/ number 41 / Rome, January, 27, 1999 / page 1/
/ 41Piazzale M. Champagnat, 2 - C.P. 10250 - 00144 Roma
Tel.(39) 06 545 17279 - Fax (39) 06 545 17 217 - Email / 27.01.1999/
/ number 41 / Rome, January, 27, 1999 / page 1Voices for the minority
The Mission of the Marist Brothers in Pakistan was founded in 1966. Since that time Sri Lankan, Australian, American and New Zealand Brothers had been engaged in the Mission. At present there are six Brothers (5 Sri Lankans and 1 Pakistani) teaching in three schools (1 using the medium of English, and 2 Urdu). Socially, Pakistani Christians are a marginalized lot. There are two local Brothers and one novice. Apart from administering and teaching in schools, the Brothers at St.John’s School in Peshawar run a hostel for about 60 boarders. The Mission Statement for Marist Presence in Pakistan says «Through a community-based apostolate in education we try to inculcate a sense of HOPE among the youth in Pakistan. We exercise this apostolate in keeping with the needs of the Church in Pakistan and the charism of the Founder. In this manner we bring Christ to the Youth in Pakistan just as Mary did.»There are two communities, one at Peshawar and the other in Sargodha. The approval of a constitutional amendment declaring the Sharia (The Islamic Law) to be the supreme law of the State may bring down punishments on the religious minorities present in the country.
Ever in ongoing formation
About thirty-five young Brothers from Malawi, Mozambique, South Africa, Zambia, and Zimbabwe gathered for eight days in Kutama, just prior to Christmas, for a long awaited experience of ongoing formation. Brother Sean Sammon, Vicar General, joined them and gave a series of presentations entitled “Emotional and Spiritual Challenges Facing Young Marist Brothers Today”. Those gathered took a look at the following areas: human and spiritual growth over the course of life, community life, prayer, sexuality, intimacy and celibate chastity, and poverty. Members of the group also took some time to look back on their experience of initial formation with an eye to affirming what was most helpful, and to point out areas that could be improved upon. In addition to the presentations and discussions, those gathered appreciated the time available to catch up with many Brothers whom they had not seen in several years, and to celebrate Christmas together.
There can be answers if there are calls
Fifteen brothers with a keen interest in vocation promotion came together in early December at our community in Kutama, Zimbabwe for a five day workshop on the topic. Brothers Sean Sammon and Jeff Crowe, joined by Sister Jennifer Alt, facilitated the sessions. The presentations and subsequent discussions were evaluated as being first rate. The group found the days to be practical, helpful, and encouraging. At the moment there are more than twenty young Brothers in the novitiate in Kutama; at least an equal number can be found in the postulancies in Malawi and Zambia.
New members
Brother Alfonso Levis of the São Paulo Province in Brazil joined the General Administration Community on December 16th. He is serving as Secretary of the Commission for Formation and the Promotion of Vocations.
At its session on January 12th, the General Council named Brother Jean Paul Salvas from the Province of Iberville, Canada to be assistant archivist; Brother Réal Fournier from the Province of Quebec, Canada to be treasurer for the General House, replacing Brother Benedetto Termini; and Brother Pietro Sto from the Province of Italy to be Procurator General, replacing Brother Brian Sweeney. These nominations become effective next summer. Our thanks to Brothers Brian and Benedetto for their years of work here, and our best wishes to those who are joining us.
A UN report to ponder
The report states that unbridled consumerism in first-world countries is progressively widening the gap between rich and poor, sharpening inequality of opportunity, and leading straight to the world’s social abandonment of more a billion people. Here are a few facts to chew on: The richest 225 people in today’s world have already amassed more wealth than two and a half billion (2,500,000,000!) poor people. The three richest men in the world claim ownership over more financial assets than the total Gross Domestic Product (GDP) of the 48 poorest countries on this planet. 20% of the people in this world are consuming 86% of the Earth’s resources. 1.2 billion people live on less than one US dollar a day.
Marist Evangelization Program in the U.S.
Marist Leadership Conference
The first annual Leadership Conference sponsored by the Brothers of the United States Provinces took place from December 6th through the 8th at their Retreat Center in Esopus, New York.
