moved to approve the disposal of outdated computers through TrueTech. G. Dodge seconded. Unanimous. The director will advertise the old copier for sale “AS IS” (it needs parts).
- The board reviewed the FY2017 Per Capita requirements.
- The paperwork is in the system for renewing the Public Official Bond (comes due Feb. 21, 2016). All details remain constant.
- The KALA dinner is at the Kankakee Library and has a 1920’s theme (Flapper style clothing if desired).
No correspondence recorded.
Anticipated Items: Economic Interest Statements are coming. File statements online. G. Burke’s retirement party is next Wednesday at noon.
G. Dodge moved to adjourn at 8:48 p.m.
Respectfully Submitted,
- Henderson/G. Dodge