Greetings in the name of Jesus the Lord.
Dear Confreres,
I am pleased to inform you that a lot of progress has been achieved in May. We had our first batch of the mantles completed with the black cross and alterations to the collar.
Also the long awaiting process to develop the medal to our satisfaction is now a reality. We have worked so hard and tried so many medal makers, now I can say that we are proud of what we have achieved.
The medals should be ready in about three weeks. As soon as they are ready, we post them to those who already paid for their.
I like to thank you all for your cooperation and support.
Now we are moving in the busiest time of the year with the preparations of the feast in honour of St. Peter and Paul. Here in Melbourne, we need to concentrate on selling the tickets for the Dinner Dance on Saturday, 2nd. July. We need to work hard to make sure we have enough number of people attending the Dinner Dance to make some profit.
The Mass in honour of St. Peter and Paul is taking place on Sunday, 3rd. July at St. Martin De Porres Parish in Avondale Heights. The Mass start at 11.15 a.m. The investiture of the new knights will be held after Holy Communion.
The mantle with the black Cross and new collar
The Supreme Council is very grateful to the Grand Prior Dame Angela Greto for her work to make the alterations to the mantles.
Chevalier SaverioGreto modeling the mantle.
The new medal with the black cross
Below members of the Executive of the Supreme Council display a sample of the new medal.Now that we have seen the medal, it was decided that the dames wear the medal under the collar like the knights. So the medal for the dames are now $85 like the knights. Those dames who already paid $125 for their medal, will receive a miniature medal to wear on the evening dress, instead of refund.
Members of the Executive from left: Chevalier Peter Paul Portelli – Grand Master holds a link from his chain, Dame Angela Greto – Grand Prior and Chevalier Joseph Coliero – Grand Chancellor and Personal Secretary to the Grand Master displaying the medal.
Message from the Grand Chancellor, Chev Joseph Coleiro
Dear Confreres. Another month passes and another month closer to the June 2017 conference in Malta - may I commend it to you to start looking at attending this important gathering of this body of members committed to christian charity. That brings me to another matter I wish to raise, that has been a matter for discussion and, for me, a matter I see all too often with proposal for new members. The Confraternity is not a club, it is not a social group, it is not a platform for opportunity to get dressed in regalia and sit in front rows. The Confraternity is about service, it is about charitable works and that is what counts before God. It is up to the priors and proposers of future members to ensure that their personal details sent in to the Supreme Council are detailed, not just a few words and in some cases meaningless ideas and acronyms. there should be detail about their charitable work and what they are willing to do in theConfraternity to help raise funds for the needy, and not just get a mantle and medal to wear.So, they are potential members, or indeed,if youas members, simplywant to get dressed up and be honoured with front places, yet do not want the effort of service and raising funds for the needy, then it is suggestedyou reconsider if theConfraternity is right for you. And if it is, that is great, welcome, and the hope is that theGrand Master, HE Chev Peter Paul Portelli will be pleased with regular reports of your great work in supporting the needy.
Also, if the Confraternity is for you, then lets us recall there are rules, including what we wear as our regalia. By way of example, asoldier does not wake up one day and decide he or she no longer wants the sandy coloureduniforms and decides to wear purple instead; same with this body, there are rules for what regalia we wear especially when we represent the body publicly.
Should you not like the regalia, pleaseput up proposals to the only body that can change it, which will ultimately beat your expense, beingthe Supreme Council. Alternatively, you conformbut you cannot at the same time not conform by wearingwhat is not approved as takes your fancy; the Grand Master has made it clear to me as the Grand Chancellor, and tothose those who have erred in this -such activitywill lead to dismissal from the Confraternity.
That brings up alighter note; the medal is well on the way to production and it will be a fine addition to our presentation in public. Until next month, go with care and dedication to the causes of this great Confraternity to help those in need. Chev J JColeiro.
Luncheon in support of the homeless ex-servicemen
On Sunday 1st. of May, the Knights of St. Peter & St. Paul were invited to take part in a fund raising luncheon to support the the homeless war veterans.
The luncheon was held at the Reggio Calabria Club in Brunswick near the City of Melbourne.
Various Italian groups took part in this event, including the Knights of St. John of Jerusalem. Priory of Melbourne.
The fund raising was organized by FederazioneItalianadeiCombattentiAlleati and the OSJ.
ChevalierDino De Marchi RFD KCSJ. Vice Chancellor of the Priory of Victoria read a message from the President of the Republic of Italy for the ocassion.
ChevalierDino De Marchi RFD KCSJ
Photo: The Knights of St. Peter & St. Paul with the Knights of the Order of St. John of Jerusalem, Priory of Melbourne.
Convention in Malta June 2017
During our Convention in Malta next year, we visit the village of Xewkija in Gozo to enjoy the festivities of St. John the Baptist.
Grand Chapter of the Philippines
Chevalier Ramon Moreno – Grand Prior
My Beloved Grand Master Chev. Peter Paul Portelli and Honorable Members of the Supreme Council,
On behalf of the Grand Chapter of the Philippines and our esteemed partner Caritas Manila under the leadership of H.E. Luis Antonio 'Cardinal' Tagle, allow me to extend our sincere thanks and gratitude for your kind and generous efforts to help the many poor and malnourished children of the Philippines.
The Holy Father has asked Catholics all over the world to feed the hungry most especially the children. This is part of the work, commitment and legacy of our great Confraternity.
The work at hand is not easy but we will by God's Grace achieve our goals to make it all possible.
Poverty and hunger in the Philippines is sadly on the rise. We are living in difficult and uncertain times. Our Confraternity is God's gift to help bring care and dignity to the poorest of the poor, the sick and the dying through the love of God and by our works of corporal mercy.