Fourteen lay men and women and four Brothers from fourteen Marist schools across the country met to enrich their appreciation of the story and charism of St. Marcellin Champagnat. As educators, participants spent the weekend identifying, affirming, and owning the values that they share with Marcellin, with a view to returning to their school communities and sharing the wealth of their insights and plans of action.
Much time was spent in zeroing in on essential components of a Marist school. High on the list: that the school be a home filled with family spirit; a place distinguished by devotion to Mary and Marcellin as models of faith and hope; a community committed to empowering and uplifting the economically, spiritually, and academically marginalized members of society; a center marked by service to others, both within and outside of the school community.
Plans call for expanding the size and the scope of next year’s Conference. The directors of the U.S. Marist Evanglization program - Brothers Robert Clark and Hank Hammer, Mr. Steven Murphy, and Ms. JoAnn Walsh – expressed their gratitude to Brother Alex Turton and the Brothers of the Australian Provinces for their assistance in organizing this inaugural Conference.
Socio-religious outlook
By the year 2045, fully half of Brazil’s population will probably be Evangelical Christians, according to recent data published by the Brazilian Institute of Geography and Statistics. The Institute calculates that 20 million of today’s Brazilians are Protestants, out of a total population of 160 million. The number of Evangelicals is growing at twice the rate of the country’s population.
In Montreal, Canada
During the last trimester, in Montreal, Canada, a spaghetti dinner was held to raise funds for the Brothers of the Province of Iberville doing mission work in Haiti. The Haiti-Marist Committee, made up of young people, their parents, Brothers and some former Brothers, prepared the event with enthusiasm and high hopes. Brother Daniel Cournoyer, a missionary in Haiti, spoke about our schools there, about the Haitian people and their culture, as well as the collaboration taking place in services and planning for the future. He showed pictures of construction projects and the pipeline system for drinking water. He exhorted his fellow Canadians to be generous in their support of the Brothers’ efforts in Haiti, and he reminded them that the value of their financial support would be doubled because of the devaluation of Haiti’s currency. It’s gatherings like these that keep the missions going and provide a lifeline for the poorest of the poor.
Marist Apostolic Spirituality
The annual meeting of the Commission for Marist Apostolic Spirituality took place in the General House from January 3rd to the 8th. The meeting brought together the Brothers coordinating work in the different language groups: Brothers Mariano Varona, Alexis Turton, and Albert Andre. This year’s main objectives were to report on developments in each part of the world, share experiences and materials being used, and evaluate how the “network” is progressing. Also, to deepen aspects of our spirituality and continue reflecting on the best means for encouraging Brothers involved in this work. Being keenly aware of Father Champagnat’s imminent canonization and the ever-changing world in which we live, they took another look at the demands implied by the spirituality our Founder has left us as a joyful inheritance.
Two Marist Missionary Sisters
To mark the Thirtieth Anniversary of the Diocese of Montego Bay in Jamaica, thirty men and women were recognized for their outstanding personal contributions in spreading the Faith, developing the Christian life, and helping the local Church to grow. Esther Reid and Georgeanne Marie Donovan, Marist Missionary Sisters, were included in this very select group receiving awards.
Outstanding alumnus
Christodolus, the newly named Archbishop of Athens and Patriarch of Greece, was a student at the Marist Brothers high school in Patisia, Athens. Brother Louis Hochet, his French teacher, remains in touch with him. The new Archbishop has frequently honored the school with visits, giving talks to the students and faculty of Leonin High School.
Pacific Regional Council
Provincials and District Superiors of the PRC met in Manila last October 22nd. Discussions centered around the question of more and better ways to work together, and the possible restructuring of Provinces and Districts in that part of the world. Statistics and data collected by each Administrative Unit were examined and analyzed. Looking ahead ten years, projected numbers for each Administrative Unit drew special attention. Two key concerns came to the fore: viability in terms of both economics and vocations. These two areas will need the Council’s special care and attention. In general, with regard to restructuring, there seems to be an attitude of openness on the part of those in Administrative Units who have been consulted on the topic.
Superior General of the Marist Fathers
In his Christmas greetings to the Society of Mary, Fr. Joaquin wrote of the Canonization of our Founder. “Let’s not forget,” he noted, “that in addition to being the Founder of the Marist Brothers, Marcellin Champagnat was always an eminent member of the Society of Mary, and was proud to proclaim that fact for as long he lived. It’s even more important to appreciate all he did in founding and developing the Society, and in establishing its mission. His life has tremendous meaning, and we absolutely need his example, and even more, his intercession... Let’s get on with those considerations right now, leaving the future - planning for celebrations and a possible trip to Rome – to take care of itself.”
New man at the helm in MAPAC
Brother Carl Tapp of the New Zealand Province has been named President of the Marist Asian and Pacific Center (MAPAC). All of the Marist Family in the region gathered for Eucharist on January 2, the first official day of Brother Carl’s taking up his service there. Brothers from all the cultures represented at the School gave him warm words of welcome both in their own languages and in English. Br Barry Burns sent in, from New Zeland, a letter of welcome, that was read during the event.
Brothers attending MAPAC hail from Australia, India, Kiribati, New Zealand, Pakistan, Papua New Guinea, the Philippines, the Solomon Islands, Sri Lanka, Vanuatu, and Western Somoa.
Our Marist Brothers in Romania
Friday, January 22nd saw tanks rumbling through the streets, attempting to disrupt the march of ten thousand miners heading for Bucharest. Fortunately, violence did not break out. The Brothers are safe.
During these first few months, the first hurdle to overcome is the language - getting a handle on it to communicate directly with the people. Studying and devoting themselves to apostolic work are of prime importance. In Bucharest, Miguel Sancha (Province of Madrid) teaches at a Greek Catholic high school and in a university, and Alejandro Martinez (Betica, Spain) works at a shelter and with street children. Georges Vidalis (Beaucamps-Hermitage and the District of Greece) works at a parish in Iaçi. Jose Luis Fernandez (Castilla, Spain) works with the Concord Association and at an agricultural school in Rapihvani. They’re making headway and very involved in alleviating the sufferings of abandoned, unschooled, and sickly children, as well as in ministering to the Gypsy population…. The harvest is great!
Our Brothers remain in solidarity with youth
Entrance of a third major faction in the Congolese conflict (The Congolese Democratic Coalition) further complicates the country’s socio-political situation. This in turn is jeopardizing the security and operating conditions of educational institutions, and making life miserable for missionaries in places like Kisangani. Nevertheless our Brothers are staying put, continuing to be present for young people, offering facilities and organizing school-related activities for them, keeping their hopes up, and providing them with at least a small measure of normalcy.
Death toll nearing 2000
An estimated two thousand people have perished in the violent January 25th earthquake that destroyed cities and villages in the coffee-growing region of Colombia. Armenia lies in ruins. Brother Abdon Alvear, Provincial, wrote to us: “Miraculously, the Director of the community in Armenia escaped being buried alive. He was making his way down a corridor when the ceiling came tumbling down. He managed to cling to a section of the wall, and in doing so saved his life. The rest of the Brothers came through the ordeal unscathed. Our school buildings were heavily damaged. The people in them at the time escaped unharmed. Brothers in the communities of Dosquebrados and Pereira were equally blessed in not suffering any personal injuries.”
/ number 41 / Rome, January, 27, 1999 / page 1Listing Of Recently Deceased Brothers
Family Name / First name /In Religion
/ Prof. /Province
/Date of death
Mauvernay / Jean / Cyprianus / 84 / 63 / Beaucamp-St.-Genis / 13-12-1998Moulin Vole / Gabriel / María Gregorio / 79 / 62 / México Occidental / 14-12-1998
Okafor / Richard / 67 / 34 / Nigeria / 29-12-1998
Côté / Joseph Athanase / Norbert Athanase / 87 / 68 / Esopus / 08-01-1999
Slivinski / Jaroslau / Isidoro Camilo / 81 / 62 / São Paulo / 12-01-1999
Gonzalvo Ortigosa / José / Moisés Ángel / 80 / 64 / Norte / 20-01-1999
Moretto / Reynaldo / Evaldo María / 69 / 50 / Porto Alegre
ALEGRE / 20-01-1999