Once again and on behalf of our confreres and our good partner Caritas Manila allow me to express my deepest gratitude and thanks for all your care and support to us. God love and bless you all.
Peace and blessings be with you!
In St. Peter and St. Paul, and humbly at your service.
Ramon Jose Moreno y Ibarra Grand Prior
NOTE: The Confraternity has $1000 allocated so far to Caritas in the Philippines.
Holy relic of St. Anthony
We have finished the first part of the Pilgrimage of the Holy Relics of St Anthony. The Pilgrimage shall run till the end of the Year of Mercy. With the extreme heat our country is experiencing due to Global Warming many people here have caught the flu. I have been sick for the past 3 weeks now with a bad cough and colds. I am now recovering thanks to the prayer of many.
On your inquiry about Caritas. I shall send you tomorrow the bank account of Caritas Manila. The Cardinal is out of town at the moment. He was recently in Cambodia.
I pray that you and your family and all our confreres are well.
May God bless and protect you and Our Great Confraternity!
Ramon Moreno
Chapter of British Columbia
Dear H.E. Chev. Peter Paul Portelli, Grand Master.The month of May was very busy, which accounted to some positive result. On behalf of the Chapter of British Columbia I have presented to Monsignor Jerry Desmond a certificate on his 50th. anniversary of his ordination, in recognition of his tireless work for Catholic Church and parishioner in the diocese of Kamloops.Monsignor Jerry Desmond served for many years as priest at St. James Parish in Vernon, British Columbia, in t he diocese of Kamploops.
Guenter A. Rieger - Prior, Msgr. Jerry Desmondand Dame Regina Rieger.
With prayerful wishes,
Guenter Alfred Rieger, Prior
Chapter of Nigeria
Chevalier Edoka Peter Paul
With grateful heart, I would love to thank and appreciate the entire Knights and Dames of this noble body, especially members of the Supreme Council, for the most needed donation of $500; which is a huge support for the ongoing Parish Hall in St. Julius Catholic Church, Agbado, Ogun State, Nigeria.
The donation was received by the Parish Priest, Rev. Fr. Gilbert Fagbemi, who, on behalf of the entire parishioners of the Parish, shows profound appreciation and pledged that the donation will be used for its purpose.
Attached to this mail is the picture of the on-going construction which is still in its early stage. I extend my hands and that of the parish for more support from individuals who have keen interest in supporting the Church at our locality for expansion and growth-as the hall shall have facilities for the empowerment of the Youths.
I pray God to bless and reward all the generous hearts of this great body and may His Face raise and shine on all your endeavours.
Yours Sincerely,
Chev.Edoka Peter-Paul
Knight Commander of Grace,
Chapter of Nigeria
Grand Chapter of Germany
Monthly Report of the Grand Chapter of Germany for May 2016
By Chevalier Prof. LotharGellert – Grand Prior.
This month another important event took place in Austria. The Grand Prior took part in the knightly convent ceremony of the Austrian Knightly Order of St Michael in Vienna. This event took place in the Sankt Michaelerkirche, just opposite to the famous Hofburg in Vienna.
It was very solemn when the Members of the different chivalric Orders and organizations like the Corps Saint Lazarus International entered the church, partly accompanied by the banner of the Order.
Since our Member of the German Grand Chapter of the Confraternity Dr. Gerhard Ficker is Grand Prior of the Austrian Order of St. Michael, he took an active part in the Holy Mess as well.
Grand Chapter of Canada
Grand Prior Chev.SilvioDa Silva and Prior Chev. Bob Westhaver
Activities of Chapter of Cambridge
On May 30th Gand Prior Silvio Da Silva met with Prior Bob Westhaver to plan Cambridge activities. The date for the next investiture ceremony was previously set for Friday May 27 2016. We had a conflict with the investiture date and met to reschedule. We now have set the date to Thursday June 30, 2016. The location will be Cambridge City Hall in the Council Chambers, Chevalier Frank Monteiro has graciously confirmed availability.
Prior Bob Westhaver has placed an order for new medals, we are hopeful they will arrive in time for our June 30th investiture.
Prior Chev. Bob Westhaver
Priory of Cambridge
Grand Chapter of Austria
By Dame Simone Mayer – Grand Prior
Fr. Dr. Tiran Petrosyan.
I was at the invitation of Archimandrite Fr. Dr. Tiran Petrosyan in the Apostolic Armenian Church Vienna. We had a projected ranges talking about the cooperation of the Armenian Church with our Confraternity of the Knights of St.Peter and St.Paul and the Union for Human Rights and Minorities. The conversation was very cordial and it was agreed that we will try together in the future to take care of the Christian refugees. We also thank Anita SarafKilicci for your efforts for the refugees. We would especially like to thank you for the loving care with coffee and cake. God bless the Armenian Church, the members of the Armenian community.
Dame Simone Mayer
Chapter of Kenya
By Chev. Paul Mwanzia - Prior
Great day, Grand Master Peter Paul Portelli! Please pray for the success of our maiden meeting which takes place on the 11th June 2016 in Nairobi
New chapters in the Confraternity
Rwanda Scotland
Chev.CryspinKayitare Chev. Eddie Halstead
Prior for Rwanda Prior for Scotland
I like to thank those who contributed to this news letter. I thank you for your compliments.
As always, I hope that you enjoy reading it.
Let’s all follow the values of our patron saints Peter and Paul to help priests in poor countries evangelize the word of our Lord Jesus Christ.
This is how the new certificate will look. Designed by Grand Prior Chev. Dr. Nicola Mongelli.
Dinner Dance to raise money for our mission in Malindi, Kenya
Peace be with you.
In the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Spirit.
Yours faithfully in Christ Jesus the Lord
Peter Paul Portelli
Grand Master